Even more normie conventional types are beginning to catch on:


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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

If Biden sticks to his guns, the Dems and media will cave. This is like a game of chicken. Who'll blink first? I don't like either Biden or the Dems, so my only concern is what hurts both of them. They are perfect for each other.

Biden doesn't need money or Dem support if he stays in the race. He's guaranteed about 47% of the vote, the same as Trump. It's that 6% of the electorate that's in play.

For the sake of argument, if Biden stayed in and won, they'd all come to love him and the gaslighting would start right back up.

Biden's not the president we need, but he is the president we deserve.

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"Biden's not the president we need, but he is the president we deserve." Never a truer statement.

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It's a testament to the genius of the Founding Fathers and to the strength of many countrymen who went before me that the United States has gone along this far without collapsing.

We are running on fumes, in my opinion.

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If my comments appear irrelevant to the discussion, just take a second look.

I've read that the average lifespan of an empire is 250 years. Although our country has existed, officially, for 258 years (1776 to 2024), we've been an empire, come September 2, 2024, for only 79 years.

Now, although we've been an empire for only 79 years, which means that we SHOULD have another 171 years to go before our empire dies,

1. We now don't know the difference between MALE AND FEMALE.

2. We CONFUSE our CHILDREN by telling them that gender is how you "feel."

3. Due to our decision to engage in perpetual war, we are now the SINGLE MOST HATED COUNTRY AND PEOPLE ON THE F*CKING PLANET, and there are now some 89 countries LINING UP to join BRICS, because they are DISGUSTED with our belligerence; our use if the dollar to PUNISH countries that disagree with us; our destruction of the traditional family, traditional values, and we think that religion is a JOKE.

4. We can't properly manufacture SH*T. Ukrainian soldiers have COMPLAINED--constantly--that the "weapons" we send them ain't worth SH*T. [The original expression of "Ain't worth shit," if anyone doesn't know, is the following: "This ain't worth as much as a pile of SH*T!!"]

5. Walk the streets. Ask people, "Where is Ukraine?.......Where is Italy?.......Where is TEXAS?....." Once, an American was asked, "Where is Ukraine," and he answered, "Isn't it in Texas?"

6. We have eviscerated every single thing that makes a person SPECIAL. For example, "Birthing parents," rather than FATHER & MOTHER. Being a FATHER used to MEAN something. And being a MOTHER was like being GOD, who shares His Attribute of CREATION with females. If you see me on the streets and I ROB yo ass, DON'T define me as a "criminal." No!! That does NOT properly define me. Instead, just say that I'm "dysfunctionally possessive." Better YET, since I'm Black, just say, "He was simply collecting REPARATIONS."

7. We USED to put people who were NUTS into asylums. But NOW they have the RIGHT to be INSANE. And here's a perfect example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66WWlMCy51A

Joe Biden??!! Trump??!! POLITICS???!!!

We're f*cking INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are on the way OUT!!! We CAN'T have the military perform a coup [They're SUPPOSED to protect the country "from enemies, "FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC."], because they'll all be at the CLINIC undergoing transgender operations!!!!!!!

We're DONE!!! It's OVER WITH!!! Pessimistic? Naaaa. WE.......ARE........DONE!!! We are a civilization and an empire that has DIED. Jesus Christ HIMSELF [and I don't even BELIEVE in him!!!] would have to come back to fix this sh*t!!!!

Here's my advice. It's what my wife and I do: Watch all the film noir, 1940s/1950s movies that you can, for pure entertainment sake. NONE of them will be WOKE. So you can enjoy gumshoes, wise guys, gorgeous dames, and dirty rats, to your heart's content, until this joint COLLAPSES. Here's a couple of recommendations:

Full Moon Matinee: https://www.youtube.com/@fullmoonmatinee1698/videos

DK Classics V: https://www.youtube.com/@dkclassicsv4347/videos

And don't worry if, occasionally, one of those film noir movies features the Black, pop-eyed, slow-talking, head-scratching, "dumb" Negro, Stepin' Fetchit. He HAPPENED to be RICH (and owned his own airplane!!!) Just enjoy the f*cking MOVIE!!!

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I agree with you on watching old movies. That’s what I prefer to watch myself when taking time to watch something. People give me a hard time about it, but F ‘em.

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Yep! F ' em. I don't drink. The last drink I had was in the year 1975, and it was just a few brewskies. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. I don't mess around [Been married to the same woman for 34 years, come this September].

I'd always prided myself in my ability to TAKE pressure. But the way our society is going is WAY, WAY, WAY too much even for me. I finally realized that I needed an escape: pre-Woke, film-noir movies. No agenda. Having a partner, my wife, helps me tremendously.

I almost left the U.S. in 1976, to defect. But, WHERE? So, yeah, my escape is movies. I wrote 472 articles at Substack, but last week I decided to call it quits. Here's my Archive page, which lists my articles. I'm DONE:


I had non-paying subscribers, because I didn't want to do the hard work it takes to keep subscribers, at that level, interesting. I'm long retired. (Lazy, I guess).

I don't know what more I can do. Vote? Both parties like war. Trump kept us out of war. But now, he seems to have this love affair with Israel. Maybe because of his daughter [?], who converted to Judaism. I have two daughters. There is NO POWER ON EARTH greater, to a man, than Daddy's little girl. Maybe that's what happened with Trump, I don't really know for sure.

