This is what happens when you have an incompetent fraud like Biden and a woke military....

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I can hear Kamala now "Incompetence of those competent enough to secure the competent data of course showed how incompetent a job they performed and are therefore I have a great deal of incompetence in his supervisors to competently full fill their duties."

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Very impressive! What did you say again? haha

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Word salad specialty.

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Apr 16, 2023
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Competently noted.

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Wow; incompetence is the key word. I realize it's used often with Gov't entities. Especially when it comes to Nord Stream 2.

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We truly live in the age of incompetence. Every time I think it can't get worse, or more unbelievable - it does

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Everyone is puzzling about how this low-level, low-skilled airman got his hands on materials from nearly every IC group that should only be accessible to a few people within the DNI. I read yesterday or the day before someone's speculation that he got these documents out of a burn bag that had negligently not been emptied at shift end. To me, this hypothesis fits this otherwise incomprehensible access enigma.

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I like this input; it is consistent with images of crumpled papers. If we put together many of the ideas commentators on this thread have offered, that are not knocked out by good objections (the most resonant being implausibility of non-detection at *every step in getting said material onto an off-site camera*, plus the weirdness of the mix of secret topics and bonus points on the culprit's profile), what remains in the "dog not barking" context to me supports 1) implementation of a pre-set cover 'insurance policy'; 2) using a patsy; 3) by way of injected mis-information; 4) that allows probes of leak-channels and methods by following the unique secret-signature-stream; and 5) carries a convenient political smear-narrative. The trigger is likely both the inevitability of the loss of the Ukraine war by the neocon side, loss of support for more pain by EU leaders, and opportunity to set another trigger around Zhou and his impending exit. I wouldn't be surprised if a dozen or more of these kinds of at-the-ready leak/trace schemes burble along every day. Nasty stuff, to be sure.

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Larry Johnson has a good update today.

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That would make sense. Given that he was only an E3, it is also possible that one of his duties was shredding the contents of the burn bags. If left unsupervised, he would have had plenty of opportunity to pilfer any printed document that he desired.

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Somehow he had time to READ the contents of the burn bag and NO ONE noticed? And he supposedly found/released 200 pages -- of which only 18 are available?! IF his job were to shred the burn bag -- it completely skips over the type and level of CLASSIFIED material -- from DoD AND CIA both -- really would not used at an ANG base!

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Sounds plausible. I wonder whether we’ll ever know the truth.

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Apr 16, 2023
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Burn bag!? What TOTAL CRAP!!

"Somehow" this stuff was available ON paper? And the kid allegedly took it home to photograph? And it was "tightly controlled" paper from BOTH DoD AND CIA! WHAT is going on at the Nat Guard base that ANYONE there would (allegedly!) have access to that info at that level of (non-?)control?!?

SOOOOOO false flag! Remember Jesse/Juicy "getting lynched" at 2 a.m. -- at the EXACT same time enemies in the Congress were trying to (and succeeding at!) pushing a "federal anti-lynching" bill into law?!?!

People (not us!) should STOP trying to lookie-lou at this DISTRACTION, and go deeper, wider, and WAY more dangerous tp us!! Warn your friends and neighbors AWAY from this crap!

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Thanks for taking that on. Burn bag doesn't pass the laugh test--no matter how well intended the thought is.

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And the top secret documents posted also included Taiwan, and how unprepared its air force is.

What an amazing coincidence that all the leaked documents favor a certain narrative.


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"Far be it from me to underestimate the possibilities of government incompetence. I say that without intending to be snarky. In my previous life I knew many highly competent investigators and administrators, but for this narrative to be true would require a pretty epic level of incompetence—incompetence that would normally be shielded by system wide safeguards rather than personal judgment."

To quote that great sage Buckaroo Banzai, nothing is what it seems, but everything is exactly what it is. There have been multiple leaks, some of them disastrous, that at times have seemed beyond belief. Reality Winner and Ed Snowden being two cases in point. The IC is suffering from the same crisis of competence as the rest of the country. It's called Clown World for a reason.

