We'll get a sign as to how much Trump means business by his VP pick. Mike Flynn, Kash Patel or Devin Nunes would mean he's completely serious. Ben Carson might be almost as much a sign of being serious. Some of the others, Rubio?! or Burghum?! would signal that he didn't learn a thing from having backstabbing GOPe Pence as his veep.

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Joe's being abandoned hard.

I'm in DC and the panic is real.

Deconstruction is on the menu.

The "Entree" is the DOJ.

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Trump will win (WS made their peace with this months ago) and then will be harassed for 4 years, as he extracts his "revenge." more Supreme nominations? The real craziness will hit.

He will end the Ukraine conflict - leaving Russia what they already have and blocking NATO membership (US might leave NATO behind).

Democrat money is tired of those who control Biden (Hilary and her "girlfriends") and want their party back -- for global

business purposes, since the Reps are now "populist/nationalist."

Dems attention has already shifted to taking back the House, holding the Senate and initiating a primary-based run at 2028, when there is no Trump. Biden/Obama/Clinton is now way under-the-bus! Despite what most say.

The Dems will go to the “left” and look to the Silicon Valley “elites.” The party of “women?” Women not voting or leaving the party is what really scares them.

New “third” party gets ramped up?

We live in interesting times indeed…;)

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Apologies, earlier comment was a reply to Amanda R

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Excellent analysis. You've incorporated most of the significant facts. The only one missing is what are the multi-national corporations plotting. As I once heard, the US has the best government money can buy. And the multi-nationals have bought it. My one caveat is tying the Zionist bankers and the corporations together. I don't have all those dots connected. But Sundance does have all the dots with the multi-nationals and the politicians connected.

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It will be Clinton/multinationals vs. Obama/Harris and then vs Trump.

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Realistically if the deep state is gunning for conflict Trump is the ideal candidate. He’s the only candidate that can get patriotic white Americans to line up for war. I can’t imagine anyone lining up behind Karma Sutra.

Maybe the Democide is a planned implosion, seems ridiculous that a President’s wife could hold the nation to ransome.

Of course I’m just an outsider looking in.

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Seems ridiculous but then there was Edith Wilson before this as, stop me if you've heard this before, the vain wife of a truly despicable D president wouldn't let him walk or be rolled away after his health left him incapacitated. Plus ca change . . .

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Biden has made it clear he isn't going to quit, so the ball is now on the other side of the net.

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*Biden's handlers have made it clear.

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Biden should not trust anyone who offers him opportunities to ride his mountain bike or have photo-ops next to high cliffs. And only accept the ice cream cone from Jill Biden providing she carries photo ID.

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I've dusted off my tinfoil hat for this one. I can't help but feel this has been orchestrated. I can't help but feel the U.S is being herded in one direction.

The Zhou presidency was obviously a fix from the get go, but look at Obama - he came from nowhere and rose meteroically, which suggests to me he was also installed. The Zhou Democratic machine has failed spectacularly and now the only people clinging on are the people who have the most to lose when the good lady justice comes calling. They are being cut loose now because they are dead weight.

Trump is pro Israel - could it be that the Biden administration has been cut loose because of the support for Palestine in Democratic ranks? Could it be that the GOP is being given this term because the Israel Lobby has decided it is the best course of action? There are enough money wh**res in both parties to ensure a set up and take down could be put in play should the politicians not be working out as planned. I could be wrong, I probably am. But I can't help but wonder.

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All good questions.

I would like to think that Trump is as disgusted with the words and actions of Bibi/Likud over the last nine months, but his main goal...really his only goal...is to win. Then, if he does, we'll see how he would resolve the Levant and the Ukraine projects. Including in light of the promises he will have made.

In the meantime, yes, I suspect some Jewish donors are getting over their qualms about Trump.

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I am itching for a Trump 2nd term. The only thing that worries me is his apparent support for Israel but yes I agree - I am hopeful that his deal making will start on day one as well as some Draino poured into the crevices of D.C.

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I think the end will be when the Puppeteers say it is, not when Joe says it is.

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It's true that his strong statement hasn't stopped the swell of the Dump Zhou faction. The problem remains Kama Sutra. Steve Sailer has maintained for years that the trend of the Dem as a party is to take on the brand of being the Black party. How will all this play out among the various parts of the "coalition of the fringes" in Sailer's term? How will Hispanics and Arabs (she has a Jewish husband) and Asians react to what they could perceive as a Black takeover? It's complicated to say the least. Plus, the puppeteers can't count on all these factions staying in line, i.e., unquestioning support of Israel and their other social priorities. Lots of moving parts here.

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Plus, she's just barely more black in appearance than Meghan Markle.

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Mind you, I'm not exactly disagreeing with you. After all, sooner or later the money people will call the shots. What I'm saying is that they may have a hard time deciding on the shot. Kama Sutra is probably the safest choice, just because it's the conventional way of doing things. But she could end up being very divisive for the party and a deeply unpopular candidate. Nothing will be easy or without downsides.

