I see that Putin will be having a meeting with European leaders WITHOUT the U.S.A. represented.

What happens if Putin says his fuel (delivered via the NordStream 2 pipeline) will gladly take Euros for payment, rather than the "worlds reserve currency", called the dollar?

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Will Congress—and the Senate, in particular—finally get serious about foreign policy? With the likes of loathsome Lindsey composing the bipartisan majority in both houses I would think not. He was at his noxious, nauseating, globalist best on Meet The Press, link to embedded video: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/01/30/sunday-talks-lindsey-graham-goes-full-color-revolution-supports-race-based-political-judges-unilateral-war-against-putin-and-j6-targeting/#more-226390

Notice he was wearing his purple GUPpy talisman! He enjoys being one of the little fishes in the Globalists United Party.

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Does anyone here really believe that Russia is a real threat here in the US, at least an existential one (absent insane provocation from the dc gangsters)? No. They are a foil of the dc swamp, tirelessly flogged as the arch villain justifying huge military budgets and foreign deployments.

Phooey. Let Russia have its backyard. They have mortal ills that will be difficult if not impossible for them to overcome. The only grave threat we face is the authoritarian regime in dc and the hordes they are literally shipping in via Mexico. Until we get rid of usurpers in dc i don't give a fig for Russia, Ukraine, or Taiwan.

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I did not realize there was an economic cost to Ukraine for this mess.

Mobilization of reserves and being in heightened alert also has a cost.

Russia is doing better economically with higher oil and gas prices.

More of a Russian Caribbean presence in Cuba, including deployment of nukes would be a good move by Russia. I don’t see the downside. No difference than Russian submarines off the us coast, but definitely higher profile.

I can’t believe nato was practicing attacking Russian territory, Kalingrad, how hubristic and stupid. NATO is a joke as a military forge, and they are deliberately threatening Russian territory?

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