
Further confirmation. LJ this morning quotes Moshe Dayan:

"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."

Now, what kind of mentality sees that as a vision for a society, for a nation?

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It’s the sort of language generally seen and heard from the barbarian strongmen in third world counties run by generals with chests full of medals.

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A friend who worked as a reserve at my PD recently told me what is going on there is exactly what his father feared would happen one day, so he moved his family to the US. At 19 he went back to do his military service, met his wife and then came back “home”. He is now very anti Netanyahu, where 10-15 years ago he thought he walked on water. I guess sometimes, father really does know best.

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'What we really need to do now, what we intend to do now, is to show the region that there are no limits on what we're willing to do. '

I researched for the source but could not find it; source appreciated.


It appears abundantly clear that, for example, Israel has every intent to take a good portion of Jordan.

Jordan must feel confident in US promises that won't happen, and therefore permits use of airspace and groundspace, but I wonder how on earth, given Afghanistan, Ukraine et al would Jordan ever believe it.

For consideration I provide this quote from Ambassador Chas Freeman

on the state of US diplomacy


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I did listen to Greenwald Rumble and heard the quote

but could not find his source

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You'll probably find it here:


Naftali Bennett argues that Israel’s future depends on striking fear into its enemies’ hearts

Regional foes must be confronted in new ways, says Israel’s former prime minister

Oct 17th 2023

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I had tried that, here is the link in archive.today

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Protocols, it's all in there.

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The good news is what our Friend Will says here which will defang the whole enterprise.

Will Schryver


Normalcy bias is a powerful drug for the macroeconomic / geopolitical tourists of the world.

The demise of the global dollar system is happening as we speak.

The most important thing the dollar cult fails to understand is that: THE GLOBAL DEBT-BASED DOLLAR SYSTEM MUST PERPETUALLY EXPAND, OR IT WILL DIE.

It is already in a relentless contraction.

And the inexorable avalanche of compounding interest is crashing down the mountain.

Every major sovereign holder of US debt instruments across the planet is moving to divest themselves as methodically and prudently as they can. Russia showed the way, and now others are emboldened to do so as well.

US interest expense now exceeds its enormous military budget — in excess of a trillion dollars annually — and growing at an astounding rate.

And yet, over the course of the last few years, the US military has been exposed as an antiquated paper tiger, unable to project decisive power to any geostrategic region around the globe.

Both the US military's intimidation factor and its perceived role as the guarantor of the dollar as the global reserve currency have been irredeemably compromised.

Meanwhile, the US budget deficit is multiples of the interest expense.

Soon the Federal Reserve will be compelled to buy the entire bond market in order to prevent an explosion in yields.

Fools say, "That will never happen. The US dollar will remain the world's dominant currency for decades to come. The United States is the undisputed sole superpower on the planet."

The American Empire has been in a state of gradual decline for several decades. But now everything has greatly accelerated. One day sooner than later, the levee's gonna break — in the blink of an eye, as it were.

And when the levee breaks, cryin' won't help you, and prayin' won't do you no good.

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Not familiar with what you're talking about.

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Think. Why would satan paint the "Jews " as THE problem. Assuredly most are of their father the devil. But so is most of humanity. Observe the vatican, u.s. govt, secret societies and every other evil. Narrow is the gate. God bless you. Jesus is Lord.

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You have the borders of the State of Israel as defined in 1947 under the UN then the breakaway independence borders of 1948. After that, it is all a matter of conquest.

Who says the Israel's have a "right or privilege" greater that thier neighbors? Are they the sole arbitraror of this situation.

Let's do the reverse. We have Jordon, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt determine their borders. Then from that group's input, we then determine the Israeli borders. How about that instead. Think about the argument being stated here? It is crazy. But you know what...... it is just as crazy and stupid as the formation of Israel itself. Think about it.

A minority group says "this is our ancient home land and we have a right to it back and demand it back." Their claim is from over 2000 years ago.

2000 YEARS AGO...really??? this is nuts

How about homeland claims of the Hittites, Egyptians, Carthaginians, Aztecs, American Indians or Khmers?

The logic for doing this action was, and is horrible. (yes, I understand about the holocaust, but a great wrong does not justify an abject stupidity. ) The people who did this had to have been smoking some serious dope. More like airplane glue. Am I right? Yes , look at the outcome we are experiencing today. We are in almost the same positon AGAIN as we were during the 73 war. Back then the Israelis were going to load the nukes and the Soviets had all their airborne units on alert and the US was at DEFCON 3. It completely validates my argument. This is an open sore that is not healing.

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Thank you. You are more essential every day. Prioritizing Israel above all else certainly describes a lot of GOP blogger types, eg all the neocons has beens on Instapundit. Should Israel fall, they will likely agitate for them to move to the USA and run things.

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Not necessarily true because there are a lot of Democrats who were in on this also. If you check the donations from.AIPAC you will find they go to both parties in great sums of money. Israeli lobby does not discriminate between Republicans and Democrats. They buy them both.

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