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Mr. Draven is definitely on to something and it is not a small thing. The larger point is that when the U.S. federal government is seen to no longer represent the beliefs, morals, or interests of the majority or even large minority of its "subject" population - when other countries start to look better - what is the basis on which people will want to continue serving the U.S. government through their taxes, military service, or in any other way. What will stop them from the "soft resistance" of working around the government laws and rules and subverting it in any ways possible? Therein lies the path to the demise of the Federal Government whether it be explicit or implicit - much like the demise of the USSR happened. One day everyone woke up and it was gone but the rot was eating away at it long before then.

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Mr Texas better get out while he can and sell your house and USDs you get for them still has value. US Elites already instituted an exit tax in 2008 knowing what's up - soon no one can leave like USSR and Scott Ritter right now in USSA, and socialists/communists will steal your 401ks and move those fighting aged immigrants in your house. People only are seeing a glimer of bad right now recognizing there are better places just wait you've seen nothing yet. Think 1917 Russia.

Oh and think rural will save you? That's not how it worked in USSR. city slickers in tanks rolled in killed anyone who resisted and enslaved whomever left to farm for them and they barley ate thier own bounties from thier own land. Many starved in fact.

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I am another disillusioned veteran, I do not care if, for example "senator" renTed Cruz lost his senate seat, or my alleged "congressman" lost his, voting is futile. I wonder if it would be possible to claim asylum overseas from the USA insane asylum that I unfortunately happen to live in ?

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Hang in there Tex. Don't be discouraged. Keep the faith in the good ole USA.

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I personally would not move to Russia. It's on the nuclear hit list. But there are other places that are normal. Nomad capitalist has an excellent channel on youtube if serious. I moved to south brazil very conservative very european and still get pension for now...

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Why is Zuckerberg not on there?

His $400 million+ had a huge impact on the election.

His exclusion makes me question the methodology. I’m probably nitpicking from the point of the post.

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He, Soros, and others launder their donations through various orgs. It's all there for anyone who looks.

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And they call these evil beasts philanthropists.

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Just another veteran checking in to say "ditto." Russia is a den of corruption, but not as bad as previously, and not as bad as the US. We really don't want to have to move there, but we have identified potential cities for relocation, just in case. ☮

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"...and not as bad as the US."

If true, doesn't that say it all?

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That’s all well and good, I support Russia from the beginning. But that’s not America. That’s not where I live. There are True Americans opposing this out of control corporate government everyday for the last 10 years hardcore. We have made much progress and making more everyday peacefully and lawfully. We have the STANDING to do this, to take back control of our employees. If more Americans would realize there is a process, a plan, a solution we can all be free that much sooner…. Even the people that never wake up. People need to stop focusing on the drama and put their adult pants on and get to work. All of this happened because we let it so it’s our mess to clean up and there’s no white hats, no savior, it’s hard working Americans standing up together. Every state has assembled, we have our American federation (non corporate) in working order. Common law courts are coming back. Look up the United States of America podcast on YouTube, go to the tasa.americastatenationals.org, look up your state assembly. Do something positive there’s so much work to do.

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The deal is, in Russia it is "okay to be white". You won't be jumped, by an individual or by an institution or by the government, because you are white. There are myriad other reasons why people would beat you up literally and figuratively in Russia, but it won't be because of the color of your skin which you cannot change. That is a very attractive message.

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Well that makes sense given the nature of the population. I have known a number of Slavs over the years (not just Russians) and I have to say that they do show a "bias" (or a prejudice if you will) against black people. Now part of that is unfamiliarity no doubt, much of it is likely based on what they have heard/read in their media, and no small part of it is likely based on human nature and the tendency we have to feel more comfortable in our own group. Nevertheless, it exists. I hasten to add that I very much like Slavic peoples and that we all are "guilty" of this type of prejudice if we were to be judged on our own natural tendency toward homogeneity.

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What are some of the myriad other reasons, Tamsin?

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When someone wants what you've got, and decides to take it from you.