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Yep. Don’t think for a minute she wouldn’t relish being seen leaving Air Force 1 from the stairs up front. A charade President.

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Nor am I disagreeing with you. It will be a very tough call for them.

While I personally think Kamala would be a sub-satisfactory President (even putting left/right politics aside), Joe has proven that the country persists even when the C-in-C is sub-satisfactory. Whoever is running the show today would run Kamala's show.

So the question, which you rightly highlight, is whether she can beat Trump. It will be interesting where the polling (adjusted for swing state ballot harvesting, etc) comes out before the convention. If there is substantial doubt she can beat Trump (and no other candidate emerges who answers all the questions and polls well enough to beat Trump), then I still think they'll stick w Biden...and take credit for loyalty if he somehow wins (strange things can happen) and blame the whole debacle on him and Dr Jill if he loses...and loses badly.

I've said this before, but I'll also say I think some Dems may be coming around to accepting a New and Improved Trump Presidency as not only non-fatal...but manageable. They more or less boxed him in last time and I'm sure there's a school of thought which thinks they can do it again this time.

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I have less faith than you in believing that the Dems will accept Trump.

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"A new wave of enthusiasm is emerging for former President Trump among VCs and business leaders across America. While some (or much) of this may be simply reading tea leaves and staying nimble, it's worth noting that many former Democrat defenders are now on team Trump."


And its not just among some techies. Its Zionist Dems, too. Let's just keep watching and see what eventuates.

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What would be her power base be? The Zhou DNC or the Black Congressional Caucus and the Obama crowd that went to bat for her? The Obama crowd undoubtedly includes Valerie Jarrett, who I understand is an Iranophile.

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Lady MacBiden won't let him quit. It's going to be a lot of fun watching these psychopaths tear each other apart over the next 6 months.

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It is becoming clearer for me.

Jim Clyburn and Obama are now supporting Kamala. Sundance was right about the 2016 and 2020 elections to an amazing degree. He says, "Clyburn is going to the White House today to tell Joe Biden whether he should exit or try and stay as the democrat nominee. James Clyburn and Barack Obama are the two characters in the professional democrat system who will make that decision, everyone else will fall in line just like 2020. If Clyburn tells Biden to go, then Biden goes."

So Biden may be gone. Harris has been VP for 3 1/2 years. She understands how the presidency works. She understands what she is capable of.

Harris isn't stupid. She knows that she would need someone to guide her as president. It's a perfect fit for her and Obama. He can run things, this time with a White House occupant who recognizes that she doesn't have the vision or skill to pull it off herself. She won't find ways to "F" things up like Biden. It will function much better than what we've been subjected to under Biden.

I am not saying that it will be a good arrangement for America or the world. I think this will be a minority viewpoint for a while. But I think the election will be Trump vs. Harris backed by Obama.

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It is in fact Trump vs Harris even if Biden stays in until the bitter end. I believe he will. But he is partially non functional now, and will only get worse. Everyone knows that. So Kamala will be President if Biden wins.

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The real wild card would be Zhou/Kama winning, but one or both chambers of Congress remaining/going GOP. That would pose major problems for replacing Zhou, because the VP would have to be approved by majority vote of both chambers.

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But...if Biden/Harris wins...and after the election it is decided that Biden has to go...there is no requirement that a new VP must be chosen. The office could simply remain vacant...and Speaker Mike (or Speaker Hakeem?) would be next in line.

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Right. In a split senate like today they lose a tie breaker w/o a VP, and impeachment deprives the party in the WH of a fallback w/o a VP. In constitutional crises the VP suddenly matters. As now.

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So control of Congress looks pretty critical.

I've been seeing articles on the Dem side suggesting that the Presidential race may be lost and so Dem money should gravitate towards winning House and Senate races.

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Do we rely on Speaker Johnson to sort this out? He better have people prepping for this now. He’s already been de- pantsed with defense funding and border.

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Clyburn and Obama have always backed Kama Sutra. Back in 2019 Zhou was trailing all the primaries behind most of the other candidates. Then suddenly, South Carolina (Clyburn's) primary resulted in all the candidates dropping out. Why? Because Zhou was given a deal with the devil. We'll support you Zhou if you take on Kama Sutra as your wingman er. winglady.

Yes you can bet Obama will be on full jet set mode if the decision is made to pull Zhou and insert Sutra. BTW, what is 1st lady (the good doctor's) opinion and relationship of Clyburn? I think we know what it is with Barry and Michelle can't stand her.

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Which would mean... Obama doesn't really care how bad Biden F's it up until/unless it gets to the point where President Harris is in jeopardy. Then comes the "sorry Joe but it's time" visit from Clyburn. Makes all too much sense.

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No. He does care as it was Barry’s plan to have her ready for 2028. However… appears it could be sooner.

