“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” ~ Carl Sagan.

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It's already happened. Nearly every Hispanic Democrat in California in elected office has MecHa and La Raza in their back ground and if you look at their records and the state of California, they certainly are not about improving or perpetuating America.

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Chicago Dad Placed On Watchlist After Opposing Pornography In Schools


Too bad there is no legal way I’m aware of, using the courts to punish the individuals responsible…

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During the George Floyd riots and their aftermath, in which white people were wailing, and gnashing their teeth and tearing their clothes, and kneeling down before black people, I thought it would come to an end because too many blacks would be just too embarrassed for it to continue. Blacks would start dying of embarrassment, and we could call the whole thing off. We would seek other avenues for progress, like each of us taking personal responsibility for our own actions in this life.

I was wrong.

You can put away your copy of the Enchiridion by Epictetus, again.

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This may explain their lack of embarrassment and their downright enjoyment of people groveling at their feet. https://www.oatext.com/racial-implications-of-the-narcissistic-personality-inventory-reinterpreting-popular-depictions-of-narcissism-trends.php

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Poor leadership leads to poor outcomes. The last Republican mayor of Chicago left office in 1935 or so. The mayor of Chicago is elected during the democrat primary because there is no viable republican alternative, so republican ever runs. Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Detroit, LA, NYC, Portland, Seattle, and etc. all suffer from the same malady, the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party.

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This subject is a minefield buried in a thicket at the heart of a dark wood. At some point in the next 60 years someone will ask ‘What if this is the result they want?’ A political revolution with the goal of the destruction of the existing order and civilization itself needs soldiers. The killing now happens because of arguments that spin out of control. The progs have now achieved the Marxist goal of the destruction of traditional family structure and society in parts of Chicago and the African American community there are the direct victims of this alternative religion disguised as a political system. Why rely on Ordinary Men when one can produce the necessary killers starting in early childhood? The school system now advocates for violence/riots. Sometime in the next 60 years after a lot more killing in Chicago the cool aid drinkers who vote to continue this will understand that voting leads to policy and that policies create results. Until then this will be allowed to continue because they are getting the desired result. Alternatively this is simply another demonstration of how ideology makes thinking about reality impossible. The goal is for children to read. They do not. Carry on with the current system and move the goal posts. Moving the goal posts indicates that they acknowledge failure. Either the system is impossible to change or they are getting the result they want. An outside power will need to do something about this. But again they are getting the result they want. Chicago and therefore Illinois is voting the correct way. Why change anything? A bit rantish. Apologies for that. Thinking about these things is beyond frustrating. ‘Leadership’ is willing to sacrifice the lives of their constituents as a cost of doing business in order to stay in power. Total moral collapse.

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Removed (Banned)Feb 18, 2023
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Very true.

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Removed (Banned)Feb 15, 2023
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"The plain fact is that education is itself a form of propaganda - a deliberate scheme to outfit the pupil, not with the capacity to weigh ideas, but with a simple appetite for gulping ideas ready-made. The aim is to make 'good' citizens, which is to say, docile and uninquisitive citizens."~ H. L. Mencken. For context - from the end of WW I until the Great Depression, Mencken reached an audience unmatched by any other political or cultural figure in American history. Today he is largely forgotten.

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"Stop insisting that public school employees teach". OK, I agree with the point, and certainly teachers have told us ad nauseum that this is an impossible task. Can we then also agree that paying ludicrous salaries and benefits for these teachers with masters degrees in education needs to stop? Asking as an exhausted Illinois taxpayer. Maybe pay for day care workers and security guards?

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I very much suspect you can even see that in education. CPS spends $57K per student. My highly rated suburban district spends about half as much, with drastically different results. Now, there's no way that those Chicago districts are getting that much money only from property taxes. I suspect they're getting a lot of money from the feds and state through various redistributive measures and that all that extra money ends up being spent on political indoctrination efforts rather than any 3Rs.

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"sleepy conservatives here have no idea what these schools are up to. The voters just keep shoveling money to fund their oppressors."

Exactly. I've been taking a bit of a mental health day. However, my wife sent me a story about a local school board meeting in AK that turned into a brawl over the porn and trans BS being fed to the students. My response was, I bet many of those outraged parents espouse some form of libertarian ideology, according to which it doesn't matter what your neighbor does as long as he doesn't do it to you. What they don't get is that your pervert neighbor doesn't want you--he wants your kids, and via government schools he's getting them. Really, Michael Medved was so right in calling libertarians "the stupid people." I've met so many people over the years who claim "philosophy doesn't matter." Nothing could be further from the truth. Libertarian attitudes--the default in the US and most of the West--are the enablers of all of this.

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What part of libertarian philosophy is OK with government teachers imposing pornography and leftist ideology on children? If you believe that is true, you don't understand libertarian philosophy.

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I wrote that libertarians--the Stupid People--are "enablers". Address that or go away.

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