I've listened to various people argue that this was a setup, the Deep State is sending this message or that narrative, or this can't possibly be real, and playing various forms of 5D chess. My take is that this is exactly what it looks like, an epic level of incompetence. And at the end of the day, the documents themselves are not signal, they're noise. Even if they are real, the information in them could be misleading or inaccurate because look at the sort of people who prepared them.

One of the problems with the IC is that it's too big. Secrecy requires that the number of people in on the secret be kept to a minimum. People like Teixeria are supposed to be weeded out by vetting, and this isn't being done because in part the manpower requirements of the IC exceed the number of qualified people and the number that can be effectively screened.

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This seems more like complaining that your car has been stolen, but you parked on the street, left the windows open, with the key fob on the seat, and you’re indignant that a kid succumbed to the opportunity. So we have a leak of a trove of deep secrets about Ukraine, apparently stored in an unlocked file drawer or computer behind unlocked doors, next to an insecure copy machine that doesn’t keep track of who does what on it. And no one is looking, and it is easy to take them home with you to brag about to your friends online (motivation for that?) since no one will ever know or find out. It’s either real, and the incompetence is breathtaking, or it is all an engineered leak, doors left wide open, some truth mixed with lies, with this material left out in plain sight somewhere on the base hoping/expecting it would be pilfered. Who is this kid’s FBI handler? How many in the gaming group are feds? Feels like the plot to build support for this RESTRICT pet project of the SSCI.

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I do not / will never believe anything "the man" and their mouthpiece "the media" says.

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Otherwise known in the anals of the FBI as “entrapment”?

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I think the term you are looking for to describe the FBI activity is SOP.

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The only crimes the FBI “solve” are the ones they commit.

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Is it possible that he was 'set up' - enticed - by letting docs be available, and counting on his character to pick them up?

A possible reason could be that They wanted the info leaked, so that when things go South in Ukraine - as they certainly will - we (the public) won't be blindsided......

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So then - he was just a regular IT network guy.....

That certainly explains how he got hold of TS documents......

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Right. That just makes no sense at all in terms of really basic security.

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I remember hearing early on when the feds zeroed in on this guy that he worked the overnight shift at the base. I might have heard it listening to Howie Carr’s podcast of his Massachusetts based radio program. Working unsupervised overnight might have some relevance to this guy’s ability to access things that otherwise would raise eyebrows during normal work hours. I dunno. Just throwing it out there.

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All those security measures should be automated.

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Apr 17, 2023
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I'm not a big fan of Helmer--he's in and out. This is a good example. I think his criticism of Shaffer is fair--I heard Shaffer talking about China and had the same impression that Helmer gives of Shaffer talking about Russia. But Helmer doesn't offer any substantive criticism of the others. I don't doubt that those others want to save America from itself, but not to continue the empire.

I also think the suggestion that we're headed for military rule is misguided. If anything, more open Deep State rule. I think he's right to this extent, that the Deep State is clearly looking for an alternative to Trump, and they're having a hard time.

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Apr 16, 2023
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Begs the question... why do we all think the gov't is sophisticated enough to trigger security alerts? I mean just look at the gov't computer systems still in use from the 90's.

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Apr 16, 2023
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I retired from the Army in 2009 and even then, you weren't allowed to plug any external device (external hard drives, memory sticks of any kind, etc.) into any Army computer whether on a secure net or not. This isn't new, part of why none of this makes sense to me.

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Apr 16, 2023
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How did the press know all of this information ahead of time (even beating the authorities to the arrest site?) Screams pre-planned setup.

Karen Elliott had an excellent comment. Moreover, just because someone has access to a network physically or logically for maintenance purposes doesn't mean he or she has access to the information on the network. Who was responsible for maintaining the security of the information which was allegedly accessed illegally (according to statute as cited in the charging document)? Why haven't we heard about them and how their security structure was breached? Why aren't they being held responsible or even being identified? This info came from so many places half the IT resources in the intelligence community might be implicated.

If this guy Teixeira did what he was alleged to have done, he did not do it without help (purposeful or not). Where did that help come from? Competence or incompetence should not condition responsibility. Where's the security investigation?

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"How did the press know all this information ahead of time...?" Incompetence of course. Hold my Beer.

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Apr 16, 2023
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That thought had occurred ...

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