If my theory of the DC gangster government is correct, it would be possible (though not necessarily likely) that they wait until after the midterms with a Republican majority Congress to get rid if both Sock Puppet and Kackles, elevating the Republican Speaker to the WH. Why? Assuming the speaker is Jordan, they have someone firmly in the Cartel who will continue Cartel business but under a far less obvious garb. It also provides cover for almost any method of eliminating the current execs-- who would plausibly imagine Democrats would get rid of their own and allow a Republican to take over? Then the Cartel could truly and utterly crush the souls of all the little proletariats who still believe there is some, meaningful difference between the parties when a GOP Congress and WH implement all the schemes of the Cartel as part of a national unity government. If you're going to implement some kind of police state or shred the rest of the Constitution, best to do it under the name of Republicans. It worked with the Patriot Act and the installation of the Fourth Branch under W, didn't it?
In your theory, what do they do about the DOJ persecution of Jan 6 false flag stooges? How do they tack to unity when currently they are going about criminalizing one half of the political spectrum?
Well, if DC really is a criminal cartel, then they come to some agreement about the J6 political prisoners. But virtuallyno on in dc cares about these patriots and they are sadly forgottenby too many in liberty media. (I feel compelled to respond to your maligning those people as stooges. A stooge is far too derogatory. Virtually all of the prisoners did nothing more than walk around chanting slogans, after the doors were opened for them by the Capos. Their guilt was in believing that Trump had some plan and that they had first amendment rights under the Constitution - to say nothing of their fourth amendment rights. )
Yeah I was meaning stooge sympathetically not pejoratively. To give you a sense of my position I am quite confident the whole Ashlii Babbit pantomime was a false flag as well. The DC Coroner report says she died from a gunshot wound to the anterior shoulder. Really. Factually. I challenge every supposed investigative journalist to investigate the rare instances where anyone in recorded medicine has died after being shot in the anterior shoulder ( either one). Let's just say what they are going to find is a LOT of comorbidities and bad luck. Contrary to recorded cause of death and the history of trauma medicine in this country, nay the world, We are to believe Miss Babbitt was shot in the anterior shoulder, was for some reason rendered relatively unable to move despite a rather gentle fall backward onto her backpack and the shoe of a bystander (who rather curiously it must be stated DIDN'T MOVE out of the way of the falling object (Ms. Babbitt) nor did he make any move to catch her or support her - leaving one to ask which is it, was the bystander taken by surprise by the falling Ashlii or was the bystander not taken by surprise?) And considering there is no mention of spinal injury or of her fall causing any other trauma to her body or contributing in any way to her death, and considering initial fake testimony was that she was shot in the neck ( a big difference in our perception is it not, someone shot in the neck has a lot easier path to morbidity than someone shot in the anterior shoulder) you would think there would be more not less focus on the coroner's report when it finally came out, sort of you know, to clear up the confusion in the public's mind, but the exact opposite happened, the coroner's report was, as they say, swept under the rug. Now, there may be a perfectly plausible explanation for how Ashlii Babbitt died that day, but we have decidedly not gotten that explanation.
And we are made to feel like conspiracy theorists and rabbit hole divers when we simply ask the question, can you run that by me again? (Kinda similar to operation save Ukraine's democracy from Vlad, no?)
Thanks for the clarification. I still think stooge is way too harsh and pejorative but agree that J6 was false flag all the way and many great patriots got swept up in a naive belief that we still have a voice in government.
And yes, the Babbit thing is just fishy all around. All part of the confabulated domestic terror scam.
That would be the obvious approach, but it would almost certainly require Dem cooperation--that might be a hangup. OTOH, Mitch could say, hey, we let you have Zhou, now it's our turn.
Not really GOP nor RINO's they are actually GUPpies, members of the Globalists United Party, not red not blue. A school of little purple fish that lurk in the depths of the swamp.
Yes. More evidence to me of the eGOP rift with their actual voters. My gut feeling is Ukraine must have a huge amount of dark money going into the uniparty, siphoned off from aid.
