Good article Mark. This is very insightful. Thank you.

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Agree something changed for Johnson and Trump, the question is what. The Israeli support makes more sense than the blackmail hypothesis. Or perhaps it is just the usual uniparty corruption and the pressure and donations reached high enough for Trump and Johnson to change positions.

The Iranian missile attack timing fits. An Intel briefing may have frightened Johnson and Israeli supporters, since they know the reality Iran used only a small fraction of its strength and Israel and friends barely intercepted most the attacking drones and cruise missiles, with the ballistic missiles mostly getting through, and some even evading.

For Trump perhaps he made a deal, Lyndsey Graham would shut up on abortion, and Trump would get more Billionaire Jewish donations, in exchange for Trump to give his tepid support for the deal that benefits Israel.

The Democrats went along since they wanted Project Ukraine to get past the November election, and including Ukraine funding hides the politically poison for Democrats vote for Israeli Aid. And it politically damaged Johnson, showing him wishy washie.

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The modern war paradigm has shown the necessity of mass boots on the ground.

I wonder if the censorship program is a precursor to conscription, a bit like banning the Russian language in Ukraine after 2014.

It’s interesting that the US is beginning to look like the Ukraine, where the alternative media has become the Russians and need to be purged.

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TheZman had an intriguing column today where he questioned the legitimacy of Michael Tracey. His basic theme was that back in the good old days our intelligence agencies manipulated domestic politics by suborning media and universities.

He then goes on to argue that today it’s even easier to manipulate politics through social media. You don’t even have to pay the popular influencers directly. You can manipulate their income through their donation options. In fact, you don’t even have to pay them. You can use intelligence bots to boost the opinions you want to spread. As TheZman says, the internet is a wilderness of mirrors. You don’t know who to trust. Even the influencer can be compromised without knowing it.

Is Tracey legit? TheZman thinks he probably is, but there is no way to know. All of this serves to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

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A reread of The Project For A New American Century would be timely. Speaker Mike Johnson even resurrected the hoary term “Axis Of Evil” to describe our updated arch enemies. Are we being pitted against the Muslim and Communist worlds in order to attain mutually assured destruction? And a revived “Greater Israel” to serve as the Globalist haven worshipping technology- our silicon calf?

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Getting to “who rules America,” what “they” want, and the war they want, you may find this short Karp interview worthwhile (and this is what David Goldman, who worked for LaRouche, is really about, now posing as a “conservative”):


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Have been watching the past few evenings a highly-intriguing German drama series ("Preis der Freiheit" (2019), streaming (somehow) in Anglophone markets as "Berlin Wall") that depicts the crescendo of corruption during the three-year run-up to the collapse of East Germany. Plotline is, basically, government elites, knowing that the train-wreck was inevitable, engaging in all sorts of extralegal transactions (selling individuals' freedom to wealthy relatives in the West, allowing clandestine hazmat disposals, indiscriminate arms dealing, etc.) in order to amass a gold-backed "rainy day fund" for when it all hit the fan.

I remember thinking, while still in college when this was all going down, about how almost-comically-corrupt those Soviet Bloc countries were. Not laughing so much anymore...at least, the Ossis had a place to land, as crappy as it initially was.

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Edward Snowden linked this on the changes to FISA https://x.com/lizagoitein/status/1779885123363635572?s=46&t=EuxEiWMjGE3Rla9ylRGf7A

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BTW, regarding Matt Gaetz, my assumption is that his volte face has to do with his plans to become a Senator--requiring, duh, an appeal to the entire state of FL. Currently he only has to be concerned with voters from a vastly different demographic area:


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Somehow "shut up about genocide or we'll beat the sh*t out of you" seems like a losing tactic in the long run. I'm looking forward to the Dem convention in CG, but frankly I hope the same happens to the GOP.

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BREAKING: Police are now beating students at the University of Southern California.

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Megatron @Megatron_ron

BREAKING: Governor Abbot has sent in State Troopers to the University of Texas

The students chant “You don’t scare us” and “Get off our campus”.

Politicians in the USA who are completely bribed and controlled by Israel are trying to crush the protests against the Biden government, which supports the genocide of Israel.

Phil Giraldi : Israel Has Biden Trapped


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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

An America First Party unconnected to Trump has actually existed in recent years. On 4/16/2018, it lamented Trump bombing Syria in April 2018 saying doing so was opposite of "America First" foreign policy: 4/16/2018, “Syria Attack at Odds with an America First Foreign Policy:"... "It is with sadness that we witnessed President Trump’s effective repudiation of the principles of an America First foreign policy last week, with his attack on a nation which is not threatening the security interests of the United States, and which is a natural ally with us in opposing Al-Qaeda.“…In 2002 The America First Party invited Ohio Rep. Jim Traficant to speak at its convention. Traficant was born in and is beloved in his home town of Youngstown, Ohio, at one time was Sheriff of Mahoning County. Sadly, he died in an accident in 2014. After his release from 7 years in prison, Traficant spoke at a 2009 Tea Party rally in Ohio where he was greeted with cheers of “Traficant for President,” and “We’re with you Jim.” In 1995 then-Democrat Traficant proposed a bill in the House to relocate 10,000 US troops from Europe to the US southern border: "May 1996, “America First,“ James Traficant, Chronicles Magazine (subscription) “Protecting Our Borders,"..."Last year [1995] I introduced legislation that would authorize the Pentagon to redeploy American troops stationed in Europe to assist federal law enforcement officials patrolling America’s Southern border. Every day dangerous criminals pour into our country through our border with Mexico--unchallenged."...Traficant had been in prison for 7 years for financial crimes, was released on 9/2/2009....https://americafirstparty.org/news/2018/PressRel2018_04_16.shtml

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The Reclaim the Net newsletter is normally great for that kind of thing but they haven’t done such an analysis yet. https://reclaimthenet.org/category/free-speech

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