Russia should have cut diplomatic ties with the UK long ago and targeted their embassy in Kiev.

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Your excellent post brings to mind some hard-hitting eloquence from Jeffrey Sachs who was talking to Judge Nap about 4 days ago about the continued escalation against Russia, of course egged on by the Brits. The spy ouster being a part of this. Quoting Sachs (19:50):

“…the UK, which is actually even more war-mongering than the US…but Britain, in its war posture, is disgusting because it basically has an imperial mindset without any capacity right now of Empire, thank goodness, but it still wants as much escalation as possible…so it’s an extremely irresponsible country…”

From your reporting on Estonia, it seems we may have another, potentially fatal, example of Estonia, like Ukraine, believing it can somehow overcome - defeat - win a war against Russia - ?? - by relying on the UK’s bellicose posturing and bravado —- which would result in its own destruction and demise, and maybe that of the other Baltic states, their historical grievances aside.

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And now we can add Lithuania to the mix. Brits meddling too?


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What a joke.

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With the depth of time you give to USA/England vs. Russia relations, my brain thinks, How pitiful the little men, still playing Hatfield's vs. McCoy's..... single bullet in their pocket. Their empty guns perfect metaphor for their brains. How easy they made it for the Russians.

In real time, always appreciated how Russia responds to provocations, born 1960, there have been many to watch. An elegance in their responses across decades. "..........Russian retaliation often comes in asymmetric fashion.", thank you for that description, gives light to their elegance.

Typing, above, brought a song to mind,

"O' man river,

Dat ol' man river,

He mus'know sumpin'

But don't say nuthin'

He jes' keeps rollin'

He keeps on rollin' along."

Songwriters: Oscar Ii Hammerstein / Jerome Kern

Ol' Man River lyrics © T.b. Harms, T.b. Harms Co.

Thank you, and Godspeed your work Mark.

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Well said!!

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