This time IS different. We have people in power whose competence in getting and maintaining power is unequaled and who are able to reassure us that all is well through a very professional media highly appreciative of our ruling class, and who assure us we have experts in the economy, public health, national defense and law and order unequaled in history that we can rely on. Never mind that the stock market is at historic highs. Our institutions are too big to fail. Nobody has to work and the benevolent government provides. We can now concentrate on the important matters-social justice, climate control and not hurting anybodies feelings. What could possibly happen? A 'black swan' event?

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This offers a great opportunity to try out our Multiverse Framework thinking (ie, considering a given topic/ news through several different lenses/ narratives and see which holds up best to other data points we've already verified.

So, viewing the Fed and monetary policy through the Tom Luongo Lens, we'd intuit that the Fed is essentially a tool of Wall Street and Big Banks Big Corp, so their actions will always defend those institutions, particularly vs the ECB and EU. This lens seems a bit incomplete as it doesn't seem to account for the actions of the federal government and their determination to dump blizzards of money on all of their cronies. Then again there does seem to be some tension if not conflict between the Fed and Congress/ Exec.

Another lens would be the Globalist Cabal view. This lens sees the Fed actions as part of the general plan to debase the dollar and pave the way via financial meltdown to a digital, global currency that the Globals can control and control the People as well.

Another lens would be the Criminal Cartel lens where the Fed is just one of many members who have their own plans, agendas, motives, and power centers. Like any Cartel, the members try to work together for mutual benefit as much as possible but there are necessarily conflicts and areas where members work against each other, particularly when one member threatens the power or profits of another or undermines clear interests. In this view, the Fed may be its own Member or a tool of others. Either way, the Uniparty is at odds w the Fed. It's not clear whether the Cartel can decide to intentionally crash the economy or continue propping it up. This involves a debate among members as to winners and losers, risks of popular revolt, risks as to foreign powers.

I favor the Cartel view but there are many other lenses out there including aliens, Q, devolution, and politics as usual. I think we're seeing real infighting among the members, genuinely uncertain about what to do. Certain members like the Fourth Branch seem to want more civil division and crackdowns on dissent--- more authoritarianism. The Uniparty is divided between more authoritarianism and go slow approach to avoid further waking the People. The Davosi and EU want to push ahead w more Scamdemic fever and lockdowns to get the digital currency in place and universal population microchipping. The Deep State bureaucracy wants status quo. The Military Industrial Complex wants a nice, manageable war w an enemy everyone can hate and fear--- they think the Scamdemic has lost its usefulness. Anyway, this is what's driving the chaotic policy that veers all over the place. They can't decide and different members are pushing ahead w their own plan in the absence of consensus.

The Cartel may be breaking up. If that happens we may see one or more powerful members offer themselves to the People. For example, what if the Pentagon suddenly announced an end to forced jabs and ramped up its criticism of SPOTUS and the Fourth Branch? What if it elevated patriot voices etc? It could easily play into the Devolution Lens. (Maybe the Military Industrial Complex is the originator of the whole Q/ Devolution talk, as a lever and backup plan in case things don't go to their liking w the Cartel? ). It's a critical juncture. The Cartel either finds consensus or the members start looking for their own lifeboat.

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I just finished watching a compelling series of conversations with Jeff Snider on “What is Money” podcast covering the history of the Fed and the rise of the global dollar system. He has me convinced that the conventional narrative about the Fed is grossly oversimplified and that our “central bank” is anything but. Among the most important parts of his argument is the fact that the Fed is completely in the dark when it comes to how dollars outside the U.S. impinge on domestic monetary policy. Ultimately, he concludes that the Fed’s vaunted tool kit is actually empty. The only power the Fed has depends on its ability to manage perceptions (see for example Powell’s statement in mid 2020 that the Fed flooded the market with liquidity by printing trillions of dollars — a laughable notion since the Fed literally has no way of doing such a thing). In any case, I think you will find Jeff’s tour of the monetary rabbit hole fascinating, if not disturbing.


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An oldie but a goodie, Richard Werner , the Robert Malone of QE theory explains the way it works in terms the layman can understand and offers insight into why the appearance of inflation in consumer goods means the fed has already fumbled the ball. Local banks lending to small businesses for productive economic purposes is the key to sustainable growth of the economy. Which makes sense when you think about it. Create money in the system ( in the form of the bank loan to the business) but to the purpose of generating new/ more products or services for that newly created money to chase. No inflation. If on the other hand you create money in the system but to the purpose of simply providing consumers more purchasing power (in the form of federal government relief checks and other so-called welfare payments) then you have more dollars chasing the same amount of goods and services. Inflation. Previous QEs went to asset purchases so we have stock market inflation and monsters like blackrock and vanguard. This time the fed is pumping money into the consumer economy. You bet it's different this time.

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