You have to hand it to Joe for tenacity...but has he reached his limit?

He's 81 years old, suffering from an ultimately fatal Parkinson's death sentence...shrinking physically before his own eyes, unable any longer to climb a staircase, he probably can no longer even dress himself. His facial skin is now pulled tight into a death mask, eyes squinting, he is wasting away, unable to form sentences or coherent thoughts. He's spent the last month riding red-eye airplanes back and forth across the Atlantic in a last ditch effort to hold on to power, consuming all manner of uppers and downers to go to sleep and get up in the morning...facing who knows what kind of potential charges for illegal possession of classified documents and influence peddling, wondering if his daughter's damning diaries will explode over the internet in a September Surprise, fearing his son will get sentenced to hard time for tax evasion, wondering what else Comer and his enemies have got on him...let alone what the CIA could do if the Deep State turns on him...

Its enough to make a man just want to head home to Delaware, don his aviators, hop in the Corvette in the garage and flip the ignition key...

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All that makes perfect sense. The real question remains: Who's making the decisions? Recall the BB pic of Zhou and Pelosi: Pelosi is telling him he resigned yesterday.

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The $64 question. Same question you have been asking at least since I showed up here.

I could speculate...and maybe I will...someday...but it is the real question.

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We have a employee at work that gets Covid every time some hard work is required.

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I think they’re just getting him out of the way to minimise any further damage while they work out how to replace him and with whom. Negotiations with Jill and Hunter over the Biden family financial settlement and pardons for various crimes will also take a few days.

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Another Biden family payoff.

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If the Dem caucuses in the Senate (as per Schumer) and House (as per Jeffries and Pelosi) want Biden to step aside...and sycophantic order takers like Adam Schiff are repeating the request... and the major Dem donors are refusing to commit funds...and Biden is now saying he would consider stepping aside for medical reasons...and it is claimed he has covid...then I would say it seems increasingly likely that...

Biden will step aside.

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Honestly, this latest crisis just confirms how sick the Dems are…woops!

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and, of course, as AC notes, vaxxed to the max. The fates, (and eventually the furies?!), are working overtime: Zhou used Covid to take the presidency and he’s using the virus now to leave it…what a “crapule!”

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Yes. Biden has indeed tempted the vengeance of the Furies. We can only hope all the rest of them will also be visited by the Furies.


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Wow. Gotta leverage these wenches.

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Reading reports saying donors are in revolt against Zhou.

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I think it is not just the donors it is also the "six ways from Sunday" people, who have now pivoted in light of "recent" events. Things are moving fast (and furious).

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There’s more ways to take someone out other than snipers.

If he passes away due to ‘complications’ then the deep state needs new script writers.

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The fat lady is warming up stage left to be ready when Zhou exits stage right. The (Covid) music just started. Next will be "struggling to bounce back" news early next week.

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Does that "fat lady" look anything like Hillary Clinton?

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I think he was misdiagnosed. I hope for Zhou's health's sake that Paxlovid works for the Schumer Flu:

Update (1927ET):

Moments ago, ABC News reported that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., advised President Biden to end his reelection for the greater good of the country and the Democratic Party.

Only eight days ago, Schumer had a different opinion on Biden: "I'm with Joe."


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Dropout = Remedy. His physician will now take the hit.

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Wow! I have heard of "taking one for the team", but this is epic! Please indulge me: the vaxx never worked, old people often have immunosenescence and mount very poor antibody responses, the virus has evolved/mutated way beyond the "reach" of current vaccines, multiple injections of the vaxx often have severe side effects including altering/suppressing normal antibody production. Zhou is example Number One of what can go wrong with trying to vaccinate against coronaviruses. Time now for the Jack Nicholson option?

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Musta been the 3 year old girls hair he was sniffing today in Vegas. Blame the kids.

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OMG! That was so weird!

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Yes a very creepy image.

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IDK Mark. That slope is a bit too much for the SS.

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Yup, and it looks awfae hot up there, was it risk-assessed by the health and safety rep??

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Shipwreckedcrew @shipwreckedcrew

If Joe Biden called his personal attorney tomorrow and told him that he wanted to amend his will to leave everything he owns to his granddaughter in Arkansas...

Would Jill and the other family members challenge his competency to do so?

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For sure.

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The Babylon Bee @TheBabylonBee

Democrat Leaders Make Tough Decision To Place Biden On Hospice Following COVID Diagnosis https://buff.ly/3zQf3Hm

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Might be that Josef R. Stolen is going to get the Remdisivir remedy, I'm just saying.

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I think he needs to be put on a ventilator.

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Not the horse tranquilizers?

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Well ...

New reports say Dems are back to trying to swap him out. Remdesivir would do that.

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I think this gives him an excuse to do nothing for a week or two while the DNC Biden people get the virtual delegate voting finished.

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Keeps Zhou homebound too.

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How is this possible? Thought the dude had like ten boosters or something?

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