Maybe in your spare time, somebody here could please explain to me and the rest of us why, in theory, we can't be *friends* with Russia, and work together for the greater good of mankind.
Why not let Russia sell cheap energy to Germany so that German industry can continue to make things (and not become a hollowed out dystopia like our Rust Belt) and Germans (and other Europeans) can afford to heat their homes? There should be no need to ship expensive US LNG on diesel consuming tankers to Europe. Our LNG could be sold here at home to reduce our own energy shortages. And why not let Russia participate in the global economy that our Elites so cherish. Isn't that what globalism is all about? They might even be willing to take sound dollars in trade.
As far as I can tell Russia doesn't have any deep seated ill-will towards the U.S. (notwithstanding our constant unsubstantiated slurs and insults). Putin has said that where we differ he is hopeful that the U.S. can muster enough respect for an independent and sovereign nation to simply let us agree to disagree. Are conservative Russian Orthodox views regarding marriage and sexuality really an existential threat to Western 'democracy'?
Russia does seem to have, however, a, well-founded in my opinion, aversion to a powerful military alliance stockpiling armies and weapons of civilizational destruction on their boundaries. Is this too hard for us to understand? Have we totally forgotten how we felt when Khrushchev did the same thing to us in 1962? Nobody likes having nuclear warheads pointed right at their cities...
Granted the US has a $4 trillion annual budget, but can't we imagine a better use, here at home, for the more than $100 billion that Congress has appropriated for aid to Ukraine is less than one year? Or should we call it aid to the needy US defense industry? Personally, I'm still thinking there's some things we could be doing to restore our Third World lookalike shithole cities and transportation infrastructure?
We can't be *friends* with Russia. Russia is the enemy of the United States because the US Government has established that Russia interfered with the the 2016 election by hacking the emails of the Democrat National Committee (showing how the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton’s rival for the Democratic nomination) and providing them to Julian Assange in order to help the inferior and unacceptable candidate, Donald Trump, win the Presidential election in 2016. As a result of the Russian hack, and as 'proof' of the hack, President Obama threw out 35 Russian diplomats in reaction and Bob Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence agents for conducting the hack.
Interested readers might enjoy watching Alexander Merouris, Ray McGovern and Glenn Diesen discuss all of the foregoing. McGovern, of course, has been saying these things for many years.
In short, the Biden/Neocon regime is achieving everything it set out to avoid: strengthening Russia, destroying Ukraine and their own free for all corruption hub, pushing Russia and China into each other's arms, creating a whole new multipolar world, and weakening the dollar hegemony that has ruled since WW2. Victoria Nuland was unavailable for comment this morning.
In matters such as this, I would not refer to Wikipedia, except to look to see how they want to play us. There are so many alternative sources out there. Reading around a few in conjunction with pattern recognition will bring better clarity on what really happened.
A tactic of a color revolution is back a local faction. And use media allies to vilify the other side. Constitutionality / rule of law is not relevant, which is why the label revolution or coup.
There was an article that went through the tactics of a color revolution, and yes, the US 2020 election has a lot of similarities.
how is it possible for US establishment to condemn relative mild J6 protests as "insurrection", while supporting the neo-Nazi vanguard at the Maidan riots which removed a democratically elected President? US picked the fight.
And it's wrong to attribute every action of Russian-speaking minority in Ukraine to "Russia". In Canada, Quebec would separate in a nanosecond if Canadian government instituted language policies even a fraction as repressive as those implemented by Ukraine government installed by US in 2014? Russian-speaking areas in Ukraine did precisely what Quebec would have done. It wasn't initiated by Russian government. Tho there was no way Russia was going to let US and NATO occupy Crimea - a traditional Russian area and key naval port under lease to Russia. Madness for Obama and Biden to inititate this escalating conflict.
I am delighted we are lied to with impunity. Our stupid government has thrown away the support of that sector of the public they most need if they want to accomplish anything. They will be duly gratified when their media paints a rosy picture of events, and blissfully unaware that the reality doesn't quite correspond. Any recession, or more likely depression, will be labeled as something else, and victory on paper in the Ukraine is assured. I'm afraid we will just have to disregard our government as much as possible in the future, and get on with our lives.
…yes, as “our” government and its henchmen and enforcers know no shame: no consequences, nothing to see here! As with the Twitter/God’s thunder, stolen and smashed into a million pieces by a mere mortal! Silence. Just attack the messenger.
Maybe in your spare time, somebody here could please explain to me and the rest of us why, in theory, we can't be *friends* with Russia, and work together for the greater good of mankind.
Why not let Russia sell cheap energy to Germany so that German industry can continue to make things (and not become a hollowed out dystopia like our Rust Belt) and Germans (and other Europeans) can afford to heat their homes? There should be no need to ship expensive US LNG on diesel consuming tankers to Europe. Our LNG could be sold here at home to reduce our own energy shortages. And why not let Russia participate in the global economy that our Elites so cherish. Isn't that what globalism is all about? They might even be willing to take sound dollars in trade.
