Good evening, Mr. Wauck,

First, I am very glad to hear, from your later post, that Mrs. Wauck's hip replacement surgery has gone well, and she is going to be healing while working on walking, again. I will keep her in my prayers for her full recovery.

Thank you for writing this article on political framing of the arguments to favor one faction, today.

With regard to the verbal violence that runs out of people's mouths like permissible public vomit,

my sensibility to any of it has not been de-sensitized. The ugliness of the speech is as ugly as the character of each person whose mind allows poison to flourish, and spread through most of their thoughts like mould does. I am repulsed by the normalized talking in hate speech in the public square. Persons who express themselves in hate speech are not grounded iin reality, at all. The accusatory lingo isn't rhetoric, nor is it explanatory of the speaker's thinking. It is mindless speech.

For a decade, now, hate speech against Donald Trump, or policy, legislation, advocacy of alternative positions....---which a group of elites/powerbroker influencers foster for their own advantage, is just a tool for triggering base instincts in others. Keep people focused on base instincts----excitable, titillating, frightening, murderous---and people won't have time to think about what's really going on.

One post script: Most of the youtube ads appearing during podcast video replays that I watch are Harris-Walz donation pleas. They're all horrible, but my grievance is to Sen. Bernie Sanders, who asks for money by way of telling the viewer how terrible, and criminally dangerous a human being is Donald Trump; "our democracy" won't survive if Trump gets elected. American citizens need to call out loud the literal hypocracy of every hate speaker.

Best wishes,

Joanne Wasserman

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It just gets worse from here - will be real life Halloween everyday for many years as currency collapses via brics rejection and printing press.. Empires don't recover. Move out of cities. Out of country if you can and surround yourself with good people. I don't care if you're delta force and can live off the earth in the Sahara and 1 MOA from the hip, you gotta sleep sometime and you want good guards watching your back.

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The U of C poll is of just 2,061 adult Americans. No more info is given re methodology or demographics of respondents.

10% of the 2,061 respondents said it's ok to use force to keep Trump out, which the pollsters extrapolated to make the alarmist assertion re 26M Americans. Same with the other claims. 6.9% of respondents said ok to use force to install Trump --> "18M Americans."

Yes, US is a sick country, but I think this poll is a clunker.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

I agree Meredith, figures may not lie, but liars figure all the time! Rush used to say that pols aren’t to examine public opinion, they are to shape it.

I also agree that we as a country are way off in the tall grass and I’m not sure how we rectify that or, as d1 points out below, we may already be passed being able to fix anything but may be looking out trying to salvage something out of the wreckage.

However things wind up sorting themselves out, I’m not expecting a smooth ride or a pleasant one.

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"How does a nation unravel such a mess? For starters, political leaders in both parties have an obligation to tone down their accusations." Both parties? It has been the Dems (the neo-Liberals and Libertines) and Biden himself who have been full of accusations and screeching about the Trumpian threats to "our Democracy." Along with the Neocons, who are by no means representative of the vast majority of the Republican constituency. Although the author's statement sounds noble it strikes me as being a form of misdirection to deflect blame away from the Dem politicians and the Biden admin.

If so many are incapable of independent thought and have been brainwashed into the Russia hoax and other quasi-religious principles (for example global warming / climate change) for almost a decade now, it seems we are beyond repair in terms of continuing or reestablishing a Constitutional Republic. The founders depended on an educated populace steeped in religious belief to uphold their paradigm. Not so oddly, the opponents of the Republic seem to have been working against religion, education, and informing the public of the truth, for how many decades now?

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Well said. I suspect that most of these loony lefties, fed by a truthful media, would develop very different views, and what their problem is is not lunacy or evil but gullibility, naivety, an inability to see through political deception and recognize membership in a herd mentality. So the guilt lies with MSM and the people directing the show, not always these small folks out of their depth.

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Mike, I appreciate your generosity of spirit toward those who have been misled. That is a position I too have been trained to and hope to take. Nevertheless, to paraphrase Forrest Gump, "evil is as evil does." It is prudent not to dismiss either the causes or the consequences of such evil, just as you have done here. Thanks.

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Elon Musk @elonmusk

The fake Russian “Steele Dossier” scam was next-level election interference

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How many levels do ee need to go?…

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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

If Hillary's insanely repressive measure were implemented -- people spreading disinformation could be imprisoned -- the first two to share a prison cell should be her and Maddow, who drowned the country in the Steele Dossier, Afla Bank servers and other demented debunked lies.

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and her friend Cookies could be in a cell nearby

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Good question Mark: why the rise in violence now? Remembering that violence is up across the board in the US when one accounts for the NON reporting of violent crime stats by so many large jurisdictions to the DOJ database.

We have seen this before: late 50s into the early 70s. WWI years into the 30s. US Civil War years into the 1880s. Not just in the US either.

So why now? The psycho environment is changing, from the now obsolete TELEVISION paradigm to the DIGITAL one. The old must try to kill the new child. It won’t happen, but it has to try. That is what we see. From our conversations with people we know, work with, are no longer friends with to what all media are actually doing: the old senses it is on borrowed time. One only needs to look at media as a business model: it’s in the trash and burning and the execs all know it. News and sports used to carry the $, now it’s just sports and subscriptions.

Why not this level of violence before the Trump phenomenon? Because TELEVISION could still cancel most attempts to get out of the box. Now it can’t. In the 90s, 80s, late 70s, the heyday of TELEVISION environment, consensus prevailed. Nixon did not need to be shot because TELEVISION succeeded in taking him out.

All the rules are now questioned. Everywhere throughout the West. All the elections are about the change in paradigm: old TELEVISION/Globalism vs. DIGITAL and concern for what is closest to us. Safety. We don’t have it anymore. Psycho, financial or physical, thus massive confusion and violence comes with it.

TELEVISION has “flipped” back to its origins in the 40s/50s: RADIO, or propaganda. RADIO told us what to think and do, TELEVISION gave us choices. Now it can’t do that anymore with the rise of DIGITAL, so it has to revert to its original “ground.”

Might find this interesting: https://open.substack.com/pub/exogenous/p/election-2024-paradigms-are-on-the?r=dx3c2&utm_medium=ios

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heh... somebody knows his McLuhan:)

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Ha! Someone is paying attention ;)

Of course no one takes McLuhan seriously these days, other than to “hype” him for the proper “use” of tech.

We are adding to McLuhan. Particularly Norbert Wiener: human use of humans and out need to remember what humans actually are.

McLuan did not have Aristotle: the soul, formation and the Inner Senses. So he went with Gestalt Psych rather than Formal Cause.

He did not know about DIGITAL.

Lastly he did not really understand about how the communication techs impacted spirituality/religion well.

Our addition here is that the DIGITAL psycho environment is bringing back spirituality/religion in a massive way, and thus has led to people now asking: what about the humans?

The retrieval quadrant for DIGITAL is SCRIBAL, while for TELEVISION is was ORAL.

Massive implications for this that no one understands yet.

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