Aug 26Edited

A follow-up to Dissonant’s comment below:“Clearly, the macronie is angry with freedoms and democracy, and it can count on tribes of careerists in the mysteries of the ministries to reign in terror.” From General Delagarde’s website, commenting on Macron’s arrest of dual Russian/French citizen Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram. Carried out by one of the French Deep State careerists under the pretext of protecting minors from child pornography, when in reality Pavel was arrested because he refuses to cow-tow to power:

“Durov does not communicate to the authorities the identity of opponents of power who frequent his networks, as Facebook, Google, Signal, and a few others commonly do.

Durov does not censor “populist” content that embarrasses those in power.”

Wily and tyranical Macron.


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Providing more detail as to the significance of the arrest relative to the war: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-calls-detained-telegram-founder-political-prisoner-demands-france-provide

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I listened to Luongo earlier today and he talked briefly about Bertrand's essay and Macron's holding on to power. His view is that Macron is basically a functionary of Davos and that Davos will not allow any government to take control in France that they cannot control. Maybe it is just me but these European parliamentary systems seem to be set up to enable the elite to muffle or outright deny the results of Democratic elections - this being just one example.

His other point was that France wants to be the directing force within the EU and is making moves accordingly (such as vis-a-vis Telegram). The EU of course has never aspired to be in the least bit democratic or representative of or answerable to the populace over which it assumes to rule.

I don't know all (or any) of the answers but it does seem Europe - as well as the UK - is on an intentional very fast track to totalitarianism.

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Add to that that countries like Germany and France don't allow referenda for the people to decide major issues (E.U membership etc) and countries that do just rerun referenda until they get the result they want - Ireland for example regarding E.U treaties a few years back. The whole system is rotten.

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"The whole system is rotten."

Isn't it increasingly likely that that is the whole takeaway?

Another good question is: When do the people decide anything?

The United States (and other Western nations) purport to be 'democracies' (whatever that term means) where the government is of the people, by the people, for the people. But it turns out that 'democracy' is just a cutout label with no meaning, pasted on top of our system, to make it look good to the majority of citizens who have no idea what is going on and how rotten their government really is.


What is democratic about a government totally in thrall to the lobby of another nation (which is conducting a criminal genocide...in our name)? Where the vote of our elected representatives is not decided by the will of the people who 'elect' them, but by the coercive power of the lobby of another country?

What is democratic about a government which absolutely refuses to ensure the integrity of its elections in order to facilitate the election of its own candidates? What is democratic about a system which does not require the positive identification of persons seeking to vote?

What is democratic about a government which knowingly fails to enforce its own immigration laws...resulting in the illegal entry into the country of tens of millions of unknown, unemployed persons?

What is democratic about a government which operates a Surveillance State, surveiling, censoring, charging and imprisoning its own citizens in the name of democracy in violation of its own laws and Constitution?

What is democratic about a government which incurs trillions of dollars of indebtedness on behalf of its citizens and taxpayers which will burden our children and our children's children for generations and can never be repaid?

What is democratic about a government which allows its elected officials to trade stocks on inside information and accept payments from foreign powers to influence government decisions and become multi-millionaires while the inflation-adjusted incomes of average citizens become less and less?

What is democratic about a government which uses lawfare to prevent its political opponents from gaining access to the ballot or to charge them with crimes and imprison them?

What is democratic about a government which instead of transparently informing its citizens regarding its policies and actions at home and abroad regularly and unquestionably lies to them?

What is democratic about a government which facilitates the nomination of its preferred candidate for election to the highest office in the land without a single vote of the people?

What is democratic about a government which maintains a Presidential election system where wealthy individuals donate billions of dollars to insure the election of their preferred candidates? In 2020, donors contributed $3.155 bln to the Biden campaign.

What is democratic about a government which maintains armies and conducts wars around the globe resulting in tens of millions of military casualties and civilian deaths without ever once obtaining the approval of the people through their Congress as required by the Constitution?