Col. Macgregor, Col. Kwiatkowski, Col. Shafer, Col. Wilkerson, Professor Meirsheimer, Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern, Max Blumenthal, and a number of other experts I've viewed interviews of since Thursday, Feb. 24, 2022, the day Russia started its SMO, have ALL told us that we now have "reckless" and "incompetent" leaders, both in the State Department and the White House.

As our Jewish brothers and sisters would put it, "Oy vey!!" (Translation: SH*T!!!) In the past, I never believed that our leaders were incompetent. Corrupt, yes. But not incompetent. But then, some two years ago, I viewed this 1-hr, 44-min. video by Gonzalo Lira:


I tried to summarize his views: Starting in high school, our future "leaders" develop a form of habituated conformity that leads to habituated incompetence. Fascinating, but depressing (at least for me). Well, since Lira's analysis, I have heard ALL of the above-mentioned experts, interviewed by Judge Napolitano, openly state that our leaders are ACTUALLY and LITERALLY incompetent.

Oy vey!!!! Just the THOUGHT of that is enough to make me go back to my pre-1975 DRINKING days!! Lira says that, once they graduate from their Ivy League, East Coast colleges, and enter politics, they join OTHERS, in government, who had gone through the SAME SYSTEM, never really challenging themselves; always "playing the game" to get "good grades," but not really KNOWING anything. That sh*t scares me!!

So, it's either Johnny Walker Red, Johnny Walker Black, Calverts, Schlitz Malt Liquor, or film noir movies for ME.

Peace, and thanks for your comment!!

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

I think you hit the nail squarely on the head, except for the statement that you don't believe in Jesus Christ.

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I go from day to day. One day, I want to stay in the fight. The next day, at MY age (mid-70s), I'm like, "I've DONE mine. It's young people's turn." I want draw a list. But, I'm added plenty to this life.

As regard "Jesus Christ," I'm Muslim [a foul-mouthed Muslim, yes}, and I DO believe in Isa (whom Christians called "Jesus Christ.") I don't see him as you see him (I'm assuming you're Christian).

And I THINK it's better to not say much more. My apologies, in fact, for bringing his name into the discussion. I was trying to make a point that EVEN I, who am not a Christian, am sometime desperate that somebody--ANYBODY--do something.

I hope we can put the issue of Jesus to the side. I'm not going to be "converted." And I'm not gonna try to convert you or anyone else. Those days are long gone. Again: I apologize for bringing Jesus into this discussion in a rather flippant way. And I think it best to leave it at that.

In our country, we have more than enough "reasons" to stay divided. I am a late-comer to patriotism. I don't want to say much more. Maybe tomorrow, I'll feel better about the country. Peace to all.

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Thanks for clarifying.

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Bless you. I think you just really needed to get something off your chest. I don't think it matters who or what you believe in - we are all made of the same material that stars are formed from. I think you are a person who cares and that is so important in this day and age. I hope you feel lighter for ranting. Peace be upon you.

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Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot. As far as caring, that's my PROBLEM: I care TOO MUCH. A common "problem," I'm certain. I'm not the only one. Thanks again!!

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A friend once told me I care too much. He is/was right. And it is a common problem.

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CORRECTION: 248 years.

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Those who follow politics knew it would be the drying up of campaign contributions after the debate that would sink Biden and his merry band of grifters. A few donkey congressmen and senators disavowing Biden's candidacy can be laughed off, but not a massive difference between the Trump and Biden campaign coffers. That dog won't hunt.

The Biden clan hasn't seen a favorable news cycle since the debate. That's tough on morale, always being on defense. And with each appearance by 'Dr.' Jill subbing for her enfeebled husband, she is taking on the persona of Nurse Ratched.

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We've seen how Biden handles anything less than softballs; interesting to see how he handles actual scrutiny.

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Sundance also wrote yesterday about the George Clooney / Obama alignment. It is worth a read, too. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/07/10/barack-approved-george-clooney-tells-joe-biden-its-time-to-go/

Sundance is back to being required reading.

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Sundance is ready for it. He wrote today, https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/07/11/hey-joe-the-call-is-coming-from-inside-the-building/.

Here is a long quote, but it is the whole game. The caps are mine since we can't format comments.

"There is no way the entirety of the system, which in this case is specifically the U.S. State Department and Intelligence Community, would normally be launching a full-frontal assault on the office of the presidency while international leaders are here [for the NATO summit].

"This just isn’t done and represents a historic inflection point. So, we must ask what’s the background, motive and intent?

"The obvious answer is that removing Joe Biden is seen as the best option for the DoS/IC. This perspective highlights the non-pretending reality that these institutions regard the November election as lost if Joe Biden remains their candidate.


"The Supreme Court said, the PRESIDENT IS "A PERSON ALONE WHO COMPRISES A BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT." [pdf, page 38] In essence, the president *IS* the Executive Branch, and all of the other various bureaucratic agents and agencies within it are under his unilateral “official act” control."

And so Trump could fire them for starters. And Congress could not write legislation that would make constitutional responsibilities of the president illegal.

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Et tu, Deep State?

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He who lives by the bribe, dies by the bribe.

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The statement by the Congressman that I quoted confirms what we've been saying: It's all about Trump. Having a senile president isn't the real issue. It's impossible to believe that Trump doesn't know who his real enemies are, his most dangerous enemies. It's not the pygmies in Congress. He's leaving the Drain the Swamp rhetoric alone, but he has to know.

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…and here we thought it was all about Zhou having a screw loose in head!…which apparently didn’t bother anyone until…SCOTUS.

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