Sep 12·edited Sep 12

Victoria Nuland's father, Dr. Sherwin Bernard Nuland,


was born Shepsel Ber Nudelman on Dec. 8, 1930, in the Bronx, the son of Orthodox Jews who had emigrated from Russia. (He adopted the first and middle names Sherwin Bernard when he went to kindergarten.) His childhood was spent in a tiny South Bronx apartment with his parents, his older brother, his maternal grandmother and a maiden aunt, in an atmosphere permeated with sickness and death.

A brother died before Dr. Nuland was born, and at age 3 he was hospitalized for diphtheria. His mother, the emotional center of his family, died of colon cancer when he was 11. In his memoir, “Lost in America” (2003), he recalled with striking vividness the bad smells and bloody pads that came from his mother’s room.

Dr. Nuland’s adolescent years were dominated by his father, Meyer Nudelman, a garment worker who was incapacitated by chronic illness and physical infirmities; he could not walk more than a short distance without his son’s help. Resisting a new way of life, the father never learned to read or write English — Yiddish was the predominant language at home — and he terrified his family with explosive rages.


And so on. NYT obit.

How can Ms. Nuland not be formed by a father formed as such. How can she not carry forward this family trauma in her professional life as a professional meddler in diplomatic affairs?

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I wonder what FTEU Nuland’s light hand washing of her Ukraine linen in public has to do with this new “cover story” of the day, to use Richard C’s expression. Just laundering reality as usual? Nothing to see here? Just defending our principles! Even in defeat. Yes, shameful and vile.

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I admit I don't (and don't wish to) understand this level of evil.

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Understandable, have a nice day.

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Thanks! You, too, Andy!

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Sleep safe, Meatgrinder Nuland

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I have also heard VN dubbed "Deatheater".

Truly an evil and bloodthirsty woman who lusts for power and manipulation.

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Thank you. They have been beaten and they know it.

Everything else is their cover story.


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The whole kerfuffle about Tucker Carlson and Churchill was over a guest's inelegant statement that the Brits did the exact same things at the beginning of WWII.

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They're not going to end it, it's just a change in tactics. They'll pull back to better defensive lines and focus on terror attacks within Russia (the approval was officially given ilat the Kiev meeting).

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I agree. I didn't mean to give the impression that the overall war on Russia would end, only that the conventional military effort in Ukraine could be drawing to a close. The Russians understand this, and it's my belief that Russia will not stop until that threat is eradicated--better defensive lines be damned.

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Yeah, but I dunno if they'll be able to cross the Dnieper. The Duran was saying that it would be the new line but it was pointed-out to that this would cripple the major cities of Ukraine and might make agriculture impossible due to flooding. So I could see a situation where a failed-state is attached to Russia's border causing trouble for decades.

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Just my opinion, but I think Putin would be fine with the 4 Oblasts and Crimea. He doesn’t really want to rule over Ukrainians. The big stumbling block to permanent peace will be security guarantees all around.

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Except that whole Black Sea coast is genuinely Russia, and beyond it Transnistria awaits. There is zero incentive for Russia to not take them home as well, landlocking the remains of Ukraine. Then there's a matter of buffer zone, which also has to appear. So I don't see it ending with 4 regions, those were requirements just to start negotiations. Real bargain would include referendums all over ex-Ukraine.

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The only way the current Ukrainian regime makes peace is if they get everything back including Crimes. This war will continue until that regime collapses entirely due to military pressure or is replaced somehow.

Will be interesting to see what happens this Winter. If it's brutal and water/power go out the country might rise-up. It's likely most of the civies just flee and it gets turned into a massive NATO base.

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But then, these people have NEVER, Never take responsibility for any of their bad decisions or immoral actions. That is who and what they are.

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