My comment shd really be a reply to someone, something, but have been working hard today preparing to return to work from wu-flu - am still weak, daft & now rushing to have a last good night of rest.
I do believe Pelosi's son had connection to Kolomoisky & that laundromat everyone refers to as Ukraine. It's out there - seek & ye shall find.
Another possibility is it is all defensive. Things may be about to break and by addressing this little by little they can diffuse things. Joe can stay, Kamela can stray, Pelosi can stay and in any case the vote will be fortified. Bluto puts a band-aid on the last election and the midterms will be manipulated and then suitably dressed up and made presentable. The economy will crash but at least no mean tweets, or for that matter any tweets not pre-approved by the regime.
Small world when Zelensky and Hunter have had the same patron! The skeptic in me thinks that the Biden admin now going after Kolomoisky might just have something to do with Hunter's being under investigation and a matter of leverage.
Do you suppose our proxy war with Russia just might have a purpose a bit more sinister than standing up for the freedom of the brave people and leadership of the Ukraine? Like maybe covering up American political corruption? Naw.... couldn't be. Never have seen that in the news.
This is what Xi thinks of Biden: while holding a call with Biden during which he scolded the demented husk of a man, Xi ran a carrier battle group through the Taiwan Strait and up Biden's yin-yang. Quite the boss move by Xi. No fear, no subtlety, no respect.
If only the American people knew the full extent of what Xi has on the Biden Crime Family. If Kimball is right and Biden-Harris are not long for this political world, that might offer Xi a particularly attractive window for action--while the nation is roiled with replacing his patsies.
I imagine China doesn't much fear any military response from the current U.S. govt if they take Taiwan anytime soon. Rather, the fear must be that U.S.politicians might be forced by U.S. voters into meaningfully cutting off trade with China - a thing that really would threaten the CCP's hold on power. But such a cutoff would bring tremendous short-term pain to the U.S., also, so perhaps the voters here wouldn't have the stomach to go through with it.
This economic question, I think, is more what's on the mind of Xi - not the strictly military question.
Small correction. I don't see any evidence that federal politicians are "forced" to do anything by voters. The evidence runs exactly opposite. They do what they want despite voters.
Hahahaha...where are these unicorns coming from? Our political system and the Fourth Branch guarantee that no one makes it to dc or survives in dc unless they are part of the mob. Sure, you can get a Rand Paul or MTG who tosses some selected bombs around, but never anyone who does anything that can really challenge the essential corruption of DC. Salvation lies not in dc. Maybe some red states can band together and nullify DC. Maybe we get a collapse that throws all the game pieces off the board and it's a mad scramble for power. But an America First Congress? Rescue from dc? No way. That's being sold by people who want to bilk you for all the money you can't afford to send.
Haha...yes no money to spare on them for sure. But have hope! Just not in the false hope being peddled by the GOP grifters. We can be sure that the solution will come from an unexpected side. Our job is to prepare what we can locally w our family, neighbors, and town. Then be ready for the unexpected. In the meantime...maranatha.
I think Ginned up is right, in that the system is so corrupted that even a Red wave in November would be a temporary or impotent victory. All over the world, evil is winning. Even if we won most of the elections, our votes don't change the hearts of the evil, malevolent people out there.
But, that's what the Bible said would happen in the Last Days. Everything is falling into place. It's ok. My hope is in the Lord, and data seems to indicate He will be coming back soon. Make sure you know Him! https://www.livingwaters.com/are-you-a-good-person/
Well, as long as we're spitballin' here...
