Great interview!

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The assertion by McGregor that the Ukrainian forces may be preventing civilians from evacuating via the Russian corridors makes sense. In the evil minds of DC gangsters, maximizing civilian body counts is a good thing, so evacuations are bad. Notice, too, in this regard how the DC propaganda is increasingly harping on the number of refugees as an indication of evil Russia. No one asks, How are all these people getting out if the Russians supposedly want to kill women and children? It's absurd. Reminds me of the clumsy propaganda in WW1 and 2 about the German Hun bayoneting babies etc...

Also, has anyone seen the kind of embedded journalists that we had in Iraq and Afghanistan? Every story i see "from Ukraine " appears to be some guy talking from his hotel or walking around Kiev. Where are the guys embedded with front line combat troops getting direct footage of the action, ie, *proof* of what is going on? All we seem to get are clips from social media and government media that can't be verified but always seem to reinforce the DC narrative. This thing stinks to high heaven.

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Yes, I excerpted that in the previous post. Excellent.

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