What timing for a new business venture. Go figure. Makes me want to throw up in my mouth.

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Having taught in schools some years back, as has my wife, I can testify that discipline is nonexistent, and now my son tells me that the administration asks teachers to call the parents when there are problems. What will happen when the parents encourage the students to misbehave?

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My guess is with this and mask / vaccine mandates, home schooling is going to double again.

Good post from Legal Insurrection:


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Now, any disagreement with the school board gets you labeled a domestic terrorist by the Keystone cops. People are increasingly disenfranchised in any number of ways. Myself and others have said this before, but it bears repeating: this is how revolution begins. We are rapidly approaching a very unhappy ending!

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Mark and company - if you clicked the link re the AG daughter; notice how it parses the words to refer to her M and D -- so PC.

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