So Trump, described by his haters as "Literally Hilter", has a literal Nazi try to kill him?

Reality has become far more insane than fiction.

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We’re looking more and more like a third world dictatorship: if you don’t getem the first time, keep on tryin until you do!

I’m sure that it was just a lucky guess and a wild coincidence that he happened to know when and where to be at the golf course. Coulda happened to anyone, ya’ll need to tone down all this “inside info” conspiracy theory talk. Next thing you’ll be sayin that Kama had all the questions before the debate.

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There are also links between the Ukrainian BDU and the Butler shooter; specifically relating to his recruitment and training. Same MO as in Florida. Undoubtedly someone high up in the Secret Service provided the intel that revealed Trump's whereabouts at the golf course. Likely there are many other covert operatives already here in the US waiting for an opportunity to activate. I also think that its obvious that neither the Secret Service nor the FBI is seriously trying to interdict this threat, and this tells you everything you need to know about how bad things have become. Few, if any, real citizens are going to vote for Kamala, so either the Deep State must manufacture several tens of millions of phony ballets or they have to take out Trump but any means necessary. Bumpy road up ahead. Even normie is starting to wake up.

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From Moon over Alabama “CIA support for Ukrainian Nazis has a long history.“ he could have added CIA has ling history of assinating leaders of many governments, including the US. See JFK. So why is it even a question who funded this guys travel?

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Funding? Is it even that easy to just wander into Ukraine and hook up with Azov for their little film festival. You are definitely over the target.

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My reading indicates that Routh was a construction worker and nothing in his background would indicate he would have the means to not only travel the world recruiting fighters for Ukraine, but also that he would have the knowhow or means to facilitate his entry into Ukraine or places like Pakistan or Afghanistan where he claimed to be recruiting. As questioned, who provided the funds and facilitated his travel? I would like to know more of his ethnic background. Is there a chance that Routh is a radical Marxist Ashkenazi? or one of their Goy useful idiots? That would explain it all.

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Oh boy, I can just see them determining the depth of the rabbit hole they’re about to start digging…you take one look at this scrawny, aging boomer with the haunted look in his eyes, all decked out in our national colors…here we go again. I’ll add below R Malone’s post which echoes Mark’s skepticism that WRR was a lone wolf…come on, man!

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You mean scrawny, aging Gen Xer. Routh was born in 1966. That makes him Gen X.

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Tx for that clarification.

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Seems Zhou is a ball of confusion, as ever.

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Right. After Trump was actually shot, they're still dog whistling for another go at him. Given the close ties of the IC and MSM, what does that say?

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“63 all over again?

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“We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public

believes is false.”

William Casey,

Director of the CIA, 1981-87

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The man accused of trying to assassinate Donald Trump may have had inside information on his movements, a former FBI assistant director said.

Chris Swecker told Newsweek that law enforcement will have to establish how Ryan Wesley Routh appeared to know the exact details of when Trump was playing golf at a Florida resort.

"The biggest question to answer is: 'How did the would-be assassin know to be at that location at that time?'" he said. "There are only three possible answers: He guessed and got very lucky; he conducted surveillance on Trump and followed him to the golf course or he had inside information about Trump's schedule.

"The last answer is scary and has implications that another person was involved."

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Well, we can rule out the Secret Service, a no-show once again!

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No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon.

— Rachel Vindman (@natsechobbyist) September 15, 2024

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One sick puppy

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

She’s apparently just as despicable as her husband, who, as far as I’m concerned, should be in Leavenworth for treason.

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Orbán Viktor @PM_ViktorOrban

It is clear that President Trump’s life is in danger, until his victory. We are praying for you, Mr. President!

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Who paid for this guy's travels?

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OSINTdefender @sentdefender

Ryan Wesley Routh, the Suspect identified in today’s Assassination Attempt on Former U.S. President Donald J. Trump in West Palm Beach, is said to have been Heavily Involved with the Ukrainian International Legion; which he had previously assisted in the Recruitment for in 2022, when he was Interviewed by Newsweek in Romania.

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Big Serge @witte_sergei

I get called a “Russian asset” for posting maps and writing articles about the war in Ukraine, while people from Ukraine’s foreign legion are literally trying to assassinate American presidents. Curious.

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It’s hopeless pointing out inconsistency, hypocrisy, lying, shameful behavior, and general septic brain function to psychopaths. We know it already, and they will not/cannot hear. They are might makes right. We are right makes might. Oil and water - darkness v light.

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