All by design my friends...

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The real nasty documents are in the trunk of the vette.

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Some say, the purpose of the special counsel is to prevent Congress from getting any information

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Well, you need a legal manager for these things, right? Multiple functions that tie together legal, intel, political aspects.

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Joe only has to stay in The Big Chair until 1/21/23. Then, Kamala could serve out the rest of Joe's term and then run for two of her own. Or so goes conventional thinking.

I have a slightly different take - watch who is appointed as Kamala's new VP. She won't have any input on the choice. (My bet is on Michelle with Valerie Jarrett and Barrack providing the choreography behind the scenes.)

Then, miraculously, Kamala will be suddenly found to have committed some heretofore undiscovered impeachable offense and she's out too. And the unelected VP becomes the new president.

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VPs are never 'appointed'. They have to be elected by both Houses. The trouble with these scenarios is they could lead to protracted squabbling and maneuvering, whereas my theory is that the Deep State needs an actual functional president--at least as we now understand that office--sooner rather than later.

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This could become very interesting. Republicans control the House and with Kamala as President there would be nobody to break a Senate tie. We could end up without a Vice-President or with some sort of bipartisan compromise.

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Mark, just a quick note -- wishing you and the Missus all the best!

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Thanks--progress every day. Therapy later this morning.

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Totally brilliant--Tucker says it, Zhou has outlived his usefulness. Which was pretty minimal to begin with. Somehow he thought this "presidential" gig by right.

Tucker says, “It’s a happy day in Kamala Harris’s house.”


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Brutal Tucker: If you're wondering whether this is an organized effort to hurt Zhou, all you need to know is that his staff is now putting him out to speak in public.

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Just don’t believe in coincidence gang, so I’m with Mark on this one; Joey’s in heap big doo doo. Granted there are a lot of moving parts that have to be dealt with but, as has been pointed out, the fact that this story even has legs is in itself a very, very significant development.

As far as Harris being worse than Biden, she can read the teleprompter, she can utter totally incomprehensible gibberish as easily as Joe on his best day, she could start spending more time away from DC, she can certainly do “cranky and insufferable arrogance” and she can ignore the press.

Seems like a a perfect fit to me.

Nope, where there is smoke there is fire, just not sure what or who the main course is, but I think I smell Biden Bacon 🥓.

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Well, at least the rest of the documents Biden took with him are in secure facilities in China, Ukraine, Iran......

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Like the dog that didn’t bark, one has to wonder about the documents that were not found amongst Sketchy Joe’s collection. A boisterous public kerfuffle could easily mask additional misdeeds.

After all, it was Sketchy Joe’s aides that found, examined and returned the documents. Suppose the National Archives or some other organization queried Sketch’s aides about an incomplete list of known missing documents? What are the chances that the helpful aides had the security clearances necessary to examine these documents in the first place? The FBI might not be as easily controlled as 'aides'.

Sketchy is definitely the target, but someone or some group may require protection from exposure.

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Then there is the 'Dr.' Jill angle if the Deep State is trying push Joe out. She won't be too happy being tossed out like the servant class. Maybe she can get another 60 Minutes interview set up to save Joe and keep her accustomed position of royalty. And what happens to Hunter if Joe is no longer in a position to keep those pesky investigations at arm's length? There are a lot of moving parts to this growing tempest at 1600 Penn Ave.

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Maybe the adults have decided to take charge. I don't have billions and trillions to lose. When it all comes crashing down they, whoever they are, stand to lose big time. Even more scary would be if the system collapses and the hordes of deplorables start acting up. The two biggest Swiss banks are reportedly in trouble. They are as solid as it gets. The Fed is surely worried about our big banks. Could it be that there is life outside of politics? Is there another reality? I've been scared for years now, and I have little to lose. Could those who stand to lose big time finally have come to understand that the system is imploding? Whatever doctrine they profess, they are basically Capitalists, and indeed control most of the world's capital. The big shots in Washington may have a healthy opinion of their own worth, but they are disposable when the paymasters so decide.

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My guess re the SC--who appears to be reliably Deep State--is that it gives the MSM the green light to cover the story. So, if I'm right, this would be the beginning of pressure and a warning that things could get much worse.

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Damn straight. Seeing it all day today.

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I hope so.

It makes sense that the leak is intended to expose Biden.

It seems equally likely that Biden's henchman Garland is using the SC to shield Biden.

Both likely true.

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It is mystifying how this saw the light of day. Normally, they would bury it. Seems like they are out to oust Biden. The "take" over here with our Euro MSM is that it's no biggie because it's only a few documents, while Trump stole "thousands".

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"C'mon man, my garage was locked" is what you get when Joe isn't reading verbatim from the teleprompter. Try that defense in a military court martial.

Then there is always the question that is never broached so it is never answered. What was the potential for compromise and its effect on national security? A high chance in the Penn situation. A lesser chance in the Biden garage unless Hunter had access... Any investigation into loss of control of classified material must officially answer that question - but that never happened in the Hillary E-Mail scandal to my knowledge.

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As long as she didn't intend to mishandle classified info, Comey could not imagine a reasonable prosecutor would pursue the case, so: as long as Biden didn't intend to mishandle classified info...

Going through Comey's FBI statement, and excerpting it here just for fun,

"Our investigation looked at whether there is evidence classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system, in violation of a federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way, or a second statute making it a misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities...

[The FBI] found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them. Our assessment is that, like many e-mail users, Secretary Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from the system when devices were changed. Because she was not using a government account—or even a commercial account like Gmail—there was no archiving at all of her e-mails...

Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information...

Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past."

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Could this be not only a move to remove Zhou, but also a pretext to prevent Trump from running again? Just a thought . . . Thanks for the post.

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Short answer: Yes. Longer response: The Deep State surely doesn't want a return of Trump. The bigger problem is to get both parties to agree to a replacement, since Kama Sutra doesn't appear to be more viable as POTUS than Zhou. Remember, if I'm right, this is seen as an existential crisis, so out of the frying pan into the fire isn't good enough.

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