Thank you, Mark, for this column. I don't follow him because, to me, he often seems to lean over backwards to excuse the democrat's behavior. I'm glad I didn't miss reading 'A Crisis of Faith'. I think it is good -- and I am glad I read it.

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Very good essay and Turley's point about factionalism is excellent.

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Here's the thing with Turley, IMO. He's a law prof in DC. He has served as counsel or consultant for Congress in a number of capacities. He comments prominently on all legal issues. He wants to stay involved at a high level. So he tries to distribute blame, but also preserves his integrity. It's a bit of a tightrope act, but he generally pulls it off well. As he demonstrated during the Trump faux impeachment. And he doesn't hesitate to call out liberal fools like Laurence Tribe.

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The new Journolist talking points have been going for a year now. I laugh when I hear the ABC news reader at the top of the hour on the talk radio station I have on refer to the "insurrection" and shake my head. After a year, they aren't making much progress in selling their tripe except to the useful idiots.

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Hopeful sign. Fool me once ...

Dems whole agenda seems based on fooling a majority all of the time.

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Removed (Banned)Jan 7, 2022
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That's Turley's theme in the new post. But he's also saying that the MSM is increasingly irrelevant--even liberals get what's going on, as your friend shows.

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Forgot to mention the brutal take-down of Ted Cruz last evening by Tucker Carlson when Cruz appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight. If Cruz thought he was going to be treated with kid gloves concerning his remarks in the Senate chamber the previous day about the January 6th "terrorists," he was rudely awakened. Cruz was back peddling as fast as he could, but Carlson was having none of it. After that episode, talk of Cruz being elevated to SCOTUS should come to an end as he may well be another John Roberts...


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Cruz has never to my knowledge shown any interest in a judicial position at any level. He's always been straightforwardly about politics.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

3-D chess then, was added to then President Trump's short list of SC justices. https://archive.is/pf3pn He was also Texas's longest running Solicitor General from '03 to '08 and argued cases before the SC. https://archive.is/9B8eY

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Cruz was Solicitor General under then Texas Attorney General who was previously a Texas Supreme Court Justice & before that District Court Judge . . . Greg Abbott. Cruz & Cornyn (another former Texas AG, TX SC Justice & District Judge) are my 2 less than ideal Senators & Abbott is my rule by executive fiat Emperor. DC & Austin are lower than swamps, more like cesspools in my estimation. I avoid voting for incumbents, especially in primaries, seldom does any good.

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Oh, my gosh, you are right. For some reason I'd believed Cruz was a solid Conservative. Evidently he's a solid politician :( like so many Republicans in congress.

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