Iran has signaled that they will not allow any further provocation to go unanswered. It’s up the escalatory ladder from here and it would seem that all civilian infrastructure in Israel will be destroyed and a lot of soft targets in Iran will be hit too.

I think Israel’s plan is actually to commit suicide believing that the US will wreck Iran one way or another. There is no other way out of the jam they’re in besides total destruction but that plays into the hands of Netanyahu and the rest of the crazies. Whatever few survive will be even more chosen and have an even wider license to claim victimhood. For the crazies in the US it’s just business as usual and if Iran does indeed destroy our bases, the Baghdad green zone etc that also plays into their hands as they want to nuke Iran and plan to anyway.

Unless Russia and China are willing to act decisively this is going to go south very hard for both Israel and Iran. Both are crucial to their sponsors so the escalation from here will be scary.

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I don't see it that way at all.

Iran's attack was 100% theater by Iran to placate rioters in Tehran demanding retribution for Nasralla or whatever his name is. Hit nothing but empty fields not one death just like before in April. They know better than to kill Israelis or they will get turned into a parking lot

Iran was even nice enough to tell US in advance so Israel could get all it’s jets off the ground.

Show me any damage please... I scoured twitter see none.

Meanwhile, Israel still continues genocide.

I dont think they’ll do much to Iran. Israel let Iran it throw it’s little hissy fit so they can shut up awhile while Israel continues genocide..

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God bless and keep Thomas Massie.

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At least there is one who does not participate in the grave sins of Sodom on the Potomac. Will God spare the city because there is one righteous soul in it? Time will tell.

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Here in Aus the news is all Pro Israel, attacked by evil Iran.

Nutty yahoo's face and words are all that is being presented.

We are even cracking down on so called "pro terrorist" protests that are anti-war in support of Hezbollah.

If it does indeed escalate, Aus looks to fall into line behind the US and support unequivocally Israel, and most likely outlaw any anti-war dissent.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

This morning I was reading comments to a WSJ column by WM Read regarding Netanyahu making lemonade out of all the lemons he has gotten so far from the Biden administration.

The commenters could not have been more adulatory... I copypasted them to think about them clearly. A sampler:

"Netanyahu loves his country and wants them to be the best and to exist peacefully.

A real leader who honors his commitment to his country first, instead of being a puppet on a chain to western world pseudo-leaders. Winston Churchill. Tough, focused, relentless -- things you want in a wartime leader. Fearless leader.

Bibi did our job for us... behind the scenes they are quietly thanking him.

We are so lucky the world has a Benjamin Netanyahu in it - and seriously good Israeli soldiers to execute his plans."

And of course in the comments we find a prooftext:

"I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

"I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, from the desert to the Euphrates River..."

It's impossible to know how much of the commentary is paid for, and how much is sincere.

But, there do seem to be a lot of Americans who are genuinely excited that we might get a rapture real soon.

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Okay one more that puts a bow on it,

"Excellent analysis, Walter. Would that there were more like you, who could see (and write) this clearly and who aren’t cowed by the oppressive yoke of “settler-colonial” nonsense and Western denialism. The fecklessness of our current leadership is both embarrassing and dangerous. Love him or hate him, Netanyahu has shown the West how to lead in the face of unfathomable hatred and adversity and how to defeat evil. Likewise, never has it been more true than in the current struggle against these vile barbarian terrorists that Israel is a “light unto the nations.” Our leaders should thank Israel and Netanyahu profusely for standing, unbowed, on the side of good and right and morality, and the defeat of terror. May God bless Israel and may it succeed in all it seeks to do to triumph over evil and restore peace. Am Yisrael Hai!"

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I would say that such total moral blindness (especially among professed Christians) is unbelievable but there is way too much of it going on to support that proposition.

As a corrective to the heavy mistaken emphasis on the political state of Israel being the "chosen people" and their role in Christian eschatology they could start with Christ's saying "My Kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36). There are many implications of that but the fundamental ones are that Christianity is not political at its heart and it does not advocate the accumulation of worldly power (or worldly destruction) and it does not favor one worldly nation over another. You can read the Bible and draw your own conclusions.

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RE: the beast from the earth of Revelation 13:

"...when the spiritual imagery of calling fire, performing signs, and breathing speech into stone (13:13-15) are considered, the earth beast must be seen as a religious system directing the spiritual energies of the world in support of the sea beast's world-conquering empire [...] biblical imagery taken from some of the greatest moments recorded in scripture [...] the biblical religion has been twisted in support of the sea beast’s lust for power: the church in worldly corruption excusing and enabling the state's depredations [...] the real danger of deception emerges when the church rallies the faithful to the cause of empire and its pursuit of hegemonic domination of the world"


(forgive me for a little self-promotion, but it seemed relevant)

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Well said. Christian zionism is an oxymoron. Bullseyes may rightly be painted on missionaries and all Christians tainted by association with this abomination.

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+1 for sharing that not because I like it. I have to say that I am (sadly) not in the least surprised.

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Right, wrong, or different Netanyahu is testing his boundaries and opposition. Netanyahu's approval rating is off the chart (80%). Is the U.S. complicit if Israel strikes with F-35 fighter bombers on said nuke sites? What about the bombs that could be used. Are we complicit in Iran's eyes then? How about the "eyes in the sky"? Perhaps Iran has a case to close the Strait or beyond.

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Well, to quote the great Julius Caesar we have crossed the Rubicon and there’s no going back. Seems to me we have absolutely incompetent people in charge who don’t seem to care one bit about starting this war and where it might lead to. I believe Benjamin Netanyahu other leaders of the Israeli government, and our own officials are all certifiably insane. There will be no winners only losers along with terrible devastation. Here we have seven states that need help from a hurricane, and we are on a road to war in the Middle East. I do not believe this is going to resonate well with the public and I believe they will hold the Biden Harris administration in total contempt along with the responsibility of this war getting out of control. Kamala Harris might as well give it up right now. Nobody is going to support her that’s reasonable and thinking if this war is allowed to happen. She cannot distance herself from Biden on this no matter what she does.

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October is even crazier than September.

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Ray: You think this is crazy, wait until November! What’s the old saying, “You ain’t seen nothin yet!!”

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Terrifying- We already are at the 4 horsemen stage…

- pestilence (monkeypox)

- famine (North Carolina areas cut off)

- war (Ukraine/ Middle East)

- death (2 attempts on Trump)

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And there in lies the big question, what if Trump wins?

Given the circumstances and the number of people who are not only opposed to him and this country, but will go to any lengths to see that an orderly transition does not happen. Add to the mix an unknown number of people who have come across the border and have simply “disappeared” into thin air!

No matter how you do the math, it all adds up to nothing good.

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