and just wait for the NEW one to be seated, she's a real doozy!

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This smells like a prepackaged rat.

When has this Court ever issued any controversial opinions in favor of conservatives or the Constitution? We know for a fact that there are only 2.25 principled jurists on the Court. Where in heck did 2.75 Justices get the courage and principle to vote to overturn Roe?

They didnt.

These 2.75 Justices got PERMISSION. They were TOLD to overturn Roe. The Oligarchy *needs* this lithion ion battery supernova fire as the mega distraction for November. This decision checks off so many boxes for the Oligarchs that it's a no brainer. This has been in the works ever since the case was accepted by the Court.

Now watch as the Uniparty works this mercilessly through November. And watch Ukraine and the death jabs and the Southern border invasion and laptop from hell and inflation all disappear from the news, including every alternative media outlet. We will all be obsessed with this case and the predictable violence and threats and grandstanding pouring out of every pundit orifice from now till November.

And again i will say, there's no way to vote our way out of this tyranny.

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Napoleon: "Never interfere with your enemy when he's in the process of destroying himself." I'm not sure how much faith I have in the American voter, but I have unlimited faith in the ability of the Democrats to ruin things. Come November the average American will be much worse off, and no hot-button issue will be able to deflect us from seeing the hardships we face. There will be no hope except for a radical change. With 435 local elections and due vigilance it should be possible to elect a majority of MAGA representatives. The only way out of this tyranny is the vote.

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Oh how i wish you're right! How i wish there were even 200 MAGA candidates out there who would descend on dc and make the radical changes you admit are necessary. Unfortunately that's fantasyland.

Ex A. The Republican party has an unbroken record of getting into the majority and either not doing what they promised the base or doing exactly the opposite. Thinking that it will be different *this* time is close to Einstein's law of insanity.

Ex B. The GOPe has a well established strategy to ensure that these MAGA saviors youre counting on never get elected-- ticket splitting. See Mike Dewine in Ohio and Kemp in GA. This strategy is being repeated all over the US so you can bet that whomever gets elected at the federal level will only get there by Uniparty permission and won't be doing *anything * radical in dc.

Ex. C. 2020 Steal. Enuf said.

Ex. D. As CTH has repeatedly outlined, the federal government is controlled by the Fourth Branch. No radical change can happen without uprooting them completely. Given that these people kill, extort, and bribe without conscience, no elected official is going to uproot anything.

I concede to you that state elections *might* help but only if multiple states can band together and defy the feds. Don't see this happening, do you, beyond Florida? (Abbott is a charlatan).

So please explain how voting our way out works in your mind? I'd genuinely like to know because i don't see it at all.

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I mentioned my lack of faith in the voter, and acknowledge every one of your points. My point is it is now or never, and just out of desperation maybe my fellow citizens can find it in them to pull together and transform Congress. If not, we do not have a country. The flip side is that they in Washington will never regain public trust and support.

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Hey, if you have found a way to keep that hope alive, well...hope it works out. I've squarely accepted that we do NOT have a country. We are ruled not represented. Elections are a joke-- besides the 2020 Coup we have a Uniparty system designed to make it all but impossible for honest patriots to get on the ballot and should they get to DC, a system designed to corrupt and coopt them. The now or never point was long ago when we fell for the Patriot Act and the final weaponization of the federal government against us. Elect 535 people to Congress if you like. They can no more make a difference than electing new sheep to the wolves' dinner table.

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I so agree that there is no way to vote our way out. I also agree that this is going to be the topic for the next 6+ months, and that everything else will take a back seat. They do this to overwhelm us and to take our mind off of the current chaotic order, as you mention, and redirect our attention toward the topic of the day. How do you rally people around a cause when there are so many causes that impact people in so many different ways?! I wonder also, if this Roe v Wade opinion has basically been written and available to the other justices since Feb, as some have stated, then why release it now?! Obviously, another redirect.

I disagree that they won't try to storm the SC or at least dox the justices. This is the MO for the Left, and I don't see this time as any different. They are trying to save "Democracy" after all.

And, I say bring it on. I don't think there is any other way to fix this as we are so vastly outnumbered, and I see little evidence that anything is changing for the better. We can't hope for incremental change to fix this -- one problem fixed, 5 more pop up. Hopefully their antics will finally awaken the rest of us who sit waiting for an election in 2022 that likely won't change much of anything. With the Globalist Party accelerating even more quickly toward the cliff, there may be nothing left to save in 6 months.

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Youre probably right about the violence and doxing. The Oligarchs' control over their brown shirts is imperfect at best and it probably serves their purposes to have that violent threat ever present in the minds of any chickenheart conservatives who might get uppity.

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In just the last five years, the left and the MSM have managed to sow chaos into our political system when outcomes are not to their liking. The Russia Hoax, two impeachment proceedings, the 2020 election irregularities that still go unanswered and gave us a president that is as cogent as a soup sandwich, the creation of the Ministry of Truth, an 'insurrection' political trial, etc.

None of this will end until there is accountability. Both political and legal. Examples must be made. Don't doubt for a minute that mush-for-brains will pardon this SCOTUS leaker if he can still utter a coherent sentence when the time arrives while the MSM celebrates the bravery of such a selfless individual.

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I say Roberts and the other craven justices who refused to intervene in the sham election of 2020 are reaping what they sowed. Unfortunately, so are we. God help us!

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What is the law concerning leaking a draft SC opinion? Is this specifically illegal, or is it a violation of "norms" (if such actually still exist in the eyes of the left)? If it is illegal, will Garland's DOJ actually investigate with an intent to find the leaker? What if the leaker herself is a SC Justice? This nakedly manipulative political act should ignite a firestorm of indignation on both sides, but sadly it won't.

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Prosecution for a leak presupposes that we have a DOJ willing to do such a thing. I'm pretty certain they'll take a pass.

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Leftists always cheat to win. Leftists now: "Let's pack the court!" More leftists now: "We must immediately codify abortion into federal law!" They're like 7th grade playground bullies. And they're destroying this country.

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May 3, 2022
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Yeah, I rather chuckle at Turley outlining the proper steps to handling this under rule of law. It's been a long time since unbiased rule of law has been followed or applied...

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May 3, 2022
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Yes George, the fundamental flaw in our Constitutional system is the assumption that the three Branches would check or balance the others. Instead they coordinate their corruption to enrich an Oligarchy at the expense of the people. Of course we can't fault the Framers as they specifically included the 2nd Amendment as the ultimate check on despotic government. That we have chosen to passively accept despotic government is on us.

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“Suspicion: whoever did this did so with the approval of the master judge. Soto is a plain moron, but judging from the way her head works, so is Kagan.”

To say nothing of the most recent addition to the court… as well as its “Chief Justice.”

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