
Looks like major US fail:

After France, now Spain and Italy are withdrawing from the US-led Operation Prosperity Guardian. Australia sent officers, no ships.

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“For a nation like the United States, which has premised so much of its foreign and national security on the notion of strength-based deterrence, the revelation that its military power projection capabilities are more bark than bite undermines its credibility as an ally and partner in a world largely defined by conflicts created by, or on behalf of, the United States.“

Isn’t this a bad case of déjà vu all over again?

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Please excuse my ignorance. Does anyone know if any Palestinian leader or group has endorsed a two state solution?

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Read all about it here:


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Wikipedia seems to offer an incomplete analysis of the attempts for a two state solution. While granted that the issue is thorny, one thorn seems to be the refusal of negotiators for Palestine and Palestinians themselves to recognise an independent Israel, thus the slogan "From the river to the sea." Perhaps the issue is more than just a territorial dispute.

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As I have explained at length, the Zionist goal has never been to share the land. The goal has always been--and has been explicitly expressed to be--to establish a Jewish state, not a shared nation. The plans to expel the Arabs were in place before 1948 and have been relentlessly followed since then. No Israeli government has ever been willing to recognize any sovereign Arab state of Palestine.

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From Alastair Crooke today: https://thealtworld.com/alastair_crooke/an-american-chimaera-peace-requires-us-confrontation-with-israel

**"David Ignatius records in the Washington Post his visit to the West Bank and how he saw that “Peace Will Require Confrontation With Israel”:**

[His visit] was a reality check about what’s possible ‘the day after’ the Gaza war ends. President Biden and other world leaders speak hopefully about creating a Palestinian state once Hamas is defeated (sic). I’d love to see that happen, too. But people need to get real about it … **A Palestinian State may seem soothing to hear, but is a version of magical thinking. Standing in the way are the Israeli settlements** and outposts laid across the hilltops of the West Bank, their high fences and concrete walls symbolizing their apparent immovability.

**“The settlements were put there to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state”,** Ignatius is frankly told — and apparently he ‘gets it’. It would require confrontation ‘to unblock it’.

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Thanks, Mark!!

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Israel reportedly struck Gazan churches using coordinates received from US Congress

In an attempt to prevent Israeli strikes on religious sites in Gaza, one of the largest Christian aid organizations there, Catholic Relief Services, reportedly passed on the coordinates of several sites in the enclave to Senate staffers, who, in turn, sent them to Israel.

US media reported that the move by the aid organization was an attempt to get a commitment from Israel not to target at least four buildings in Gaza, including the two that were later struck by the Israeli military.

Despite this Israel targeted several churches and a sniper killed several women and children inside a church. Because of this, the Pope said that Israel is carrying out terrorist attacks. enclave to Senate staffers, who, in turn, sent them to Israel.

Despite this Israel targeted several churches and a sniper killed several women and children inside a church. Because of this, the Pope said that Israel is carrying out terrorist attacks.

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Absolutely disgusting!!

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There's a nasty confluence of events building up here for the neocons and Deep Staters: Israel ethnically cleanses Gaza; America gives her a blank check; the Houtis block the Red Sea in revenge; prices and inflation go through the roof again in an election year. Not much strategic thinking went into this, did it?

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More on Crooke's interview of Sheikh Ahmad Yasin.

For his part, Yasin tells Crooke, “Hamas is not an Islamic movement. It is a liberation movement, and anyone, be they Christian, or Buddhist – or even I – could join it. We all were welcome”.

Crooke again: "Yasin’s comment was revolutionary because liberation trumped dogma and the various ‘schools’ of political Islam. This ultimately was to become ‘Gaza Hamas’ – at odds with its conventional leadership resident in Doha. Sinwar and Dief are ‘Yasin’s children’.

"Hamas has transformed: It is now the ‘liberation movement’ that Sheikh Yasin foresaw – liberation of all living under occupation, and again, Yasin-like, is centred around non-ideological Islam on the civilisational icon of ‘Al-Aqsa’ mosque which is neither Palestinian nor Shia nor Sunni, nor Wahhabi, Brotherhood, nor Salafist."

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Alistair Crooke did something really interesting and interviewed the founder of Hamas, in person. The account is far too brief.

So far, Netanyahu is responding exactly as Gaza Hamas expected. Crooke writes, "Is it far-fetched then for the Resistance Axis to found their plan on Israel making strategic mistakes? Perhaps not as far-fetched as some may imagine."

Crooke concludes, "The Resistance understands and can see it all: How does Israel get out of this? Overthrowing Bibi? That won’t do it. It’s too late. The stopper is off; the genies and the demons are out.

"If the ‘front’ remains co-ordinated, proceeds by consensus; eschews any Pavlovian over-reaction to events that might plunge the region into an all-out war, then:

" ‘They can wait at leisure, whilst (Netanyahu) labours’ – and errs (Sun Tzu). "


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Memo to Bibi (and Vicky): Rule Number One of War - never do what the enemy wants you to do.

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