This entire Ukraine operation is a massive misadventure promoted by an overambitious NATO force that necessarily requires shutdown now! The people of the United States do not support this war and have no ambition to follow a half-wit Geritol Molotov Cocktail Joey Biden into war with anyone! He's a total blithering idiot! The Biden Crime family needs to be huddling around their attorneys to see how best they can stay out of Leavenworth and better yet, out of the White House.

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I would only pose one question to McGregor -- How good are you at WWI tactics? The idea of mobile forces out in the open is suicide. ATMs have seen to that. Much of what is going on now is trench warfare.

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Thanks Mark!

Simplicius the Thinker Has an amazing substack.

His write up of changes in tactics duecto the constant surveillance by both sides, and the anti drone warfare are very educational.

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Very impressive.

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I agree with Milley. Russia has lost. Purposely. Washington wants a PR victory. They can have it. Russia is bogged down. Facts on the ground, they control prime real estate, they are grinding to a pulp whatever we throw at them, this is costly for us, and as long as there is no conclusion Russia is faced with neither withdrawals nor criminal charges. Whats not to like?

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I am constantly amazed at just how ignorant the neocons appear to be. Have they ever heard of Clausewitz, tactics or anything else that related to warfare? Strategic thinking is not just some catch phrase, it’s a real world concept. The way this whole Ukraine thing has developed gives every indication that these clowns just got out of bed one morning and said, “What’s on the agenda for today? Oh, look, it says start a half-assed proxy war with Russia. Do you think we should work through cost benefit analysis or a little risk assessment? Naw, man, piece of cake! We’ll have the Russian’s on their knees in a couple of months.”

Then reality stepped in and rained all the hell over their dumb ass plans and we find out that they don’t even know the first law of holes, so here we are on the thin end of the wedge staring WWlll in the face.

They have elevated stupidity to an art form and yet expect us to believe that they are the smartest people in the room.

Maybe Putin should think about what Rush used to say and tie half his brain behind his back just to make it fair.

This whole thing would be hilarious if it weren’t so terrifyingly real.

And as my father used to say, “Macgregor has forgotten more about war and battle than his critics will ever know.”

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G'evening SMH, Remember, "President" Biden (et al) all but invited Russia into Ukraine, what, for a minor incursion? Then General-Equanimity Austin stated it was about weakening Russia. Once in, and tens of Billions of $'s later, suddenly it's about Ukraine Winning, Democracy Winning - Good Ol' Joe and the USA! (Rah-Rah-Blah). Consequences suck: the idiocy and whatever-schemes were behind where we are today leave hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians, hundreds of thousands more wounded or MIA with untold civilians dead and displaced. Yes, other countries have suffered big casualty counts, including Russia. But nothing, NOTHING like Ukraine. *Don't forget, the stage was solidly set with the CIA/Security State operation under Obama of a coups and installation of a non-Ukrainian speaking president. If not so terribly serious, it'd not make being laughable in it's amazing ignorance and stupidity. As you said SMH, terrifyingly real. I already added terrifying in general. Best regards, (WRH)

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This is the face of modern war--and the Russians have advanced capabilities the Neocons never dreamed they had:


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"General Milley stated Russia has Lost". Goodness sakes. Is there no Shame? Or are there enough gullible and submissive folks to simply shake their head 'yes, yes' and then return to their phone for the latest Tick-Tok Fashion of the moment? Sigh.

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I saw the headline yesterday but then couldn't find it later in the day when Mark posted. This morning I searched Milley Russia and found the likely story I saw in the NY Post. Milley's comment was made in Brussels during a news media event.


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Hey DJL,

Where and to whom this 'statement' was made says it all. Thanks for sharing the link and info! (WRH)

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