Surely Langen or someone in the FBI know that although Antifa does not have a central leadership, it has cells in cities all across the country and Europe, if not the world. I used to visit their website and read about their upcoming “protests”, to which they were inviting others to come and join in. A regular calendar of coming events with dates, times and locations.

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Where Langen got his point of view?

WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI Director Chris Wray told lawmakers Thursday that antifa is an ideology, not an organization, delivering testimony that puts him at odds with President Donald Trump, who has said he would designate it a terror group.


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Amazing, really. Kerry just basically said that the president cares so little about France that he was unengaged on the issue. Of course, the other explanation is Biden is not actually president. Either way, what was the purpose does Kerry's disclosures? Did Kerry really think that would reassure the French?

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Jean Fraud Kerry is so obsessed with making himself look like the smartest guy in the room that he forgets he isn’t and that he works for a president …. He’s no longer secretary of state (thank God, though Blinken is not up to the job either), and has been relegated to being climate czar.. Whoop dee dooo! (How many times a day has Teresa missed John Heinz?)

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