"that the donor class, which is financially based, is alarmed by the reckless war mongering of the Neocon run foreign policy." The Jewish-supremacist 'Left' donor class is or pretends to be. The Jewish-supremacist 'Right' donor class behind Trump are the financial base of the Judeocons.

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I don't think many of these issues and their possible solutions can wait till November. That's a hell of a long way off when the roof is already on fire. What's even more terrifying is that we still don't know, after months of asking, who is really in charge in DC? I hope, Mark, that the signs of some awakening realism are correct.

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Thank God for Macgregor’s realism, eloquence, moral clarity and honesty, not to mention his knowledge and experience of military matters and history. I wish Trump would put in some calls to him as he seems to with Musk. Out with the “dementia patient” and these two terrible wars.

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Those are great character qualities. They also explain why MacGregor never got beyond colonel.

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Slow learner--Yellen is the person in charge of sanctions. But ...


"Sanctions will lead to the demise of the US dollar"

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen:

“The more sanctions the US imposes, the more countries (BRICS) will seek financial transaction methods that do not involve the US dollar”.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Many deck chairs being rearranged; Janet pitches in to help: "shall we put away these sanctions chairs."

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I love it when these "experts" start parroting what we simple folk said years ago as if they've just originated some great truth.

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