If you read Rucker's substack, I think he offers a reasonable theory on what happen on Tuesday. You have the GOPe wanting Trump out at any cost and what better way than to "take a dive". You have McTurtle shutting down Rick Scott's effort for a contract for America strategy as well as shifting funds to monkey with outcomes on certain elections. You also have a weird anomaly whereby Florida is bright red, but everywhere else, especially those Trump supported places are not so great. I firmly believe that between ballot harvesting and machine fraud, they just needed to play things out to make it look like Trump's fault, but hey look over there at Desantis. Don't get me wrong, Ron was my congressman and I do really like him as Gov., but it seems that the uniparty is willing to do whatever it takes to rid us of the orange man. So as long as there are no hand count audits of the machines to prove the tallies are correct or otherwise, I'm sticking to my theory that we don't and won't have fair and honest elections and as long as everyone falls for the gaslighting, it's not going to ever get better.



Emerald doesn't highlight enough that there was a 3000+ vote swing ~ 30%"machine error" rate.

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They nailed it as usual at the BB: do we vote for a party whose candidates are brain-damaged vegetables, or a party whose candidates cannot defeat brain-damaged vegetables?

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The picture is particularly appropriate to the story. No single person was more responsible for Republicans losing the Senate than McConnell. And it was totally intentional on his part.

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Interesting update:

UPDATE: I forgot to add that the GOP is a completely useless, feckless party. The House and Senate leaders seem comfortable as losers, where they get the perks without the responsibility. They've also done nothing to fight against known election fraud, whether it occurs semi-legally (via mail-in ballots or drop-boxes) or completely illegally. They bear a large burden of the responsibility for this disastrous outcome.


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This seems fair to me. I'm not sure what he means by "Trump influence" but my view is this was an issue to go to the mat on--Trump blew this one.

Jeffrey A Tucker


A good point I'm seeing around here: most Rs did not run against lockdowns and mandates. Biggest issue of our lives and they were afraid of it, mostly due to Trump influence. Disaster.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

I’m not sure if due to Trump influence

Or eGOP influence.

Trump has been silent on the jab mandates. His focus has been on election fraud and backing his candidates.

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I'm 75 and voted for Trump twice. He is, to me, past his sell-by date. Thanks for all the good he did, now the not so good outweighs. Time for younger blood.

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Trump is the far superior choice DeSantis is unproven at that level.

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DeSantis schooled Trump in how to defeat the evil Left. Speak out loudly and clearly against the insanities of Wokism and PC, tell Washington to get lost, and actually DO what you say. That is why DeSantis was one of the few successful GOPers yesterday. Trump's ego is out of control and he is rapidly becoming a dead weight.

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There is an interesting article at The Blaze this morning (https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-understanding-desantis-shocking-election-results-and-the-red-state-revolution-we-need) by Daniel Horowitz. He laments that conservatives will never find a home in the GOP for a variety of reasons, and that DeSantis is his own "brand" of politics which may point the way forward. I don't know about that, but more than ever, Dems and Repubs are looking like the Uniparty to me.

Two quick things:

1. There has not been an official, serious, and enforcement-empowered inquiry into the fraud in 2020. Looks like, to the extent we hoped for a grand red wave, we just fooled ourselves into thinking that everything would be ok this time.

2. We were told that the Roe v Wade reversal had fizzled out as a Dem voter incentive. It had not. Ask yourself: If you wanted to inflame whatever passions where still smoldering over Roe V Wade, could you do better than to threaten a national federal ban on abortion? Like, say, the bill proposed by GOPe Lindsey Graham six weeks before the election? I remember thinking how foolish it was to even bring up the subject of abortion, but now I think I understand the reason and the timing.

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Tom Luongo (Give Deflation a Chance!)


This is a terrible result in every way. Even bracketing for cheating (which there was a lot) and a hatchet job by the GOPe, there is no going back here.

Too many believe the gaslighting and "can't even..."

American politics is broken beyond repair.

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I think it doubtful DeSantis can make the same inroads with certain voters that Trump did in 2016. In short, while I like DeSantis quite a bit, I think DeSantis as the presidential candidate is going to find that WI, MI, and PA are out of reach just like every GOP candidate since Bush Sr. has found, and it is all but certain that DeSantis can't bring states like Nevada, New Hampshire, Colorado, and Virginia back into the tossup category- those demographics aren't going to reverse. So, I think DeSantis will run, will defeat Trump in the primaries, will win the states Trump won in 2020, add Arizona and Georgia, and still lose the election because that midwest blue wall will still exist against any Republican candidate. Even worse, I think a non-Trump candidate will put Iowa back into the Democrat win column, and Ohio will return to being a tossup. In short, I see no reason for optimism at all during the next decade.

Looking out beyond a decade, things might look up for the GOP as the Millenials and GenZ all become 40-60 years old, but given their starting point ideologically, it is more likely that they become independents rather than Republicans.

