"Protecting their own behinds" makes Wray untouchable.

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Every time they bring that smarmy little schmuck up to testify, I am overwhelmed with an urge of wanting to see someone with a pair of balls walk over to Wray and just slap that “shit eatin grin” right off of his face! Twice. My apologies for the crude language, but I am so fed up with this crap!

And now you tell me that it’s not even official FBI policy to not discuss ongoing investigations. The continuous, contemptible

cowardice of the politicians and bureaucrats in DC makes me want to vomit. Everything they do is just blue smoke and mirrors, there is no there, there. And the saddest part is that these clowns actually think that have us all fooled. Can’t find the adjectives to express the depth and breadth of my outrage over this seemingly endless public charade.

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Barr always was a "Bushie" down to his toenails. Although he did do a few things right, like trying to drop the charges against Gen. Flynn (which he could have shut down much earlier), for the most part he sabotaged Trump and Trump loyalists by his inaction, while mouthing the right words. Allowing Epstein's murder in a prison he controlled, knowing the poor reputation of the MCC, was the most obvious of his heinous acts. The rest were more subtle. A true snake in the tall, tall Establishment grass.

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G'evening Anne, (Hope you and yours have a delightful Christmas!) I suggest Mr. Barr was complicit in intentionally undermining the President (I'm trying to be diplomatic here). I suppose one does what they think is 'best for the country'. I'll suggest his judgement to be suspect. Kindest regards Anne! (WrH)

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G'evening Mark - and Merry Christmas to one and all!

The US(S)A is proving a sad benchmark of achievement once again. Too Big To Fail... made broadly aware to we masses during the 'Great Recession' applying to banks, it appears that US Gov't Pass there used for the Business/Grift group is showing that ugly face across a broad spectrum. Is the FBI too big to be dismantled and re-created in a beneficial, constitutional investigative arm of the feds? We see this same partnership from the elected cabal (once known as our Constitutional Government) similarly applied to our Woke Military, (significantly) the DOJ, 'information management' and amongst the 3 branches of government with small splashes of "gee-whiz, Biden Inc. has received a ton of money from generous Foreign Gov'ts, we wonder what's up with that?". When it's expressed within the business/tech grift, as witnessed in ongoing whistleblower revelations -what really defines as Fascism - some elected reps make some effort to 'expose' the corruption yet, as Mark's post reveals, those Deep-State players such as Wray smirk, shrug shoulders and continue to execute their cr@p, becoming fabulously rich in the process. Meanwhile, Taking the invitation to enter the Capitol by the Capitol Police @ J6 continues to have hundreds (if not thousands) of folks still being threatened, in jail or convicted of Insurrectionist crime, oh wait, trespassing. I'll go with a commentor's question (maybe it was Mark? Doesn't matter) we see the mess, can it even be fixed? I'd vote for fixing it, but I've become a bit suspicious of our elections... Keep lookin' up friends... God 1st always is best (sometimes in spite of what we're living through). (WrH)

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Yes indeed the USSA is TBTF, unfortunately the USSA is also TSTS . . . Too Stupid To Succeed !!!

We Americans are in quite the mess, living in a nation that will not fail nor succeed, an undead zombie state.

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SC Texan - perfectly stated. Undead Zombies. Dead zombies, if you will, at least have a lack of awareness of life. We're trapped in TBTF/S with heavy-hearted awareness. (Well, my heart is heavy, I should not speak for 'everyone'. I suspect many share my sentiment). Best regards good sir! (WrH)

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Thank for the clarity in a glossed over situation. Barr has kept up his happy dog routine about what a criminal Trump is and this also is an accepted narrative in the bureaucracy and the MSM.

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…and as if it could get any worse, “criminal” has morphed, almost overnight, into “dictator.” Get it? We may not get him behind bars just yet, but if elected, he’ll be a dictator! Gasp!

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In fact, Mitterrand in the early 60’s called De Gaulle a dictaor. As the French say, “la meilleure défense, c’est l’attaque!” The best defense is to attack…in other words, panic mode is setting in!

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