Will be interesting to see when (if?) the full, correlative statistics come out, because the doc I saw for shingles on Christmas Eve effectively confirmed as much. I was the third in my office (there were eventually four of us--ages 36 to 52--out of 60-ish total) to get shingles in December after our plan rolled out Pfizer boosters a few weeks earlier. Asked the doc if he thought there was any connection, and, being a decent guy, he basically rolled his eyes and said, "well the CDC tells us, 'no'." Then went on to tell me that he'd asked his higher-ups (unsuccessfully) for the ability to prescribe based on patients' uploaded pics of clear-cut shingles cases, after enduring "several weeks" of useless office visits that inevitably ended up in shingles instructions and a Valtrex prescription. Like I said, looking forward to the stats.

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Reactivation of viruses is something Malone stresses.

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Listening to this uber-lib, Fed associated radio station out of DC yesterday and they got this clown "pediatrician" to come on and say in this booming, authoritative voice that it was so safe that he had already given it to his children and that every pediatrician he knew totally agreed it was completely safe and all of them would be giving it to their child patients. Guy was beyond disgusting.

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Sharyl Attkisson had a short piece (30") on vaccines a week ago. She's a very deliberate methodical investigative journalist. What she reports is shocking. eg Sterilization"vaccines" given without knowledge.

Ten, twenty years ago, I thought that the anti-vax stuff was all tin-foil conspiracy; com'on man our medical professionals are the best in the world, FIRST do no harm. If they say you need this, then it is backed by smart people, doing smart work.

I'll tell you this, I will NEVER ever get another "flu vaccine". I used to get them every now and then.

Now, I'm done with it.


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Shame the SoBs didn't speak up to protect adults. If we knew the truth, then so did they. From the beginning.

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Jun 24, 2022
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The real meaning of several Federal agencies acronyms:

FDA=Fraudulent Drug Approval

CDC=Completely Destroyed Credibility

NIH=Natural Immunity Haters

NIAID=National Institute of Arrogant and Insane Doctors, the diminutive Director is FAUCI . . . Fraud, Arrogance, Uselessness, Corruption, Ignorance

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Jun 24, 2022
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I think Toby Rogers, also on Substack, wrote his thesis on the link between vaccines and autism risk. https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/the-political-economy-of-autism?s=r

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It’s shaking my trust in vaxes. The Covid jab lies have been unbelievable.

We no longer have the huge sumner epidemics of my Mothers youth. Polio is gone. So vaxes have had some positives.

The big problem seems to be the official cdc approved, rushed vaccination schedule, with multiple shots, overwhelming kids system.

I’m starting to think Robert Kennedy jr anti vax stand has something to it. I always thought him a crank.

The paper does not mention the issue of older parenting.

There paper mentioned the use of anti depressants during pregnancy increasing the rates of pregnancy.

The big pharma corruption of our health institutions (cdc, fda, medical associations, medical journals) / influencers / decision makers (Ca legislators, congress) is troubling.

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Thanks. Like many, I never really gave a second thought to vaccine safety--until this Covid regime led me to dig a bit deeper.

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Jun 24, 2022
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I was very young and naive when they gave my baby son his first MMR. I didn't know a lot back then but I knew within 24 hours that those SOB's were never getting their hands on him again. He ended up with high functioning asperger's from just that first round. I can't imagine what would have happened if we kept getting him shot up. Lots of dancing around different schools, doctors and especally intrusive school nurses until he got out of High School. When he went to college, (pre-covid) they demanded that he get certain injections to go to classes. He refused. They said ok, you have to pay $100 fine every semester. Small price to pay. Since then we have learned a lot about things like the MTHFR gene variations and how difficult it is for individuals with these variations to clear the heavy metals, etc. contained in vaccines from their bodies fast enough to keep major inflammation from occurring and how that inflammation affects infants and children. (My son is double MTHFR and we would have never known if it wasn't for those cheap genetic tests like 23& Me.) And that's just one aspect of the things that can and do occur. Pharma knows. They don't care.

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