We tried the same thing with Iraq and their oil but screwed it up.

China is Iraq's biggest customer now.

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Likewise, Russia wishes to control all resources in the area to maximize it's profits.

Please see:


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Here's a pop quiz for Mark's readers.

Who wins the Hillary Clinton Award for most cynical, er, astute defense of the Ukraine project by a politician:

Sen. Richard Blumenthal: The US is getting its “money’s worth” in Ukraine because Russia is taking losses and no Americans are dying.

Sen. Mitt Romney: This is “the best national defense spending I think we’ve ever done...We’re losing no lives in Ukraine, and the Ukrainians are fighting heroically against Russia...We’re diminishing and devastating the Russian military for a very small amount of money...

Sen. Lindsay Graham: Let's help Ukraine win a war we can't afford to lose. Let's find a solution to this war. But they're sitting on a gold mine. To give Putin 10 or $12 trillion for critical minerals that he will share with China is ridiculous.

Sen. Mitch McConnell: This war has not cost the lives of any US military personnel, and weapons transfers to Ukraine are allowing the United States to modernize its industrial base with cutting-edge technology that will be needed in the rising competition from Russia and China, and it is creating US jobs.

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Funny, I don't see Ukraine on the list...

And...Lindsey says he doesn't want to 'give' the $10 to $12 trillion of 'critical mineral assets' to Russia. Huh? So they are his to 'give'? By what right are they his to give? Oh yes, I forgot, by right of the Global Hegemon.

And...Lindsey says the $10 to $12 trillion of 'critical mineral assets' could be used by Ukraine and the West rather than Russia and China... Huh? What's up with that? In Graham World are mineral assets located in Ukraine or Russia going to be used exclusively by Russia? What happened to 'globalism' and 'world markets'? The last time I looked Russia was trying to sell oil and natural gas to Germany and other EU countries at pretty favorable prices...We didn't like that so we blew up the NordStream pipeline...Now, according to Lindsey, if Russia 'defeats' Ukraine it won't let Ukrainian asset owners sell product for the highest price if the buyer isn't China?

Apparently, a lot of these 'critical' minerals are located in Eastern Ukraine...in the Donbass...where a lot of ethnic Russians live who would apparenly live in a state which is part of Russia rather than Ukraine. In Graham World, the revenue for mineral licenses in this region shouldn't go to the government in the region, but rather to those honest folks in Kiev, who, you know, are really looking out for the better interests of the Donbass...or better yet, should go to 'us'...to Washington. Because? Because.

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I have experience in mineral exploration. I haven't seen any geological reporting to indicate anything exceptional about Ukraine's minerals. IMO Graham is just spouting intel agency false information about supposed resources in order to create support for an ideological adventure.

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I only know what I read--no basis for judging. This is the kind of stuff that's out there. Whether it's really true or not ...


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Interesting chess move by Putin today--gave a speech this morning saying that the war could end "this minute" if Russia's two conditions were met, namely: (i) removal of all UA troops from the DPR, LPR and the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions; and (ii) a UA commitment to never join NATO. Went so far as to say that he'd consider UA sovereignty over latter two regions, so long as Crimea access was satisfactorily assured.

Smart play, dropping a too-good-to-be-true offer immediately ahead of the farcical "Ukraine Peace Summit" in Switzerland this weekend, knowing full-well that it will be unceremoniously rejected by a West that has no interest whatsoever in ending this war.

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Way out there and probably not for the learned readers of this blog but something has been bothering me.

Infamous Catholic priest Malachi Martin made assertions some 3 decades ago that the future of the world rested on Kiev and Russia.

Despite his media notoriety on the Coast to Coast radio program and the Fatima prophecies he was no light weight and a very educated and scholarly academic.

It’s amazing that he was aware of the impending war and taking Lindsey Graham’s comments it makes one wonder what is really going on.

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The US following the path laid by the Brits…;) who is in charge?

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We often cite the Brits however, it’s a much smaller group who are jerking the chains of the British people, it’s the ghouls of the city of London. We all suffer under their deviant financial rule that gives them power. Yes, Jeff it’s the digital world now which enables their sinister ideology to flourish even easier as they capture all the controls through digital surveillance and manipulation. The chains are not obvious, but they exist in the cloud.

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Isn’t the city of London technically a separate country or something like that?

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Not a separate country like the Vatican, but it does have it's own mayor and rules (or laws, if you will). It's also often called "The Square Mile." It's the great financial center within the city called London. Very interesting history. I found this article several years ago and you have to sift through some of the links to find details without the opinion. https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/the-city-of-london/

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If the GAE had played straight with Russia from 1991 onwards, maybe it could have had a permanent share of that gold mine. Now it will lose it all.

