American foreign policy types practice these methods to win friends and influence peoples, insults, threats, economic destruction and lastly military destruction in the name of saving "democracy." Did I miss any of their techniques? How is that they repeat the mistakes of history without any adverse consequences?

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That AT column is really excellent. Insightful, objective, and truthful. A particular area of importance it illuminates is that the Russians have been smart enough and competent enough and motivated enough to prepare for the present circumstance in Ukraine and its ramifications. Why? Because they had reason to... because the West has for decades signaled it wants Russia to cease to exist as an independent, self governing country. And along with that cessation goes its history and culture.

Now if we had signals that a certain world player wanted OUR country to cease to exist as an independent, self-governing country, and wanted our history and culture to be exterminated, would our leaders not do the same as the Russians? Or would they just continue to hasten our demise and say "come on in, you paid for it, it's yours"? That said, when the truth about our leaders having been bought out becomes known widely enough, will enough of our populace think our government is worth giving up their lives to save?

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Well isn’t this just lovely! The geniuses in charge have apparently mis-underestimated how the world perceives us, have apparently mid-underestimated the economic perils of getting into a pissing contest with Russia, have apparently mis-underestimated how you determine the “real world” wealth of a nation, have apparently mis-underestimated the possibility of getting into a thermonuclear exchange while pursuing said pissing contest and have apparently mis-underestimated just how quickly their insane and self destructive policies could blow up in their faces and plunge the entire world into a living nightmare! Have these morons ever heard of somber reflection? Ooops, I forgot, they have obviously mis-overestimated their IQ! So we now find ourselves in a situation that, according to someone who actually does have a functioning brain, is more perilous than the Cuban missle crisis? With apologies to Shakespeare, “what a curse is laid upon our heads”.

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