Whither? Nope. It just gets worse from here. Empires don't recover only get worse 'till collapse. This is why we moved out. Swore I'd never move again after I retired then BLM/covid/2020 happened. Now on cusp of nuclear armageddon so obviously you don't want to be in a country involved with that. If nuclear winter is real they may get us in South America but in general we pose no threat so are not a target.

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Soldo has excerpts this morning from an interview with an AfD member who is down, but not out. He seems hopeful that we can still fight for the reality of a nation state in a multipolar world.


I personally do not want the WHO's One Health program managing the earth like a giant CAFO.

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Quo Vadis. The question of the ages.

what is drastically apparent is that the Democratic party and Republican party have failed America. This has been an evolutionary process over the last 30 years for sure.

Question : if Joe Biden is not fit to be the Dem candidate then how in the hell is he fit to be president and have control over one of the largest nuclear arsenals on the face of the Earth?

The logic here is impeccable...the answer, of course,

he is not.

It really is time for someone else to replace the two parties. Because what we have now is not working ....

and if past performance is any prediction of future action it is only going to get worse.

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The logic is, indeed, impeccable. And it's a case that Trump can make. I quote Michael Tracy to exactly the same effect in the new post.

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There's a risk of making "it" more complicated than "it" is.

I'm guessing there's a lot of intentional misdirection in the messaging, to create confusion and remove the initiative from DJT.

For instance, the Dems need to avoid a process wherein they loose voting blocks along the way. Obama's pleb intervention, if seen in this light changes in significance.

It's all going to happen behind the scenes. That's how it works. It has to be someone who already has name recognition, and it might not even be the best candidate (in theory there's always 2028).

I think it's more likely they'll give bidet a royal salute and there'll be an attempt to frame it in a way to get momentum a jump start.

The only missing ingredient is something to galvanize the country, in September or October. War.

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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald - 19:17 UTC · Jun 28, 2024

Once the media starts to realize that they're not going to get Biden out of the race, they're all going to quickly retreat from the past 24 hours and get back on board.

Obama is directing them to do that and giving them the script to use: [just a bad night]

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BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

President Bidən is NOT FIT to discharge the immense duties of the presidency.”

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Which scenario is true? Have the democratic oligarchs and their friends in the IC have implemented a plan to replace Biden and carry on with another figurehead, or are their choices few and constrained and they must scramble to find another front (wo)man to keep the current arrangements in place? IDK. But any plans that might be in play still, at this date, require the veneer of democracy and therefore the appearance of participation by the electorate. (Unless the plans include war and suspension of normal politics.) If they truly are panicked, it seems to me that holding onto old Joe for as long as possible is the only play. neither possibility portends a smooth transition of power. two assumptions: 1) those in a position to command the administrative state- the IC, the FBI and the DOJ- are practiced in the use of deception and chaos to cover their moves and that this will continue no matter who is in office. 2) those who currently benefit by the power structure will do everything in their power to wreck Trump again, either before or after the election. It’s going to be lit. 🔥

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It seems widely acknowledged that there is nobody on the Dem bench with a good chance of beating Trump. Not Kamala, or Newsome. Maybe Michelle but it is said she doesn't want the job. Buttgieg or Klobuchar? I don't think so. Who's left? Adam Schiff? AOC?

I'm not sure how serious I am, but what if the Dems recruited Mitt Romney over to their team? He'd probably take atleast 35% of the GOP vote from Trump...and win 100% of the literally anyone but Trump Dem vote???

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I cannot believe that you would even mention aoc. Get a grip.

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Obvious sarcasm not obvious?

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Don’t take it personally. She/it (pronouns in effect) offends me profoundly. She/it typifies “what is wrong in the “werld” today, mostly because the mindless keep reinstalling it/they/them.

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Hardly. No prob. I guess I touched a nerve... :-)

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The one you left out is Whitmer from MI. Pritzker would kill to get the nod, but ...

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How will the Israeli war lobby push in their candidate? Or is Trump their guy all along.

