We've gone from Obama's pen and phone to Biden's autopen and teleprompter.

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Note the spin being reported to day. The attorney claims she was fired because she refused to reinstate Mel Gibson's right to own a firearm. He was convicted of a domestic assault around 15 years ago.

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If it's proven in the course of time that the 2020 Election was indeed stolen, as Trump has always maintained, then surely nothing from Joe's "Term" can be relevant? If he was never actually POTUS then it's all fraud!

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The auto-pen controversy is all of a piece, and a fitting coda, to our recent treasonous administration, which flagrantly defrauded Americans of a truthful, meritorious, competent and visionary (cue Raybans!) Executive. This was fine for half the country! “Nothing to see here!” as Limbaugh used to say. So, a rigged election, another laptop sat upon, media compliance, the Alphabets squelching dissent, the truth in lockdown for four years (Covid), families and friends divided and shaken…And now, Zhou’s pardons: forgeries too. Bring on the investigation!

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Pretty hard for you to sign a pardon in DC if you’re golfing in St. Croix. Man, this administration wasn’t even trying to act like they were legit. Wonder how Joey feels about not getting the morning presidential briefing? I’m loving every second of this stuff!! And the cherry on top is that it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch of lowlifes.

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“Wonder how Joey feels…” That assumes he ever received such a briefing.

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"Wonder how Joey feels about not getting the morning presidential briefing?"

I'm sure he gets his nap in one way or another.

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I suspect he gets kiddie porn pumped in to keep his mind, what's left of it, occupied.

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And his pudding.

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Must have pudding!

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The sniff tests suggests to me this will go before the DC Circuit as jurisdiction unless Oyer's autopen resides somewhere outside of D.C. GOP DOJ track record as Ray suggests... well I'm skeptical.

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Mark, I don't see a link to SWC's article at Redstate. I'm probably blind or stupid.

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It's just me being stupid today. Link in Ray's comment below. I'll the post.

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Yes, I saw Ray's link (thanks, Ray). But I even went to Redstate earlier today and couldn't see the article (I just re-checked, and it is now on their home page). Thanks for the follow-up!

The whole auto-pen situation seems to open up a huge can of worms that will take a long time to resolve, if at all.

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Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap

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Stranger and stranger! Hardly a day goes by without some new revelation about Dem perfidy. On the justice front in general, I was very disappointed in AG Bondi's performance over the Epstein files, so I hope that Patel and Bongino are living up to their billing and cleaning out the FBI.

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I’m in the wait and see category before either getting excited or disappointed. I’ve seen too many promises of action by the gop that went no where. Trump, so far has been a huge exception in his 2nd term I do admit, but it’s still early.

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Yikes! So embarrassing! Should = "Attorney" in the title.

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Corrected online.

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