Really, I'm not sure whether any so called history of the last 70 years can be reliably discerned now. These last 6 years have got me doubting everything i thought i knew about US history.

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My take on the Iraq war 2 was it was a Hail Mary pass to clean up the mess of the Middle East. The no fly zone was going on for years, Saddam was ready to go back into the chemical / nuke business once the sanctions ended.

I had hopes of a positive outcome, but what a catastrophe the occupation of Iraq / Rebuilding was. It became a huge grift operation. And Syria has become a charnel house. And Iran no longer has Iraq counter balancing it.

Iraq War 1 had a huge coalition. My guess was a lot of the war fever was fueled by Saudi / Gulf propaganda. And the hubris of the us being the sole remaining super power. And the Bush / Saudi family relationship. Saudis were scared by the Kuwaiti invasion by Iraq.

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Mark, this reminds me of a very timely post you had a few days ago:


Thanks for, as usual, being so on top of things.

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