As far as I can tell Russia doesn't have any deep seated ill-will towards the U.S. (notwithstanding our constant unsubstantiated slurs and insults). Putin has said that where we differ he is hopeful that the U.S. can muster enough respect for an independent and sovereign nation to simply let us agree to disagree. Are conservative Russian Orthodox views regarding marriage and sexuality really an existential threat to Western 'democracy'?
Russia does seem to have, however, a, well-founded in my opinion, aversion to a powerful military alliance stockpiling armies and weapons of civilizational destruction on their boundaries. Is this too hard for us to understand? Have we totally forgotten how we felt when Khrushchev did the same thing to us in 1962? Nobody likes having nuclear warheads pointed right at their cities...
Granted the US has a $4 trillion annual budget, but can't we imagine a better use, here at home, for the more than $100 billion that Congress has appropriated for aid to Ukraine is less than one year? Or should we call it aid to the needy US defense industry? Personally, I'm still thinking there's some things we could be doing to restore our Third World lookalike shithole cities and transportation infrastructure?
Does anybody here have the answers?'s an answer!
We can't be *friends* with Russia. Russia is the enemy of the United States because the US Government has established that Russia interfered with the the 2016 election by hacking the emails of the Democrat National Committee (showing how the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton’s rival for the Democratic nomination) and providing them to Julian Assange in order to help the inferior and unacceptable candidate, Donald Trump, win the Presidential election in 2016. As a result of the Russian hack, and as 'proof' of the hack, President Obama threw out 35 Russian diplomats in reaction and Bob Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence agents for conducting the hack.
Luongo talks about this today. IMO, and it's only an opinion, Putin won't fall for the provocation. Continue reading down.
The urge for empire has its own logic. One that may ignore reality.
Interested readers might enjoy watching Alexander Merouris, Ray McGovern and Glenn Diesen discuss all of the foregoing. McGovern, of course, has been saying these things for many years.
I hafta say, McGovern's style drives me a little crazy. I'm listening as a type.
Yup. He does go on.
But he's 83! And he's got the 'receipts'...
McGovern: "Why does it have to be 'Win-Lose'? Why can't it be 'Win-Win'?"
Because that's the decision the Neocons have made, and they have run FP for decades.
In short, the Biden/Neocon regime is achieving everything it set out to avoid: strengthening Russia, destroying Ukraine and their own free for all corruption hub, pushing Russia and China into each other's arms, creating a whole new multipolar world, and weakening the dollar hegemony that has ruled since WW2. Victoria Nuland was unavailable for comment this morning.
We who live in the West cannot trust our governments to do the right or decent thing, so Russia should ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUST THEIR EMPTY PROMISES.
In matters such as this, I would not refer to Wikipedia, except to look to see how they want to play us. There are so many alternative sources out there. Reading around a few in conjunction with pattern recognition will bring better clarity on what really happened.
LMAO. Anyone who takes what wikipedia “reports” about such a topic at face value can’t be taken seriously. Try a little harder.
The Maiden Coup was a color revolution.
My take is both sides are corrupt.
One side was US backed, the other Russian.
A tactic of a color revolution is back a local faction. And use media allies to vilify the other side. Constitutionality / rule of law is not relevant, which is why the label revolution or coup.
There was an article that went through the tactics of a color revolution, and yes, the US 2020 election has a lot of similarities.
how is it possible for US establishment to condemn relative mild J6 protests as "insurrection", while supporting the neo-Nazi vanguard at the Maidan riots which removed a democratically elected President? US picked the fight.
And it's wrong to attribute every action of Russian-speaking minority in Ukraine to "Russia". In Canada, Quebec would separate in a nanosecond if Canadian government instituted language policies even a fraction as repressive as those implemented by Ukraine government installed by US in 2014? Russian-speaking areas in Ukraine did precisely what Quebec would have done. It wasn't initiated by Russian government. Tho there was no way Russia was going to let US and NATO occupy Crimea - a traditional Russian area and key naval port under lease to Russia. Madness for Obama and Biden to inititate this escalating conflict.
I am delighted we are lied to with impunity. Our stupid government has thrown away the support of that sector of the public they most need if they want to accomplish anything. They will be duly gratified when their media paints a rosy picture of events, and blissfully unaware that the reality doesn't quite correspond. Any recession, or more likely depression, will be labeled as something else, and victory on paper in the Ukraine is assured. I'm afraid we will just have to disregard our government as much as possible in the future, and get on with our lives.
…yes, as “our” government and its henchmen and enforcers know no shame: no consequences, nothing to see here! As with the Twitter/God’s thunder, stolen and smashed into a million pieces by a mere mortal! Silence. Just attack the messenger.