Let's see...

1) 40% (or even 30) think that Brandon is doing a good job.

2) Nobody has been punished for 2020 election crimes.

3) A supermajority of Congress (and likely a majority of the people) wants to go to war with a nuclear power for no national security reason

4) The Fed and the government will do nothing to right the economy (actually, they can't), so starvation will be a reality this winter.


I'm with Luongo.

Civil war it is.

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Abortion being decided in the courts has allowed Dems to avoid running on and answering questions about when life begins. Even though the media will still give Dems cover, it's no longer an academic question if Roe is overturned because the actual positions Dems take could potentially become law. Dems have become so extreme on the issue that they have come oppose anything short of abortion up until the baby's first scream.

I do worry that in some situations, the benefit will be to Dems. In WI where I live, overturning Roe will see the state defer to a 173yr old law that makes it a crime for any doctor to perform any abortion. I think that's out of step politically with the state (bans after 1st trimester is probably the popular position). It's unlikely the state GOP would pass abortion enabling laws of any sort. At some point, Dems will get their political win over this issue as a complete ban on abortion in the state is not sustainable long term in WI.

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Ok, if things are only going to get worse between now and November, and the “people in charge” have no respect for The Constitution, what assurance do we have that they will not just ignore the results of an unfavorable election outcome and tell the voters to get lost. When the POTUS is actively encouraging people to break the law by going to Supreme Court Judge’s homes to threaten and intimidate them in order to get an outcome that is acceptable to them, then what’s to stop him from cooking up another Russian meddling in the election fable and declaring the results invalid? Of course they’d be “reluctant to do it, but we must save our democracy!”, would be the rationale voiced by all of the usual suspects.

I can hear Lindsay Graham, Mitch Mconnell, Susan Collins and let’s not forget Mitt Romney, standing with Biden in a show of support while dismissing those who object to overriding the election as part of the dangerous MAGA cult whose objections can be dismissed as disinformation by the newly created “Ministry of Propaganda”.

I don’t know, seems like they have all their ducks in a row; a feckless, senile buffoon is POTUS, a Congress that consistently ignores the will of the people, a coward is Chief Justice of the highest court, the FBI and FBI are totally corrupt.

So will it be with “a whimper or a bang?”

I’m afraid that most people are averse to loud noises, but this next election cycle will certainly tell, because it’s definitely for all the marbles.

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To quote Bill Clinton: "It's the economy, stupid." Not just inflation, but also GNP, employment, the markets, the supply chain, the deficit and debt and the health of the dollar. This regime can't get anything right, as ideology and 'wokeness' are more important to them than results, assuming they even have the smarts to run a country. Maybe the globalists and foreign interests would like to take us down and they are calling the shots. Come November everybody will be hurting and everything else will be off the table. Moreover people are aware and angry, so stealing the majority of 435 local elections might prove impossible.

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Yet in the midst of all of this, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court can’t seem to bring himself to see that federal law is enforced to protect the lives of the judges on his court. I wonder what John Marshal would have done?

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Are we headed for a blow out?

Yes, if we had clean elections.

Trump won beyond the usual margin of cheating. 2,000 mules documents the usual method of cheating. So emergency measures had to be taken.

Will the successful cheating tactics be repeated?

Luongo is expecting over 100 MAGA types to be elected to the house, making the GOP the most nationalistic it has been in years.

School board elections are motivating disgusted parents to vote.

The price of gas and food are huge issues. It’s the economy stupid is very true this year.

I was surprised the abortion issue was deployed now, but since the decision was due in June.

Perhaps it is a Luongo wrote, an opportunity to warn others to not veer from right think. Or may be it was to distract from 2,000 mules. Or motivate turn out in the primaries. My guess is distract from 2,000 mules.

Victor Hanson wrote of a huge, rapid change in political views in the Hispanic community towards the GOP. Pro abortion demonstrators in Catholic Churches are very short sighted. The Democrats are oblivious to this.

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Thanks for the links to Luongo and Zito. Amazing to also read the Luongo piece from 2020, before the steal was a done deal and the January 6 trespassers had been left to rot in jail within shouting distance of every single elected Republican member of Congress on Capitol Hill...

I think Zito is wrong. She, like Turley, writes well but for a past era in American political life and gives us false hope. America is not who she was. (Remember when Obama, our first trans-national president, kept telling us "That's not who we are!")

I think Luongo does us more good in comparing America in 2022 to Russia in 1917, than to America in 1894.

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From what I've seen of people screaming in the streets to murder babies... I wouldn't be surprised of Noah shows up this year.

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The DC “elites” don’t see it because they’re ideologues, hangers-on, Nodding donkeys or

some such sycophantic cretin. They should watch Downfall. Deep in a bunker with Russian guns pounding the dust into more dust. All the while moving phantom armies around the board thinking Steiner will come to the rescue. Political doom on all of em. Every last one.

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Removed (Banned)May 10, 2022·edited May 10, 2022
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