If my theory of the DC gangster government is correct, it would be possible (though not necessarily likely) that they wait until after the midterms with a Republican majority Congress to get rid if both Sock Puppet and Kackles, elevating the Republican Speaker to the WH. Why? Assuming the speaker is Jordan, they have someone firmly in the Cartel who will continue Cartel business but under a far less obvious garb. It also provides cover for almost any method of eliminating the current execs-- who would plausibly imagine Democrats would get rid of their own and allow a Republican to take over? Then the Cartel could truly and utterly crush the souls of all the little proletariats who still believe there is some, meaningful difference between the parties when a GOP Congress and WH implement all the schemes of the Cartel as part of a national unity government. If you're going to implement some kind of police state or shred the rest of the Constitution, best to do it under the name of Republicans. It worked with the Patriot Act and the installation of the Fourth Branch under W, didn't it?
In your theory, what do they do about the DOJ persecution of Jan 6 false flag stooges? How do they tack to unity when currently they are going about criminalizing one half of the political spectrum?
Well, if DC really is a criminal cartel, then they come to some agreement about the J6 political prisoners. But virtuallyno on in dc cares about these patriots and they are sadly forgottenby too many in liberty media. (I feel compelled to respond to your maligning those people as stooges. A stooge is far too derogatory. Virtually all of the prisoners did nothing more than walk around chanting slogans, after the doors were opened for them by the Capos. Their guilt was in believing that Trump had some plan and that they had first amendment rights under the Constitution - to say nothing of their fourth amendment rights. )
Yeah I was meaning stooge sympathetically not pejoratively. To give you a sense of my position I am quite confident the whole Ashlii Babbit pantomime was a false flag as well. The DC Coroner report says she died from a gunshot wound to the anterior shoulder. Really. Factually. I challenge every supposed investigative journalist to investigate the rare instances where anyone in recorded medicine has died after being shot in the anterior shoulder ( either one). Let's just say what they are going to find is a LOT of comorbidities and bad luck. Contrary to recorded cause of death and the history of trauma medicine in this country, nay the world, We are to believe Miss Babbitt was shot in the anterior shoulder, was for some reason rendered relatively unable to move despite a rather gentle fall backward onto her backpack and the shoe of a bystander (who rather curiously it must be stated DIDN'T MOVE out of the way of the falling object (Ms. Babbitt) nor did he make any move to catch her or support her - leaving one to ask which is it, was the bystander taken by surprise by the falling Ashlii or was the bystander not taken by surprise?) And considering there is no mention of spinal injury or of her fall causing any other trauma to her body or contributing in any way to her death, and considering initial fake testimony was that she was shot in the neck ( a big difference in our perception is it not, someone shot in the neck has a lot easier path to morbidity than someone shot in the anterior shoulder) you would think there would be more not less focus on the coroner's report when it finally came out, sort of you know, to clear up the confusion in the public's mind, but the exact opposite happened, the coroner's report was, as they say, swept under the rug. Now, there may be a perfectly plausible explanation for how Ashlii Babbitt died that day, but we have decidedly not gotten that explanation.
And we are made to feel like conspiracy theorists and rabbit hole divers when we simply ask the question, can you run that by me again? (Kinda similar to operation save Ukraine's democracy from Vlad, no?)
Thanks for the clarification. I still think stooge is way too harsh and pejorative but agree that J6 was false flag all the way and many great patriots got swept up in a naive belief that we still have a voice in government.
And yes, the Babbit thing is just fishy all around. All part of the confabulated domestic terror scam.
That would be the obvious approach, but it would almost certainly require Dem cooperation--that might be a hangup. OTOH, Mitch could say, hey, we let you have Zhou, now it's our turn.
The map is not the territory.
Useful for analyzing Ukraine is very useful. I’m looking at actual actions, verses the propaganda. The banning of opposition parties is significant.
I’m surprised by all the GOP types going full Ukraine fanboys. Interesting lots of them also hate Trump.
Not really GOP nor RINO's they are actually GUPpies, members of the Globalists United Party, not red not blue. A school of little purple fish that lurk in the depths of the swamp.
You saw Mitch's statements today?
Yes. More evidence to me of the eGOP rift with their actual voters. My gut feeling is Ukraine must have a huge amount of dark money going into the uniparty, siphoned off from aid.
My comment shd really be a reply to someone, something, but have been working hard today preparing to return to work from wu-flu - am still weak, daft & now rushing to have a last good night of rest.
