George Saville in 18th Century England is credited as saying "Men are not hanged for stealing horses, but that horses may not be stolen." Whatever your feelings about horse thieves, the primary purpose of the criminal justice system should be to protect the citizenry. We seem to have lost sight of that. It would be wonderful to rehabilitate all criminals, and to treat them with a good deal of humanity, but it is their criminal and often inhumane behavior that got them the attention of our criminal justice system, and we owe more consideration to the victims than to the perps. Of course if we prefer to glorify the criminals and even replace the statues of our statesmen with those of people guilty of at the very least thuggish behavior the citizenry will eventually take matters into their own hands. It will not be pretty.

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There is an honest conversation to be had about about both bail and justice reform in this country. However that conversation is being exploited by the very factions that need the actual reform brought to their door step.

This is also more proof that we as a country need to get smarter about NGOs. There are 1.5M of them currently operating in the US as quasi government entities and policy creators that are dominating our legal and political landscape.

Someone smarter than myself needs to question the legality of these semi invisible pillars of hidden government before they totally destroy our republic from within.

Problem is, all sides of the political equation are so deep in bed with them that you'll never get anyone to take that conversation seriously.

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Why call Chisholm the “Waukesha DA”? He’s Milwaukee DA where his laxity on crime is spilling outside that county’s boundaries. For example into Waukesha County.

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Thanks. I was quoting and should have pointed that out. Much of my life was spent in Waukesha County, so I'm well aware of the differences.

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I grew up in New Berlin, not far from Waukesha. Political consequences of this is Evers is toast. Since Waukesha has no ability to affect whether Milwaukee's DA stays in power, a state GOP message of counterbalancing Milwaukee will send WOW counties to the polls in droves. Evers's response in Kenosha was already problematic. A state plan to curtail activist DAs like Chisolm would be a slam dunk issue to run on.

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Milwaukee DA Refused To Prosecute Over 60 Percent Of Felony Cases Filed By Police


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I heard that statistic as well and was shocked such a thing could happen. But I also don't know what a good/typical rate is. I always assume not every case results in charges due to limited resources and requirements to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

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And he was involved in the John Doe prosecution of conservatives that reminds me of Russiagate.

Nobody was punished for that over reach either, but structural reforms were implemented that supposedly will prevent it from happening in the future.


And I wonder about voter fraud in that county…

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Right. Totally abusive.

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So much filth and incompetence in charge of important government offices -- from local to state to federal.

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Government officials making decisions that kill people and consider it acceptable loss for their goals. Seems like common practice now.

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Like the Chinese in Korea or the Red Army on the Eastern Front utilizing mass human wave attacks. The State & it’s end means are the ultimate & only justification. The individual means nothing.

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