Looks like I was correct about the election. The country is finished.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 10, 2022
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Plans B, C, D....

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2 points:

https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/ is a superb stack by an American journalist who lives in Moscow. There is little geopolitical focus, and he is more a Russian nationalist who believes that Putin is too soft - but it is an eye opening encounter with daily life in Russia, Russian bureaucracy re the covid scam and the faction within Russia that is aligned with Western liberalism.

On Kim Dot Com's points - an excellent observation that the cold war of Russia vs the West started in '09 (and consequently why the US supported Maidan). Recognising now that Germany, who essentially run the EU, are a vassal state of the US (essentially since '45, various US bases, the Marshall plan etc) and that NATO is the arm that the US uses to enforce that servitude - it sheds more light on Trump's comments in '15 and throughout his reign that he'd consider withdrawing from NATO, and how badly that triggered the establishment.

On the down side, Trump got completely rolled narrative wise when it came to Russia. Russiagate, Impeachment 1.0. My chief complaint with Trump is his lack of narrative control - his instinctive style and honesty make him attractive to normies, but for those of us in the weeds, he didn't do enough - not releasing the russiagate docs, not explaining to the american people that it's Mitch McConnel who he's fighting against, not calling a spade a spade when it came to Fauci. I would have been a willing ear had he gone to bat against NATO, but he didn't.

I suspect that's why intellectual MAGA (characters like Will chamberlain and Hans Mahnke) prefer De Santis - he at least potentially may fulfill those requirements.

Additionally, with Trump, he specifically noted that he'd secured the oil supply when the RINO's were mad at him for abandoning the Kurds - he also mentioned multiple times that he prefers the USD and hates bitcoin.

My read is that Trump wants the old America back - the one that gave him the opportunity to become a billionaire. And that America was the sole hegemon.

I'm not convinced that Trump is the right character to lead us into a multipolar world. Do you think he'd happily play second fiddle to BRICS?

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I doubt it's good sadly.

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The picture of the very young soldier is a concrete indication that the Russia/Ukraine fight is a real war. A war with real casualty counts. Something our country hasn't dealt with since WWII. It puts a serious spotlight on the loons who have talked about getting involved in this. Utter foolishness.

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William Wolfe


I spent over three years working at the State Department.

If another first-world developed country was unable to return verifiable same-day election results, we would issue a statement about how "concerning" that is.

But now it's "normal" at home? No way. Don't accept it.

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Jesse's turning into Rush Limbaugh 2.0 and I love it.

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The Duran has some interesting stuff about how Saudi Arabia and China are cosying up. The Saudis seem less afraid of the globalists with each passing day. Mercouris predicts that the DS organs are now going to do a Trump on Mo Bin Salman to bring him back into line. Interesting times!

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We Serve And Protect! Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.


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Say what you will about Ben Crump, in this case I hope the man that was harassed and falsely arrested by the 2 deputies gets a big fat check from Columbia County FL !!!

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Yes, 3rd world when it comes to election integrity and even simple functioning:


USA is a 3rd world country - period

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As we monitor the developing legal issues, Arizona is now reporting extensive machine malfunctions (as much as 20 percent in some areas). That could delay voting...

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Slow on the uptake--friends don't make friends deindustrialize:

French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire

"I think it's time for us Europeans to tell our American friends that we are very concerned about the Inflation Reduction Act and that it could cause the deindustrialization of Europe"

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From Don Surber's morning roundup:

ITEM 1: Philip Marey of Rabobank's market research department predicts Republicans will gain 75 House seats and 11 Senate seats giving it majorities of 288-147 and 61-39.

He wrote, "Based on historical statistical relationships, we find that the distressing state of the economy and Biden’s low approval rating should deliver a landslide victory for the Republicans. We calculate an expected midterm loss for the Democrats of 75 seats in the House of Representatives and 11 seats in the Senate. That would give the Republicans solid majorities in both the House and the Senate.

"In contrast, current polls point to a more modest Republican victory, where the Democrats could still keep their majority in the Senate. We conclude that either pollsters are still having trouble reaching potential Republican voters or the Republicans are wasting a golden opportunity to gain firm control of both the House and the Senate.

"Even if the Democrats maintain their majority in the Senate, a Republican majority in the House of Representatives will put an end to President Biden’s expansive fiscal policy plans. This will limit additional inflationary pressures from the federal government."

That's mind-boggling.

I love it.

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In retrospect, and knowing most of the actual results, the lesson we learn here is not to trust our pollsters anymore than the Left's ones.

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

Actually, the only war related news of any note I've seen is a report that as of Nov 2nd, Shoigu was claiming that 82,000 troops have entered the line out of what's being mobilized. More are in training. Some number of those, we don't know how many, will be in the line when the ground freezes, after which tracked vehicles can move well off road. Then we'll see. Nothing much will happen between now and then. Once the ground freezes, I expect a great deal to happen.

EDIT: Regarding the NASMS, I expect them to be reasonably effective against fixed wing aircraft. They absolutely will not bring down a ballistic missile. Their effectiveness against drones is unproven. I expect the big killer of NASMS to be Russian artillery and surface to surface missiles, and maybe the aforementioned drones.

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Completely off topic but I just read that voting machines are down in certain districts .... 👀

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Once again, the machines accidentally (on purpose) fail to work !!!


And once again counting ballots takes days, or weeks, BS !!!


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Is that good or bad for election integrity?

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Yes, the "COVID causes myocardititis" has started up in full the last couple of weeks, and it is a canard. I suspect the numbers of vaccine injuries has gotten too big to hide.

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Covid is going to need to cause cancers too, but the government needs to put some finishing touches on the coordinated media message.

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Something like "People have always died suddenly of cancer"?

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When Cancers Are Aggressive: What You Need to Know ~ Vox

Aggressive Cancer Diagnosis? You're Not Alone ~ WSJ

How Does Breast Cancer Spread Compared With Prostate Cancer? What to Know as Cancer Diagnoses Surge ~ WaPo

What's a 'Stage IV'? How to Talk About Cancer With Your Friends ~ LAT

More Children Are Being Diagnosed With Cancer. But Then What? ~ NYT

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Today I passed my local pharmacy and noticed with a groan that they have their "This way for Death jab" notices back up again. I was tempted to tear it down, but then I thought, what's the point? Anyone taking the jab this winter is beyond all help.

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

Kim Dotcomm has alleged 1 minute after the Nordstream Explosion, she texted Blinken

"It's Done"


US and Europe have traditionally assumed they would have air superiority since the end of WW2, so ground air defenses have been neglected.

The US Patriot Missile is very expense, and has limited quantities. The West does not have a cheap anti missile, much less anti drone capability yet. Israel has been lowering the cost of anti missile defense with their iron dome, and other technologies, but has not exported these to Ukraine. I would be surprised if Israel does in the future, due to fear of blow back from Russia, via Syria.

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