One out of a myriad still leaves a myriad, but I would offer an interesting historical example from my recent reading of the Gulag Archipelago, Part II, Chapter 1, The Ships of the Archipelago, the class struggle in Stolypin Cars: convoy guards coordinated with thieves to strip "politicals" of valuables on the way to camp.

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Well, yes, theft, and theft by government, is a bad thing. I've been reading the Gulag Archipelago recently, too, and the government certainly did a lot of bad things. But do you think the horrific abuses Solzhenitsyn describes are inherently Russian...or are they a product of the Soviet system...or are they human nature?

As you might appreciate I am trying hard to sort out for myself what exactly is wrong with Russia and what is simply anti-Russian propaganda.

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Human nature. World-wide. That was going to be my first answer to your question, but I didn't want to be flippant.

I would expand on that example from the Gulag that here in America, whites are portrayed as the class enemy of non-whites. You can tell who the class enemy is by the color of their skin. In Russia, past or present, there was a little more work involved to identify class enemies that should be defeated.

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I'm thinking Gorky park.

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Yes, good reference point, AC. I wonder how much of the violent criminality imagined in Gorky Park affects normal Russian people leading normal lives.


I see that Martin Cruz Smith has written 9 Arkady Renko crime novels following Gorky Park, all featuring diverse criminality in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia. Of course, they are all works of fiction...

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Of course "wink" "wink".

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Just an aside...I met two affluent Russian-American sisters (mixed parents) about 5 years ago (before Zelensky, etc), one a student in her twenties and the other a bit older. In becoming acquainted we spent some time chatting about Russia and the older one told me that although she was a dual citizen (the younger was a student at Notre Dame), and 100% fluent in both languages, that she had chosen to live in Russia. She said she preferred the quality of life in Moscow. She said to me, "You would love it in Moscow. You should come and stay for a month." The best hotels are a couple of hundred dollars a night, there are fabulous restaurants, the city is clean, safe and prosperous and has a tremendous vibe. She said many educated Muscovites speak English. I asked about the long winters and she said that, yes, you have to bundle up, but the summers are fabulous.

Sounds just like present day NYC, doesn't it? :-)

She told me that her prosperous Russian mother and American father had elected to live permanently in Russia. Needless to say (perhaps), I've not visited Russia to see what's up for myself. But I'm thinking about it.

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There are numerous "walking" videos online of Moscow and St. Petersburg street life and activity during the Spring and Summer. The vibe looks like what we once had here in many of our major cities before they were trashed.

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Don't worry about being on a list at that point because we're all on "the list".

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Dying to revisit present-day Moscow and St. Petersburg, where I spent a substantial portion of my 20s living and working back in the '90s. Tough sell with the family, but I'll take another run at my daughter once she's out of college in a couple years.

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Moses received about 90 commandments when he received the ten commandments. #62 was. "“Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the innocent."

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Was that one on the tablet Mel Brooks dropped when he says "The 15 commandments", thud.

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Very good article. I too am a disillusioned veteran, 30 years on active duty retiring as an 0-6. I pray that Putin is an honest servant of the Russian people who takes his Christian faith seriously and not just some very crafty controlled opposition plant, like I fear Trump may be (what part does Zionist son-in-law play in his agenda?).

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NeoCons, Straussians, Zionists, Bolsheviks... they all seem to be names for a criminal cabal of organized Jewry that has been in existence since the latter half of the nineteenth century, if not longer.

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You think? Not one single Jewish friend of mine would agree with you!

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All my “former” Jewish friends vociferously denied the truth because Tikkun Olam. Uh huh.

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Notice that I said "a criminal cabal of organized Jewry". That phrase does not imply that all Jews are involved or even know about this cabal.

Perhaps you should ask yourself why you felt compelled to go on the defensive. Could it be that you've been trained to do so by the faction in this cabal that seems to control the media?

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Sorry V. I was being a 'little' sarcastic but I guess I should have said so. :-)

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I got it, Cass.

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Glad I'm not a cabal.

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IMHO, this is the best piece you have written, really drilled down to the most salient issues, good job.

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