While the so-called Biden-doctrine might have a certain internal logic, it is the logic of a deranged madman.

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For what it’s worth, I’m tired of hearing about a new “doctrine” every time someone comes up with some idea or another. We’ve had the “Powell Doctrine” “Bush Doctrine”, yada, yada. They’re just ideas, many of em stupid as hell. Biden’s outta be referred to as “bone-headed, stupid, ideological pragmatism.”

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We have always been at war with Eastasia.

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This is Biden’s idea of running the country. The short video is last one.

'No One F***s With a Biden': POTUS' Trip to Florida Goes As Expected


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Longer term impact will be any non Western Country would be insane to buy any major / critical Western manufactured infrastructure / equipment that requires maintenance and is subject to sanctions.

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When the German people figure out what we’ve done to them since the war in Ukraine began, I think there will be a boomerang.

I’m willing to go out in a limb and bet that there is huge stress coming in the EU...perhaps even breakup. We have been seeing it in Hungary and, more recently, in Italy and Sweden.

The oft-repeated idea that German industry will pay indefinitely for high cost US LNG is crazy (as is the idea that German industry will leave Germany and physically move to the high cost [and politically insane] US...) and suicidal. It will never happen.

I honestly believe the long term winners (assuming WWIII is avoided) are China, Russia, OPEC, the rest of the BRICs, and then the Southern Hemisphere.

Maybe this is why ‘Joe Biden’ and his puppeteers are so desperate.

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Cassander, taking a deeper dive into things European is Michael Avery, never at a loss for words ( I think he’s a Brit):

Things also do not sit well within the EU either over Germany’s EUR200bn energy subsidy, on top of their previous EUR65bn subsidy. Rather than planning one EU ‘war economy’ with rationing, we instead face 27 rival European war economies all fighting each other for market share. Germany is saying its deeper pockets, the product of having benefitted most from the euro, mean it can out-subsidise its energy-uncompetitive industry while everyone else in Europe loses theirs. Is it any surprise that following the lead of Italy, Spain and Belgium are both warning of risks to the Single Market from such German actions?

From Zerohedge today. It really does feel here as though the EU is self-destructing…the cost of the Germans waking up?

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“It holds that the fight for democracy is incessant, totalising, and all-encompassing.”

Sounds like the 1984 novel fight against East Asia or Eurasia. Perpetual war regardless of whether it makes sense. The question is who are these insane totalitarians who want to live this fantasy? I give you the Philadelphia speech as exhibit a.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022
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"It doesn’t matter what -ism you use, it’s using raw power of the government to advance petty and major goals. It has nothing to do about the well being of the state’s subjects, but only about power."

Very nicely put. And with the benefit of being as true as it gets.

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