Considering the vax has MRNA, aborted fetal cells, Graphene oxide to name a few bad concerns and knowing this will cause spike protein mass replication attacking the auto-immune system Id take my chances with Regeneron!

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I believe these monoclonals are also developed using aborted fetal tissues.

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They're working hard to keep the lie alive. I struggle with how some people are still on the "you're killing people by not getting vaxxed" storyline. For us its done. I have hard proof the vaccine is useless, as is the mask. We were fearful early in 2020 but now the government is going to have to work much harder to instill fear in me. And I'm looking for payback for two years. Whoever promises to pursue this payback gets my vote.

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I am very glad that I decided to avoid getting the J&J jab being offered to me by the VA. Instead I became one of the founding members of the pony paste club! Speaking of the VA they cancelled all routine appointments in March 2020, naturally as an enormous federal bureaucracy none of mine have been rescheduled yet.

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Dangerous compared to what?

Copy from https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-coffee-and-covid-tuesday-january-c00 :

Yesterday the Florida Department of Health announced it is closing ALL of the state’s monoclonal treatment centers. According to a press release, the reason is that the FDA abruptly, without warning, revoked the existing EUAs for the two most common mABs — Regeneron and bamlanivimab. The FDA’s rationale was that these two mABs are “not effective against Omicron,” although there is no clinical evidence showing the lack of effectiveness, much less a total failure to help.

[...] Meanwhile, the FDA has green-lighted wide scale distribution of Merck’s Covid pill, Molnupiravir, which according to a December 13 article in the journal Nature, failed to show any more efficacy than a placebo in its final clinical trials. The Nature article’s headline advises, “Merck’s COVID pill loses its lustre: what that means for the pandemic.”

Furthermore, the article explains that some scientists are actually worried about Merck’s drug, saying “molnupiravir’s novel mechanism of action has the potential for long-term safety risks.” The drug works by incorporating itself into Covid’s genes and interfering with its ability to replicate. But, according to Nature, “intentionally introducing mutations into viral RNA might create a more dangerous version of SARS-CoV-2, critics say.” Sounds great.

The FDA did not comment on why it approved an EUA for a drug whose CLINICAL TRIALS failed to show efficacy but cancelled the EUA for existing drugs without any clinical evidence of a failure to show efficacy. So. Weird.

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If the Covid Regime was a four wheeled vehicle, how many wheels do you think are still attached?

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Four. NYC, Cook County, state of CA, for example. Even in Maricopa County AZ people are still driving alone in their cars with masks on. It's going to be a long road.

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I like Childer's "Narrative 2.0" formulation. They're pivoting, which is to say that they can still steer.

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So, why is DeSantis fighting (or appearing to fight) the pulling of Regeneron's EUA? What am I missing?

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Worried he's losing his politically convenient middle way and will actually have to man up and take on the criminals in the FDA and confront them about their absurd stance on Ivermectin and hydroxichloriquin if he wants to continue to be the Choice.

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Agree 100%, I was thinking the same thing.

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Doesn't understand the science? Thought he was doing the right thing?

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Jan 25, 2022
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I attempt to educate everyone I talk with about antibody dependent enhancement.

That’s when I decided no vaccine for me.

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