I do believe Pelosi's son had connection to Kolomoisky & that laundromat everyone refers to as Ukraine. It's out there - seek & ye shall find.
Glad to hear you are getting better.
@ccdirtdawgs best to you in your recovery! I have not seen any indication that you are now or have ever been daft!
Thank you!
Kholomoisky is behind a lot of this. I believe he's the guy behind Zelenskiy.
And some dedicated digging will likely reveal USAID, Dept of State & USG funded (OUR tax $$$s!) NGOs are backing the despicable Kholomoisky.
Can you do a story on this guy?
@dissonant1 posted a few good links re Kolomoisky below.
You know Hillary is slithering around in the shadows too.
Another possibility is it is all defensive. Things may be about to break and by addressing this little by little they can diffuse things. Joe can stay, Kamela can stray, Pelosi can stay and in any case the vote will be fortified. Bluto puts a band-aid on the last election and the midterms will be manipulated and then suitably dressed up and made presentable. The economy will crash but at least no mean tweets, or for that matter any tweets not pre-approved by the regime.
While we are talking about oligarchs, here is an interesting one:
Small world when Zelensky and Hunter have had the same patron! The skeptic in me thinks that the Biden admin now going after Kolomoisky might just have something to do with Hunter's being under investigation and a matter of leverage.
Do you suppose our proxy war with Russia just might have a purpose a bit more sinister than standing up for the freedom of the brave people and leadership of the Ukraine? Like maybe covering up American political corruption? Naw.... couldn't be. Never have seen that in the news.
This is what Xi thinks of Biden: while holding a call with Biden during which he scolded the demented husk of a man, Xi ran a carrier battle group through the Taiwan Strait and up Biden's yin-yang. Quite the boss move by Xi. No fear, no subtlety, no respect.
If only the American people knew the full extent of what Xi has on the Biden Crime Family. If Kimball is right and Biden-Harris are not long for this political world, that might offer Xi a particularly attractive window for action--while the nation is roiled with replacing his patsies.
I imagine China doesn't much fear any military response from the current U.S. govt if they take Taiwan anytime soon. Rather, the fear must be that U.S.politicians might be forced by U.S. voters into meaningfully cutting off trade with China - a thing that really would threaten the CCP's hold on power. But such a cutoff would bring tremendous short-term pain to the U.S., also, so perhaps the voters here wouldn't have the stomach to go through with it.
This economic question, I think, is more what's on the mind of Xi - not the strictly military question.
Small correction. I don't see any evidence that federal politicians are "forced" to do anything by voters. The evidence runs exactly opposite. They do what they want despite voters.
Hahahaha...where are these unicorns coming from? Our political system and the Fourth Branch guarantee that no one makes it to dc or survives in dc unless they are part of the mob. Sure, you can get a Rand Paul or MTG who tosses some selected bombs around, but never anyone who does anything that can really challenge the essential corruption of DC. Salvation lies not in dc. Maybe some red states can band together and nullify DC. Maybe we get a collapse that throws all the game pieces off the board and it's a mad scramble for power. But an America First Congress? Rescue from dc? No way. That's being sold by people who want to bilk you for all the money you can't afford to send.
Haha...yes no money to spare on them for sure. But have hope! Just not in the false hope being peddled by the GOP grifters. We can be sure that the solution will come from an unexpected side. Our job is to prepare what we can locally w our family, neighbors, and town. Then be ready for the unexpected. In the meantime...maranatha.
I think Ginned up is right, in that the system is so corrupted that even a Red wave in November would be a temporary or impotent victory. All over the world, evil is winning. Even if we won most of the elections, our votes don't change the hearts of the evil, malevolent people out there.
But, that's what the Bible said would happen in the Last Days. Everything is falling into place. It's ok. My hope is in the Lord, and data seems to indicate He will be coming back soon. Make sure you know Him! https://www.livingwaters.com/are-you-a-good-person/