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Rhetoric was Obama's strength and is Harris' weakness. Some of it is teachable. I won't be surprised if the word salad days are in the past for Kamala.

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The dems may wish her word salad days are in the past, but she can't give up her jibberish. Check out this clip,


“We have the ability to see what can be, unburdened by what has been, and then to make the possible actually happen.”

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Could the Democrat power brokers replace Kama Sutra on the ticket with who they want to replace Biden then later take Biden off as a way to move the money raised by Biden to the eventual nominee?

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Interesting question.

I have no expertise whatsoever in campaign-finance law, but, from the smattering of specialist analyses I've read, it would appear that the named candidates are, effectively, successors to one another with respect to those funds, such that, if one gets removed, the other can direct those funds fairly seamlessly.

So, yes, assuming (x) Kamala accepts whatever buyout it would take to agree to her replacement (which funds would arrive outside of the FEC ecosystem from Arabella or one of the other big-donor clearinghouses) and (y) Kamala's supporters would not burn everything down (two HUGE assumptions), Joe could probably continue to direct funds for so long as he remained on the ticket. So, presumably, he'd stay on the ticket under such scenario, with the "wink-wink" understanding with the power players that he'd step down at the last moment in favor of whatever rockstar VP they think they've found. Alternatively, they could irrevocably commit all funds right now on pre-election ad buys and the like in target markets, with content to come later. That would be pretty sketchy as to who actually gets to direct that content later on.

Apparently, those funds could also be handed over to a new Biden PAC or the DNC in support of another candidate, but neither that PAC nor the DNC would be allowed to "coordinate" with such other candidate on the use of such funds. Has anything we've seen so far indicated that the DNC powers that be would respect any kind of ethical wall?

P.S. Dig the Europe '72 pic.

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All of this takes time, and the difficulty is again Kama Sutra. You saw the reaction of Brazile at the idea of a "woman of color" being disrespected. Brazile knows the Dem base. Just look at the treatment Caitlin Clark is getting for an idea of the dynamics at play. To buy her out could prove very difficult. That's the point--nothing is easy, it's all legally complicated, and it's also personally complicated.

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Indeed. Brazile surprised me. I'd thought she'd become too comfortable of late in Georgetown party circles to stick her neck out like this. Unless, of course, she knows exactly where this is going to land, i.e., where Obama's heading.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

I think Brazile is just opening the negotiations with a Big Ask, like a Reparations-sized Ask, like Geithner's bailout ask.

Brazile is stopping her friend from giving it up too fast.

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And to think she was a Fox News contributor. Ghost of Seth Rich calling.

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Re Obama, his polling was not great at all. He was very fortunate in McCain and Romney.

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Yeah where was the Deepstate and Neocons back then.

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In charge. They were going to win whether Obama, McCain or Romney was installed as President. And they did.

Look at the rise of Victoria Nuland from the Clinton years all the way to 'Joe Biden'.

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I don't think fortunate. I think Uniparty maneuvering. The Republicans were complicit.

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Obama, personally, I agree. I was just thinking in terms of his control of the machine that can crush pockets of Harris doubters now that the Biden (and Hillary hangers-on) factions are in disarray.

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BRry’s deep pockets players are / were same as Zhou’s.

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Supposing that were possible, how do you imagine their base would react?

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Look at this news article from The Daily Caller: DNC Member James Zogby Lays Out Biden Replacement Plan That ‘Solves’ Kamala Harris, ‘Chaos’ Problems https://dailycaller.com/2024/07/03/dnc-james-zogby-joe-biden-replacement-plan-kamala-harris-cnn/

Plans potentially underway. Could be used to free up funds.

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But in fact Zogby's plan is the antithesis of 'democracy'.

It looks more like an 'election' conducted by the Communist Party in the old Soviet Union to me.

Under his plan a few hundred anonymous 'delegates' will be lobbied by power brokers with hundreds of millions of campaign dollars at their disposal to ratify the candidate they will have 'chosen'.

Where does the American voter express his or her preference in this setup?

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The parallels between the old Soviet Union and America today are startling.

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Look who's supporting that:


This is smoke filled room stuff. The BCC wants to get Kama Sutra in so she owes them and will turn the DNC over to them.

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For the most part, these days Democrats are voting against the Republican candidate rather than for the Democrat candidate so ultimately they just want someone that they think can beat Trump. They will have no problem switching their support to someone else they feel can beat Trump. After that debate I can't imagine that there are very many people that would have a problem with replacing Zhou.

Ultimately I keep coming back to having that debate a couple of months before the convention. The only possible reason for it is to be able to replace Zhou.

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I disagree. The Dem base is not just voting against Trump, and I believe would react with fury if Kama Sutra is forced out.

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Fury for a day or two. Then back to business. Beat Trump.

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For now, I'm enjoying them eating their own. It couldn't happen to a nicer group of people.

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