What is democratic about a government which pretends that its President is cognitively capable of executing the duties and responsibilities of the highest office in the land when its senior officials know without doubt that he can't?

What is democratic about a government which spends trillions of dollars on weapons for wars conducted abroad and imports trillions of dollars of goods manufactured abroad but cannot fund the maintainance of the cities its own people inhabit or the manufacture of the goods its own people require to live?

What is democratic about a government which pays its own employees in Washington DC average salaries in excess of $125,000 a year when the average American makes less than $60,000 a year?

What is democratic about a government which adopts policies resulting in the United States spending more per capita on health care than any country in the world while generating healh care results which rank it just below Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Oman, Thailand and...Russia?

So, what is, in fact, democratic about the United States government?

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I have a feeling that somehow Russia will produce a bunch of French bargaining chips shortly.

Perhaps French soldiers captured in Ukraine?

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RFK Jr. Announces He Will Be Actively Campaigning for Trump — Teases Trump’s Upcoming Announcements of Democrats Joining MAGA Movement

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Robert Barnes has some impassioned commentary on how significant this is. In his view, Friday was the most hopeful day in a generation or more. He argues the moment they tried to kill Trump and failed was the moment this all came together. Bracing stuff.

I’ve cued the video up to the moment he and Freiheit start talking about Trump and Kennedy (26:50):


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Fantastic! Likely the best inside information we will ever have of the reasons for the Trump - RFK Jr. alliance and of how it came about. Thanks very, very much for the link!

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Tx for linking! Scintillating. Recommend to all - very powerful, Barne’s description of Trump phoning Kennedy the day after the assassination attempt, and his idea to form a Unity Party of Left and Right Populists.

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I hope he has beefed up his Sec Service detail…

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Barnes revealed that the White House has immediately revoked his secret service detail. They are playing for keeps (in case we didn’t already know this).

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I've been thinking that one of the reasons RFK has said he will keep campaigning in Blue States (and not drop out) is to keep the justification for a secret service detail. So I'm wrong?

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Well in that case, it makes thei refusal all the more criminal and all but confirms the theory put forth here about the Pennsylvania assasination attempt - let’s let unprofessionalism mixed with a bit of keystone cops rule the day…

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Yup - Brother A revealed that just above. The Dims are pure thugs - murderous thugs.

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A police state without talent (Zhou is no Henry Tudor)

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So, if I read this correctly, Macron collaborates with the leftist elements to stiff Marine LePen, and then stiffs the leftists. What a Baroque gift for betrayal the French have.

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But never mind! The Macronistas we know, and very few, fortunately, call this “democracy”!

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The French president can be impeached…

Law was changed in 2014.


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From Article 68:

"The President of the Republic can only be dismissed in the event of a breach of his duties manifestly incompatible with the exercise of his mandate. Dismissal is pronounced by Parliament constituted as the High Court.

The proposal for a meeting of the High Court adopted by one of the assemblies of Parliament is immediately transmitted to the other which decides within fifteen days.

The High Court is presided over by the President of the National Assembly. It rules within one month, by secret ballot, on the dismissal. His decision is effective immediately.

Decisions taken pursuant to this article are taken by a two-thirds majority of the members making up the assembly concerned or the High Court. Any delegation of vote is prohibited. Only votes in favor of the proposal for a meeting of the High Court or for dismissal are recorded.

An organic law establishes the conditions of application of this article.

Members of the Government are criminally responsible for acts carried out in the exercise of their functions and classified as crimes or misdemeanors at the time they were committed.

They are judged by the Court of Justice of the Republic.

The Court of Justice of the Republic is bound by the definition of crimes and misdemeanors as well as by the determination of penalties as they result from the law."

So, pretty vague. What is Macron's current mandate?

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I am guessing Macron would just ignore that, too.

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Bien sûr

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Certainly makes one wonder why Baron James de Rothschild sold the family art treasures in France last year.

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