They can always escalate though, everything would burn.

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Pay attention to what Eric Schmidt says regarding future $ and warfare…he represents the Globalist part of the emerging DIGITAL paradigm.

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Ok Mark, and I am not trying to be a smart ass, who the hell did they go to for a face to face with the CinC? There’s no way it was Captain Vacationman, so where do you go for cogent and self aware direction when you seek a meeting with the CinC?

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The Chief of Staff, Jeff Zients. CoS is the gate keeper. To get the face to face you've gotta get in his face and threaten consequences.

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Zients is best known as a bagel shop impresario. Before him was Ron Klain. Does that help with the picture?

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Smells of desperation to justify something…

Russia gave Iran nuclear bomb secrets in return for missiles to strike Ukraine, West fears


Iran got them from Pakistan, that got them from China. North Korea also got information from Pakistan.


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Not on the front page, the WSJ is rolling video of a shallow hole in the dirt outside of town, and a small brush fire nearby, claiming that the hole is "where a Houthi missile landed Sunday". This does not register as "hypersonic missile hits Tel Aviv near Gezer powerplant 6km from Ben Gurion airport". I don't know who to believe about anything anymore, I'm just watching the competing narratives go by.

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My go to rule of thumb in the middle east is all sides lie.

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Photos like that one are probably where Israeli anti-air missiles fell back to earth. WSJ doesn't grok gravity and the difference in crater between AD missiles and ballistic missiles with sizeable warheads.

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Thanks, Mark.

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My wife heard on the radio--shots fired near Trump in FL.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

OMG - a second time?

First one was memory holed by the msm.

Example of the hate the left is cultivating:

Ny times just compared Vance to Nazi’s


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WSJ take on today’s shooting was that “it comes at a tense moment for the secret service.”

NOT that it comes at a tense time for President Trump. Think it might be tense having two assassination attempts on you in two months?

The perspective and focus of the MSM is crazy.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Would you believe the idiots on MSNPC actually blamed the assassination attempts on “Trump’s rhetoric?” That’s some Grade A projection right there.

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NOT that it comes at a tense time for the nation, either. Just sayin.

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Then there's this: All publicity is good publicity.

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True that. Short of actually killing him, this only helps our cause.

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