That is my big worry. “Whatever it takes” will be the mantra of the emboldened Deep State and its many enablers. PA is a lost cause with Shapiro at the helm, since he made sure in 2020 that PA went to Biden early in the wee hours after election day when busloads of ballots were shipped in.

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Kama Sutra will be next president. Demographics is destiny and if you think Democrats cheated last time you've seen nothing yet. Deep State and Democrats are only emboldened by last time where they had no consequences and media and deep state shut down inquiry.

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A 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of. We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs.

Installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and an unknown vice president without any public voting process would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites.

We call on the @DNC to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates.

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Tulsi Gabbard  @TulsiGabbard

Biden’s out, Kamala is in. Don’t be fooled: policies won’t change. Just like Biden wasn’t the one calling the shots, Kamala Harris won’t be either. She is the new figurehead for the deep state and the maidservant of Hillary Clinton, queen of the cabal of warmongers. They will continue their efforts to engulf the world in war and taking away our liberty.

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Tulsi refers to Hillary Clinton as queen of the cabal of warmongers.

Diane Johnstone makes the case against Clinton convincingly in her 2015 book, Queen of Chaos: The Misadventures of Hillary Clinton. Whatever you think of Trump, I would say we dodged a bullet in the outcome of the 2016 election.



Now Hillary has another shot at imposing her worldview through her doppelganger, Kamala Harris.

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I'm not against a strong defense, but I'm pretty strongly against the Regime's Endless Wars.

So I like what Tulsi says.

Was she at the RNC Convention?

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Meanwhile more and more of Kama Sutra's bad record are being dredged up.

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Right before Mark posted this, I was watching some videos by a socialist author, journalist and political commentator named Caleb Maupin. I sought out his channel because in 2020, he wrote a book about KH. It has been completely wiped from the net - I can't even find it on my favorite used book sites. I HIGHLY recommend folks watch his newest video about her, posted yesterday. As far as her stance on Israel, don't believe the BS. She's just leaving 'ol Joe holding the bag. There are a number of reasons that Killery supports her and why Tulsi went so hard on her in 2020 & continues to do so. Killery, KH, Samantha Power, Nuland, et al are what Maupin termed "The Wrecking Crew". He goes into KH, Killery's time as SOS (Libya/Syria/Arab Spring/Guatemala), Tulsi/The Pentagon, Russia, Islamic terrorism & how it all has common threads. Biden didn't want her as VP; I suspect his agreeing had something to do with Ukraine, which Killery also has ties to. The philosophy of these people is similar to what Tucker & Poso talked about, if you watched that interview.


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In the video, Maupin opens by describing Harris as a 'sadistic narcissist', I think, largely on the basis of her track record as San Francisco DA and California AG.

According to Maupin, as AG, Kamala threatened to prosecute parents for their children's truancy, which he characterizes as 'bat sh*t crazy'.

As a prosecutor, she charged and convicted thousands of pot smokers, which apparently implicated her father's pot use, leading to a total estrangement from her father and his family.

It is well-known that Kamala in her early days had a relationship with Willie Brown and was Brown's mistress. Maupin recounts that Brown had his political beginnings as a lawyer for pimps and prostitutes. Maupin doesn't say Harris was a prostitute, but he certainly makes the inference.

Maupin comes down pretty hard on Hillary Clinton and her globalist acolytes (including Samantha Power, etc.). This matters, Maupin says, because Harris is Hillary Clinton's candidate.

At 49:00 he plays Tulsi Gabbard's famous takedown of Harris in the 2020 Presidential debates. This moment is believed to be largely responsible for Harris' implosion as a candidate in 2020.

He emphasizes Harris' victim identity and her narcissism. He alleges that Harris is impossible to work for and can't keep staff. She is 'never wrong'.

He says that Harris is a product of what he calls Clinton, Rockefeller, Bill Gates globalism. Kamala Harris is a product of Clinton's policy of global color revolutions and uprisings and continuing chaos.

He says Obama is actually opposed to Harris.

He says Harris's election would result in war in the Middle East and then WWIII.

Worth watching.

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Trying to get the Michigan Vote.

Nobody knows what she would do if elected.

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"Nobody knows what she would do if elected."

The same thing she has done the last four years?


(In other words, the blob would continue to run things?)

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That's a good bet. DD had an interview with a kinda insider, guy from National Interest, with good sources. He said she's incurious, has maintained a light schedule--some days nothing--has done nothing to develop her knowledge of the world, can't keep staff. Total disaster.

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