Well, as long as we're spitballin' here...

If my theory of the DC gangster government is correct, it would be possible (though not necessarily likely) that they wait until after the midterms with a Republican majority Congress to get rid if both Sock Puppet and Kackles, elevating the Republican Speaker to the WH. Why? Assuming the speaker is Jordan, they have someone firmly in the Cartel who will continue Cartel business but under a far less obvious garb. It also provides cover for almost any method of eliminating the current execs-- who would plausibly imagine Democrats would get rid of their own and allow a Republican to take over? Then the Cartel could truly and utterly crush the souls of all the little proletariats who still believe there is some, meaningful difference between the parties when a GOP Congress and WH implement all the schemes of the Cartel as part of a national unity government. If you're going to implement some kind of police state or shred the rest of the Constitution, best to do it under the name of Republicans. It worked with the Patriot Act and the installation of the Fourth Branch under W, didn't it?

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The map is not the territory.

Useful for analyzing Ukraine is very useful. I’m looking at actual actions, verses the propaganda. The banning of opposition parties is significant.

I’m surprised by all the GOP types going full Ukraine fanboys. Interesting lots of them also hate Trump.

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My comment shd really be a reply to someone, something, but have been working hard today preparing to return to work from wu-flu - am still weak, daft & now rushing to have a last good night of rest.

I do believe Pelosi's son had connection to Kolomoisky & that laundromat everyone refers to as Ukraine. It's out there - seek & ye shall find.

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You know Hillary is slithering around in the shadows too.

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Another possibility is it is all defensive. Things may be about to break and by addressing this little by little they can diffuse things. Joe can stay, Kamela can stray, Pelosi can stay and in any case the vote will be fortified. Bluto puts a band-aid on the last election and the midterms will be manipulated and then suitably dressed up and made presentable. The economy will crash but at least no mean tweets, or for that matter any tweets not pre-approved by the regime.

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While we are talking about oligarchs, here is an interesting one:



Small world when Zelensky and Hunter have had the same patron! The skeptic in me thinks that the Biden admin now going after Kolomoisky might just have something to do with Hunter's being under investigation and a matter of leverage.

Do you suppose our proxy war with Russia just might have a purpose a bit more sinister than standing up for the freedom of the brave people and leadership of the Ukraine? Like maybe covering up American political corruption? Naw.... couldn't be. Never have seen that in the news.

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This is what Xi thinks of Biden: while holding a call with Biden during which he scolded the demented husk of a man, Xi ran a carrier battle group through the Taiwan Strait and up Biden's yin-yang. Quite the boss move by Xi. No fear, no subtlety, no respect.

If only the American people knew the full extent of what Xi has on the Biden Crime Family. If Kimball is right and Biden-Harris are not long for this political world, that might offer Xi a particularly attractive window for action--while the nation is roiled with replacing his patsies.

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Removed (Banned)Mar 20, 2022
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