If Trump sweeps all aside with nary a contest, I’ll be stocking up on iodine pills.

If the deep state pulls shenanigans to hold power then I’ll rest a little easier.

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A Great Awakening and an even greater disillusionment.

I thank God for the patriots, including you, and the commenters here, for standing up to it. I admit I get disgusted and sometimes I want to throw in the towel and quit.

I was a True Believer since 1976, when I was 14, and especially at age 18, when I proudly cast my vote for Ronald Reagan.

The more I think about it, I'll be voting against Joe Biden. Yes, Trump will get my vote, but only because I'm voting against Biden. As I said in an earlier post, I'm tired of Trump.

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I’m tired of Trump too. I should’ve added that in my reply, but the post really was about Biden and the Dems. I was very disappointed when it appears as if Trump has not learned a single thing since 2020. And or his campaign managers, if you can call them managers, are as dimwitted as, I’m not sure how to describe them. I could go on, but I think I’ve said enough.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

He sounds a lot more like a typical politician than he did eight, or even four, years ago.

There are very few politicians I admire anymore. For a while, he was one of them.

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Well it's obvious now that Zhou the potted plant is not and never was running the country.

It's a cabal of Demo-Rats in cahoots with some paid off RINOS and Deep Staters.

And replacing Zhou with a newer shinier Demo-Rat won't change one single policy. Newsome, the witch from Mich. we'll get the same crap, open borders, printing money (aka: inflation Weimar Republic style) but are Dem voters (the sheeple) smart enough to to figure that out?

I doubt it. But they got this weeks marching orders.....PANIC! Panic now! ( so we can swap out Zhou for someone who can fool the sheeple for 4 more years.

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Very well said.

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At this point nothing is to strange to not be possible

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Election day: Let me see... do I prefer Tweedledumb or Tweedledumber?? Two hollow, alleged human beings. And if the bus does, hopefully, run over Biden, the replacement will just be more of the Zionist butt-kissing sameness. Sorry US, there is not even a glimmer of hope on the horizon. How the mighty are falling, falling, ..... fallen.

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The campaign to reelect Biden has fundraised no small amount of money — it has $195 million on hand as of the last time campaign funds were reported. Despite the poor performance, Biden’s campaign is reporting it raised $14 million through online fundraising the night of the debate and the following morning.

Still, if Biden does in fact drop out of the race, the money can only be transferred to one woman: Vice President Kamala Harris. Campaign finance laws do not allow for just anyone nominated by a party to receive funds that were not directly donated to them.

Because Harris is on the ticket, however, she would be the only one who could replace Biden while keeping the pot of cash. This is because the funds were already at Harris’s disposal as she is currently on the ticket.

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What I am hearing regarding Joe Biden. Ron Klain and Barack Obama are having a sit down with the President today. Jill Biden is insistent that Joe runs. Kamala is furious that she is not being considered as a replacement (Whitmer and Newsom are). Interestingly my neighbor in…

— Dougie Kass (@DougKass) June 28, 2024

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I saw a report that Kama Sutra is angry that she's being openly passed over in the speculation. Bad news for Dems.

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As I understand it, they would need Kamala's assent and active participation to remove Joe under the 25th. Seems she might put some conditions of benefit to her personally around that.

If the 25th was applied successfully, Kamala would become ACTING President only while retaining her title as VP. So no VP minder would be there for her. The 25th seems to be primarily intended to mitigate temporary disabilities. The only way she would become President in fact would be if Biden resigned; then Congress would have to agree on the new VP. At least that is what I understand. In any case, a real mess for the Dems.

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Any way you slice it, this is a mess. Which is good. The latest is that fund raisers are POed because Jill assured them Zhou was "ready to go".

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He is ready to go. She left out the part about the uncertainty as to which direction Joe will go.

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Understable that she is angry. She could cause some fireworks. She can't be totally clueless about some of the shenanigans of the past 4 years. 🍿🍿🍿🍿

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