I forget where I saw it but someone had a great caption for that top picture of a gathering of "undercover" FBI agents: Abercrombie & Snitch

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Personal gestapo for an illegitimate president? Ol' man Hoover would be ashamed. The FBI is supposed to push around the executive branch, not the other way around.

Of course, this is backwards and silly. The bureau and the Brandon both dance to the same tune; the piper and those paying him remain, as always, safely out of sight.

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Did you see the latest from KD? I've never dug into his numbers before but I am going to now, this is genocide.


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I did. It's very scary.

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This is shocking in a sense but not surprising. Inslee and Pritzker are would-be totalitarians, in accordance with the radicalized current day Democratic Party. Their true nature slips out with things like this. They want government to run every aspect of your life.

Free speech is the single biggest threat to totalitarianism. It prevents its imposition and is the vanguard of any effort to bring down a totalitarian state. Expect continued attacks on it - and on free thought, as well.

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“Free speech is the single biggest threat to totalitarianism.”

Nailed it! That’s why they invented cancel culture.

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