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First 10 or so minutes was an update on Syria. Fascinating. The Duran.

Ceasefire failure. Armenia shift w/ Kevork Almassian

- US is still sanctioning Syria.

- Russia sees Syria as connected to Ukraine, and counsels patience to Ukraine is resolved.

- Qatar gas pipeline was mentioned as motivator for U.S. action.

- Syria is having talks with Turkey, with Iraq and Russia mediating.

- deal with Kurds looks feasible.

- U.S. has no strategy in Syria.


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Sounds truly fascinating. Between this and the other videos, I guess I will have to give up some of that sleep I was planning on for tonight. Thanks!

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I gotta get to that. There's been some more buzz about Israel's military meeting with some minor Arab ones + KSA, but KSA's exit from the petrodollar deal suggests that KSA sees its long term interest is with BRICS and not in being dominated by the Anglo-Zionist empire via pipelines all going through Israel or the Ben Gurion canal. Talk about complicated.

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Seems Graham is dealing with out of date information on Russia’s economy size. If Russia was 1 trillion, ok, 12 trillion is a lot. With an economy of 10 trillion, not so much.

Or may be it’s a cheap way to weaken Russia is not working as a message.

Or, may be Dave Collum’s rabbit hole musings to Tom Luongo have a grain of truth? Which is terrifying.

Perhaps The war with Russia is more about Russia's anti woke / dei / Wef policies? And Graham is championing this fight, just as he stabbed Trump in the back, and pushed through a lot of Biden judicial appointments.


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So many interviews, not enough time. Do you have a time range for this exchange between Luongo/Collum? Was the podcast good overall? Saw the recent Bald Ones with Tommy podcast, which is always worth a listen.

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So much Democracy!

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...................and so little time.

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Perhaps if we had attempted a previous rapprochement with Russia and agreed Ukraine would remain a non-Nato buffer zone between East and West, the U.S. would've had access to those mineral deposits without the untidy business of a prolonged and futile war. Oh but excuse me I'm a Putin Stooge (even if all my Slavic non-Russian DNA argues aversion toward Putin), and wholly irrational and unversed in geopolitics.

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Beat me to it, Ray. I should have scrolled down before commenting. Yep. With jaw-jaw and not war-.war, the GAE today could have been a trading partner with Russia, and have isolated China from its greatest source of natural resources. Oh well.

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Your willingness to engage in the struggle and see and admit your crimes against Democracy means we will arrest you and try you and convict you of your political crimes (you admitted to them!) but we will suspend the sentence. Just don't make any fast moves.

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I’m too old for re-education. Just shoot me.

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Does Russia need Ukraine’s mineral wealth? Seems McCain’s eval of Russia applies more to Ukraine.

August 1, 2015 - "Look, Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country," McCain said. "It's kleptocracy. It's corruption. It's a nation that's really only dependent upon oil and gas for their economy, and so economic sanctions are important."

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McCain, as usual, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, was projecting.

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America is a money-printing machine, masquerading as a country.

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Well put!

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This vibes w/ notion that US is sponsoring Israel's genocide of Gaza to gain control of Gaza's offshore gas field, reportedly valued at $500 billion.

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And they need to expand their territory to create the Ben Gurian canal to transport the oil and gas to Europe. And of course the New York Khazarian mafia wants the beaches for development.

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It’s more about Israel/ Jewish campaign contributions and political power.

When every member of Congress, except Massey, has an aipac person, it’s a lot of influence.


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It's a lot more than that, Ray. Yes, the campaign contributions keep them elected and earning life style cash, but the real wealth builders are the cut they get from money laundering schemes and kick backs. Plus they all get inside trading tips for their wall street portfolios. Am I jaded? Why yes, yes I am, aren't you by now.

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100% agree.

Plus a bit of blackmail due to our surveillance state to nudge them in the right direction on votes.

I’m trying to be mindful on the corruption issue, where i acknowledge it and try to observe it, so I don’t let it affect my mental state.

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Ah, yes, Ray the surveillance state. Funny that. The U.S. in it's many manifestations of acting as a developing partner for the enlargement and development of Israel, is the use tax payer funds to enable Israel to create the high technology center and much of it is in cyber technology, AI, etc.. Who have we outsourced some of our surveillance to? Who have we subsidized to create those whiz-bang safe election systems....hmmmm, I wonder.

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