Thanks once again, Mark, for consolidation, clarification and your insight on difficult issues.

My only note (unusual for me, I know) is that if the USA wasn't he77 bent on militarily policing the world, the all-volunteer Armed Forces had shown (before woke-ism took over) maintaining a highly technical, minimal-size, well trained and well provisioned force could serve as deterrence. Problem is, what we're attempting to deter became bigger than anything short of what a Massed, ongoing large invasion force level Army might actually deter. For much less cost; i.e. Camal Jockeys with shoulder-mounted anti-air and anti-tank weapons became a determent to the US. (That may have been a bit unkind to some cultures, not intended as a slight). Back to my quiet place I shall go. Blessings to one and all, keep lookin' up! (Wrh)

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If the conscription is brought back in the U.S., women will have to be included. Men will not submit when they are discriminated against in everything else. There is no way today's women would accept being subject to conscription. They are far too selfish. Ergo, there is not going to be conscription in the U.S.

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They are in an odd position with regards to the draft. It is families that would have accepted it historical that will likely be most opposed to it. So good luck with it not tearing the country apart. A universally opposed draft versus the deranged Beltway set.

But they have to do something when they run out of Ukrainians to feed to the War God.

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good point

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Victoria Nuland is one despicable individual!

I’d like to see her and her boss dropped into the middle of the Ukrainian front and have their noses rubbed in the horror that they so cavalierly dismiss as being great for the US arms industry and its workers.

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Yeah, she's a regular Madeleine Albright:

“We have heard that half a million [Iraqi] children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima,” asked Stahl, “And, you know, is the price worth it?”

“I think that is a very hard choice,” Albright answered, “but the price, we think, the price is worth it.”

They used to put paid killers in jail. Now they get jobs at the State Department and in Congress. Something is very seriously wrong with our government. Why is it so full of people who do not have consciences?

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Well, like a friend of mine used to say, “If I knew the answer to that, I’d be rich instead of good looking”!

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Funny how women, supposedly more empathetic and compassionate, are blood thirsty fascists completely enthralled with ruling over others ruining people lives over their fantasy ideolgy.

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It's the only place they can find gainful employment.

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Ha! Thanks for the (sardonic) laugh!

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The U.S. Serbian bombing and gulf wars shocked the rest of the world. Where the U.S. took on large militaries and with token casualties defeated them. Iran, Russia, and China have been hard at work to avoid being another Iraqi military. The U.S. meanwhile was focused on whack a mole in Iraq and Afghanistan for the last 20 years. Plus have U.S. outposts around the world.

Unfortunately the U.S. military has not changed much from the pinnacle moment technology wise. Lots of defense industry consolidation (bill clinton) plus a focus on financial engineering (see Boeing) made it worse. Combined with de industrialization and moving production overseas both in Europe and the U.S.

I don’t see the draft coming back, but recruitment of non citizens is a huge possibility. Shades of the late Roman Empire…

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How do they expect to draft young people that have been indoctrinated into hating their own country? The cognitive dissonance amongst the elite is remarkable.

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“That money does not end up in the US, but goes from the US budget to the accounts of the shareholders in the weapons manufacturing factories.” Our foreign policy laid bare. Vile.

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Selling war as a jobs program and good for the economy. Pathetic.

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My guess is it’s flailing around for justification for normie voters to keep on funding Ukraine.

Instead of the true reason being an irrational hatred of Russia and the use of Russia as a scapegoat to justify censorship and other methods to increase the globalists / Wef / neocons power.

Russia is a useful bogeyman.

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Yup, a useful bogeyman to keep on feeding the insatiable maw of the MIC - keep the scam going for decades! Professor Nicolai Petro on the Duran brilliantly explains this, as well as a potential way out of this “cul-de-sac” of no negotiations without capitulation nonsense. At about the 23-24 minute mark - link below!

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I’d rather she hire US laborers to dig holes and refill them, to be honest. She is the epitome of stupid.

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