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With respect, Yancey, I think you may be missing the bigger point here. I don't believe ANY GOP Potus can make a difference anymore. The DS is too deep. I feel that DeSantis should stay put in Florida and keep on doing what he is doing so well: preserving a little bit of what America should look like. Some kind of civil breakdown is coming and Florida can be a beacon and haven for freedom lovers.

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Indeed our true hope is in God.

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Thank you for your analysis, and to your readers for their comments and testimony. I think Trump is tarnished by his refusal to acknowledge that he was used by WEF/big pharma and apologize to the American people for the carnage that resulted from his buying into the narrative. Clearly De Santis freed himself and his state's residents from that oppression, and was gratefully rewarded.

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I worked as a poll worker in Maricopa yesterday. It was a f**king disgrace. I would guess that 95% of the voters were GOP (they were carrying their GOP-provided "Golden Ticket" voter recommendations). They stood in line for 4-5 hours--many with young children--to feed their completed ballots into the tabulator machines. Every once in a while a cheer would ring out around the machines as the lucky voter's ballot was actually accepted. Voters were convinced that if they allowed their ballot to be inserted into the infamous Slot #3 it would never be counted (who knows?).

The last voter left the polling place at 10 PM whereupon we began counting the "misread," spoiled, and provisional ballots. The polling place Inspector (the head honcho) was unable to get the tabulator machines to print out the results reports (these are like a retail store's cash register roll). Once all the ballots, reports (finally), and checklist items were boxes and bagged, I volunteered to drive the ballots to an intermediary collection point. A Dem and I drove to a dark parking lot where several Maricopa County Sheriffs were on guard. The folks there transferred the ballots to a large truck and gave us both chain of custody receipts. We returned to the polling place to finish the night at 12:15 AM.

Random Thoughts: 1) the printers and tabulators were tested during the Monday 11/7 polling place set up. They all worked on Monday but immediately began failing on Tuesday morning. Anyone else wonder how that happened? 2) How did this phenomenon occur simultaneously across 20% of the voting locations on the day that was expected to be a very heavy GOP Election Day vote? 3) Why shouldn't Katie Hobbs have recused herself from the management of an election in which she had a direct personal interest? 4) Why hasn't Katie Hobbs resigned in disgrace yet this morning?

The entire election process in Maricopa County and AZ in general is a f**ked up mess. I was checking in voters all day until 7 PM and the voter rolls were dirty ("I changed my information on line, why don't you have my address?" "I registered to vote but never got a new voter registration card" "I changed all my address info at the AZ MVD (DMV) and printed out the screen shots" (but their ADOT account still showed the old information so they had to vote provisionally).

I'm presuming that the felon former Maricopa County Elections weenie Adrian Fontes will be AZ's new Secretary of State. I will certainly never again volunteer to work the elections. My career in large real time information systems implementations tells me that this mess of shiite data cleansing, process chaos has to be the way it is for a reason--a bad reason. Anyone who rolled out such an expensive, flawed, and chaotic abomination in the private sector would be fired on the spot and walked off the premises. In fact, I may just resign as a GOP precinct committeeman and reclaim hundreds of hours of my personal time. America has spoken. My fellow Americans are fine with what the Dems and RINOs have served up for the past six years--and especially the last two. The saying, "You can't cheat an honest man" comes to my mind this morning. The fact that the brain dead and deeply corrupt are still running the country tells me all I need to know about my fellow Americans--and the future.

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Until we have paper and pens counted by hand and accessible for audit like...France, we will have the farce of (S)elections.

Ron is a wolf in sheep's clothing imo.

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DeSantis is a marketing plan by the uniparty to try and come up with a Trump alternative he is a lot of talk but very little action

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Just read this article which I found gave me a boost. In a nutshell Trump shouldn't be blamed. It's a good read.


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I think Trump inherited a dying political system, so no, he can't be blamed for everything. However, his behaviour during the election campaign has proven that he is becoming a Bourbon caricature, learning nothing and forgetting nothing. We don't want to hear him attacking DeSantis, no matter what he feels in private, or grandstanding about "special announcements". He has done great service in fighting the DS, but now needs to step back.

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Of course blaming Trump for everything that's gone wrong isn't the real world. Trump came into a politics that was already dysfunctional. The question is, Is he the guy to take us forward? Right now that's open to doubt.

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I don't believe he is. But who is?

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Totally agree. Trump did so much for the U.S and the world, in terms of relative peace, but he seems to have not one ounce of political instinct in him. The question I'm asking is would Trump put the need of the country before himself. I'm not sure of the answer.

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Before today I would say Trump would put the need of the country before himself. I'm not sure of the answer now. He has every excuse to put himself before the need of the country, retire from politics, have a good life, and let the country go to hell.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 9, 2022
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Um. That's a parody, containing only blatant "alternative facts" about family relations.

I'll grant you, it's a departure from previous years where they played this kind of stuff serious, like it's a real threat. And, in the bigger picture, there really are a lot of suspicious bloodline relationships in the ruling class. But I don't think this counts as a red pill. It's just mockery.

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