When even DC thinks your wars are pointless . . . !

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Why would they play this card and not follow up immediately with their invasion? I can only think of 3 reasons: they accidentally activated the plan, they have decided that they are NOT going to invade after all, or the opportunity to blow the pagers was going away somehow. What am I missing? I saw that story and thought holy shit it’s happening but clearly they have not capitalized on the chaos and degraded C&C that this caused. Why???

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Goes to show how much intelligence relies on phone triangulations, these pagers must have been a chargrin to Israeli intelligence.

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The question I have is just how many of these so-called Pagers/phones We’re in the hands of people not connected with Hezbollah? Not everybody in Gaza or Lebanon are members of a terrorist organization. I am sure as this story unfolds we’re going to get a lot more details that percentage of these people that were hurt or killed or collateral damage and not connected to terrorist.

I firmly believe that this act carried out by Israel is designed for one thing only and that is to start a war and one started the United States in England will have to come in to help out. A lot of stuff I am reading tells me that the IDF is not capable of invading South Lebanon and being successful. They are still bogged down in Gaza almost a year later. It leads me to wonder just how good and professional the IDF now is.

I believe Netanyahu and those elements in the government pushing for more war, and wanting to virtually terminate. All of these people have lost their collective minds. I don’t even think they can understand and see what they’re doing. They have lost their credibility and the support of a great number of countries in this world. They are carrying out policies which they themselves condemned the Germans for during World War II. So the question becomes are they any better than the Germans who carried out the atrocities they did against the Jews and others? Whatever moral equivalency Israel had they have lost. I think of Israel continues to go down this road. They will cease to exist as a nation, and it won’t be that far off in the future that it happens.

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"A lot of stuff I am reading tells me that the IDF is not capable of invading South Lebanon and being successful."

And those who are making such arguments have no sense of what Israel has learned in the last year and what it was preparing for before the actions of Hamas on Oct. 7. And what it has learned from its 1982 intervention into Lebanon and the occupation of a portion of southern Lebanon (mostly 6 miles into Lebanon) up until 2000.

The IDF is not "bogged down" in Gaza. The IDF has ground the underground "civilization" of Hamas into a maze of destruction. Hamas offers no future for Gaza politically. Hamas in danger of becoming an organized crime syndicate.

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Hizbullah on the other hand has learned nothing from either their resounding defeat of Israel in 2006 or the next 2 decades lol.

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Good!! Excellent!! Therefore Israelis should attack NOW. Why hesitate?!!!! And there is absolutely no reason the United States needs to get involved. None.

I am sure with everything the Israelis have learned, they will do an outstanding job all by themselves.

Just like they did back in 2006.

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Yeah, what's with this guy and 1982? Did history stop for him then?

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I was in the Marines from 80-84. From what we saw of the Israelis, they were not that good back then either. So I have no idea what he is talking about on that point. Where he gets his sources from is unknown. But with the Israel news reporting about the problems in the IDF, you can see the situation is not developing well. And the thing is...it has been almost one year, with the full force of the Israeli government behind this effort and the Hamas still are fighting. So where he gets his info from?? I have no idea.

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Totally agree:

"I firmly believe that this act carried out by Israel is designed for one thing only and that is to start a war and one started the United States in England will have to come in to help out."

That's what the genocide and all these various assassinations and now this have been intended to do.

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Motorola is the manufacturer:

Megatron @Megatron_ron 


 Mossad planted a quantity of highly explosive PETN material on the pagers’ battery and detonated it by raising the temperature of the battery enough to detonate it - Sky News Arabia confirms.

Explosives were introduced either directly into the pager manufacturing plant, or were allowed access during distribution to Lebanon.

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"The Israeli Air Force cannot do close support operations in Lebanon in bad weather."

This statement by Alastair Crooke is an incorrect assessment of Israeli capabilities.

This is not the Israeli Air Force of 1982 in Lebanon. It has far more all weather capabilities compared to back then.

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I claim no expertise, but Crooke probably does have very good sources based on his entire career. He does specify "close support" and not simply "all weather". When I read that I assumed this had something to do with the mountainous terrain.

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Syrian Girl @Partisangirl

The brand of pagers that remotely detonated were the GOLD APOLLO 900, used by doctors all over Lebanon. They aren’t uniquely Hezbollah , the entire shipment was targeted.

The brand is Motorola which is deeply integrated with the Israeli military.

The importance of BDS. It could mean your life.

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Dmitry Medvedev @MedvedevRussiaE

I wonder what would happen if it turned out that the failed new Trump shooter Routh, who recruited mercenaries for the Ukrainian army, was himself hired by the neo-nazi regime in Kiev for this assassination attempt?

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Scott Ritter @RealScottRitter

100% terrorism.

Ask yourself if the US would have pulled the trigger on such an operation.

The answer is no.

Because it would constitute an act of terrorism.

Israel is a terrorist nation.

Led by terrorists.

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Pretty good discussion:

BREAKING: Hezbollah Pagers Explode in Lebanon / More thah 1k Casualties


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How would the world react if hundreds of explosions went off in unison in New York City, Washington, Paris, or London? Eternal shame upon the news outlets framing this as an attack against combatants. These blasts all occurred in civilian areas. This is terrorism.

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More war is how they would react. Revenge it is what drives the violence around the world. Yes, shame. Unfortunately, shame is not one of those values found in progressives and the Anglo-Zionist cult of death.

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Megatron @Megatron_ron

 The hospital of the American University in Beirut reportedly took all pagers of its nurses and doctors about 10 days ago, and 'replaced them due to technical issues', according to employees

Lebanese media is accusing the American University hospital of being pre-informed by Israel or the U.S. ahead of the cyberattack.

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The official line, per ZH reporting on the WSJ's take, is:

"'The affected pagers were from a new shipment that the group received in recent days, people familiar with the matter said,' WSJ writes. 'A Hezbollah official said hundreds of fighters had such devices, speculating that malware may have caused the devices to explode. The official said some people felt the pagers heat up and disposed of them before they burst.'"

It's hard for me to fathom that the procurement team for a paramilitary organization, knowing full well that the likes of Mossad was hunting its members down to the ends of the Earth, wouldn't entirely pick apart a delivery like this, especially, one involving a comms device.

As with most things these days, we'll likely never know the truth.

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Apparently the pagers are Motorola, known to have links to Israeli military. Seems very careless.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

The commenters after this story are disgusting sadists.

What kind of 'news' website draws such ignorant and callous individuals?

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Likely Christian Zionists gleefully preparing for the end times. These people are one side of the same coin with the mentally ill climate change doomsayers.

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Paid bots? And unmoderated. Huh.

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Absolutely disgusting the depths of brutality that the Anglo-Zionists are sinking to.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

I heard a report on Redacted's broadcast today that some pagers blew up in London at the same time as the Lebanon pagers exploded.

Perhaps people who picked up the pagers in Lebanon flew to London.

This pager thing IS terrorism...by Israel.

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MenchOsint @MenchOsint

 Israeli authorities have requested Satelite imagery companies to censor even the low-resolution images this week.

it was supposed to be available on Sept. 16.(every 5 days)

What are they hiding ? Yemeni missile aftermath ? Military preparations in the north ?

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