"The only real hope appears to lie in a massively transformed Legislative Branch with a mandate for fundamental reform. "

I'm sorry, but the Deep State, led by the IC (especially the FBI) seems no longer to have any interest in legislation.

Much as I hate to say it, I think the only real hope lies in civil war. This era will go down in world history as one of the worst preventable tragedies ever.

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I’m hearing a lot of disbelief on how things are in the US. A lot of red pilling.

And Trump is still out there.

I have little hope in the corporate world doing anything. There has been done retreat on crt. The problem is the leadership all comes from the same brain washing higher education.

Longer term red states are going to continue to do better than blue states, and people will move. With the Soros funded prosecutors making blue areas more unlivable and destroying the local economy, it’s accelerating.

The vaccine mandates and Covid censorship are fragile Overton windows, along crt. Inflation and shortages are huge.

My guess is the us is already in a recession, and it’s going to get worse. Consumer confidence is nose diving.

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Ironically for me the glimmer of hope comes from widespread opposition to Biden from young people. That includes getting jabbed


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Thanks for putting this great piece together, Mark. It is reassuring to see the Italians standing up for their own freedom and it is an example I hope we emulate. This is what I would have expected from them, from the beginning. Interesting how political promises of unity (in whatever form) invariably end up being divisive. It was such with the EU as a whole.

We don't have an EU to deal with in the U.S., thankfully. What we do have is a compromised voting system, a bought and paid for government (and not by us), and a bunch of liars for representatives (of both parties). As long as politicians like Biden can boldly state "I don't need your votes to get elected, I need your support after I am elected," we can kiss whatever power and freedoms we thought we had goodbye. Is that why Dem politicians in particular are rubbing their tyrannical actions in our faces? Do they already know they can do whatever they want to us without fear of us? Virginia will be interesting to watch.

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"The only real hope appears to lie in a massively transformed Legislative Branch with a mandate for fundamental reform. Nothing short of that can upend the now entrenched positions of the Left within our societal institutions. Will the continuing chaos of the Zhou regine lead to that result a year from now?"

Oh how I love that dogged optimism bordering on flights of fancy. No, once an authoritarian regime seizes power like this they are never dislodged by elections. It will take massive civil disobedience, strikes, work stoppages, boycotts, and mass protests similar to what we see in Italy and the kind that brought the Berlin wall down.

And that's the best case scenario. Should the Regime refuse these tactics and resort to force.. well, turbulence ahead as they say.

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Mark, thanks so much for your extraordinary diligence bringing, each day, the priorities practicing citizens should be made aware of. You put all the rest to shame, quite often!

Well, this that you serve up today, is like an "all you can eat buffet" so the best here, shared, are two links, a lobster tail and a creme de menthe parfait, if you will.

Whatever, they are relevant to this discussion because, most recent, immediate developments in Poland counter the subservience promulgated by Bergoglio in Italy (since he made Pence a "hero" after all shortly before COVID was unleashed).

Then, the sermon by Father Meyer exposes just how long parents have been duped into allowing MSM and Hollywood to baby sit their kids. Just in case we scratch our heads asking, "How did this happen?!" Little did parents realize the evils of Sesame Street and Hollywood.



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A massively transformed Legislative Branch?

Not if Mitch and Thune have any say in it.

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The Virginia governor's race may well provide the final clue as to which direction the country is ultimately tending. It seems like a good weather vane; a 'purple' state (commonwealth) with an explosive event (rape) involving government schools, transgender insanity, school officials attempting to bury the crime and failing to report it, blaming the victim's father, etc., all in the middle of deep blue Loudon County.

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