Just so interesting the role SSCI played in every aspect of this since the 2016 election. Richard Burr as chairperson basically was worthless. Allowing Warner to rant and rave, Burr did nothing. Having McCain included was a death sentence to ensure Russia, Russia, Russia IMO.
I also don't hold out much hope w/Rubio as part of the SSCI as minority representation. He could be much more effective if was interested but would rather protect the Deep State.
Burr did nothing? Perhaps he, as chairman, was Warner's enabler. Pretend Warner is the loose cannon guy, to cover for GOP complicity in the move to oust Trump?
Taibbi reports: “First round of RU investigation… 15 high risk accounts, 3 of which have connections with Russia, although 2 are RT.”
In hindsight, I wonder how many 'Russian' accounts on FB or Twitter were actually US IC planted accounts. I've not heard of anybody else speculating this...
Twitter was small fry. I despair that we’ll never know the truth about the others, especially FB and the granddaddy of them all: Google. Where are the patriots? Where are the Snowdens?
“Hi guys.. Just passing along for awareness the writeup here from the WashPost today on potential legislation…” Cowell, (just) whistling past the graveyard of free speech…sickening. Tx for your expert roll-out of Twitter’s capitulation to the Powers that Be…hope Cowell is having sleepless nights.
I've included this in our timeline. Thanks! Great presentation.
Just so interesting the role SSCI played in every aspect of this since the 2016 election. Richard Burr as chairperson basically was worthless. Allowing Warner to rant and rave, Burr did nothing. Having McCain included was a death sentence to ensure Russia, Russia, Russia IMO.
I also don't hold out much hope w/Rubio as part of the SSCI as minority representation. He could be much more effective if was interested but would rather protect the Deep State.
Burr did nothing? Perhaps he, as chairman, was Warner's enabler. Pretend Warner is the loose cannon guy, to cover for GOP complicity in the move to oust Trump?
I guess we might assume that but I don't think Burr is that smart.
Taibbi reports: “First round of RU investigation… 15 high risk accounts, 3 of which have connections with Russia, although 2 are RT.”
In hindsight, I wonder how many 'Russian' accounts on FB or Twitter were actually US IC planted accounts. I've not heard of anybody else speculating this...
Way too cynical for me. LOL.
Twitter was small fry. I despair that we’ll never know the truth about the others, especially FB and the granddaddy of them all: Google. Where are the patriots? Where are the Snowdens?
Best summary I've seen.
Ditto. Thanks Mark
“Hi guys.. Just passing along for awareness the writeup here from the WashPost today on potential legislation…” Cowell, (just) whistling past the graveyard of free speech…sickening. Tx for your expert roll-out of Twitter’s capitulation to the Powers that Be…hope Cowell is having sleepless nights.
Right. Red/Blue states isn't really all that meaningful a distinction. Perhaps in some respects to some degree, but ...