I keep a wry eye on her. I like De Santis a lot but let him be an effective Governor for a while. We need that which is Trump back in, the woulds will be heavy but he's shown he can take it and still fight!

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All the talk about DeSantis in 2024 ignores a MASSIVE elephant in the room--absolutely NONE of the people touting DeSantis as a presidential candidate has done ANY polling about how he stacks up against Trump when it comes to inspiring the new voters moving towards the GOP. If anybody thinks that Latinos, blacks, and working stiffs are leaning Republican for anyone other than Trump, they are smoking something. DeSantis is not GOPe but he polls like one among the new groups who are shifting towards the GOP.

Richard Baris has made this point ad nauseum. And he has the polling receipts to document the effect. For the foreseeable future, there will not be a solid, stable new Republican coalition if Donald Trump is not the party's vanguard. I actually wish it were otherwise myself, but I've been convinced by Baris' polling and interpretations. The GOP will ignore Baris at its peril.

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

Ooh, look, another pol who's going to save us! Excuse my cynicism, but this sounds like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Gabbard might be having a genuine "come to Jesus" moment, or she might just be a WEF sleeper trying to charm her way into the WH. Until proven otherwise, I will believe the latter. However, this doesn't change the reality that no political personality today has the power to overthrow the Deep State in DC. Our problems are way beyond that. Nice hair, though.

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If DeSantis wins the nomination in '24, then given his almost certainly lunatic Dem opponent, he'll probably be feeling he could choose a ham sandwich as his running mate and win by twenty. This makes me think he'd see no need to choose the maverick Gabbard and that he'd go with a more conservative pick, someone with whom he'd feel maximally comfortable and in tune.

A Trump-Gabbard ticket, otoh, strikes me as a better fit, though I could easily be off by miles and miles here.

One place where I'm certain I'm NOT off, though, is this: if Trump is the nominee and if he does go with Gabbard, that portion of the diehard Trump supporters who may now be dissing Gabbard as an abject WEF sellout will find a strange new respect for the erstwhile Democrat. In the blink of an eye she'll go from Hawaiian harlot to Hawaiian honey. Bet on it.

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I'm not so sure, Brad. Many of us who supported Trump also recognise his appalling track record of picking Deep Staters for the top jobs.

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I am normally not effusive, but I must say, what a great post and what terrific comments, all of them. From both regular and new commenters.

Trump? DeSantis? Gabbard? Great questions. Many answers offered. None absolutely wrong. All must be explored. Much to consider.

Too bad the survival of the world as we old timers have known it depends on the eventual answers.

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I think the answers to our problems won't lie with whoever is in the WH in 2024. The way things are going, 2 years off is a long time. We are in the midst of titanic events that are beyond the control of any one individual.

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Luongo loses credibility by suggesting that DeSantis/Gabbard should be the GOP ticket in 2024. The Deep State made the choice for us by stealing 2020 from Trump, by falsely impeaching Trump for the Jan. 6 false flag operation, by illegally raiding his home to retrieve compromising docs. Everyone with eyes to see understands that Trump must be the one to run and win in 2024. Anything else is to surrender to the Deep State.

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I love Tom L, but he does have these sudden bursts of wild enthusiasm. A few months back, he was touting Janet Yellen for Potus.

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I'm totally in tune with the argument that simple justice calls for Trump to get the second chance at the presidency that the uniparty moved heaven and earth, in the most banana-republic fashion imaginable, to deny him. Rest assured that if the choice in '24 is between him and any Democrat, my only regret will be that I will have but one vote to give.

But none of that means a person loses credibility by wanting to see DeSantis as the nominee. At the very least if it does mean that, a person believing so should provide a reason or two why that is. The interests of the voters and of our nation as a whole infinitely outweigh the aspirations of any one man, and those interests are ill served if the voters have one and only one candidate imposed upon them - as for example Clinton was imposed on the Democrats in '16. (And how did that work out for them, by the way?)

Coronations are not the American way, and that is a very good thing. If Trump is the right man for the job in '24, wonderful. But if he is that man, the best way to show it to all and to get the greatest support behind him is for him to win that nomination the old fashioned way ... by earning it. In fair and square competition against all comers, just like in '16.

We shouldn't be afraid to compete. It's a very bad look, and worse yet, it lends itself not at all to victory.

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Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

None of this matters.

We could fill every seat in Congress and every position in the White house administration with ultra conservatives and it would not matter.

The US government is run by legions of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats.

The problem of The Administrative State has to be solved or we are finished as a sovereign nation.

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Exactly. And here we all are, still stuck in the Cult of Personality.

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How is the problem of the Administrative State solved without first removing its toadies from elective office and replacing them with something better?

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Trust but verify! How many times have we been burned?

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There is so much wrong with what is posited. I will just address Tulsi Gabbard, who has a history. And so many are aware of it. She is associated with many things that are anathema to those of us desperate to save our country. The one thing that I am certain of is that anyone who has associated themselves with the Democrat Party (and for many, many years) has obviously condoned the egregious habit of lying and hypocritical behavior.

I for one, am not looking for a moderate. By no means. We have been done in by Moderates.

Surely, there are thousands of other Americans who could serve admirably in the White House. Why should anyone take a chance on Tulsi Gabbard?

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Some people can evolve. Some can't. We'll see.

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I don’t disagree. Time and actions will tell.

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So here's the deal, a 2024 DeSantis-Gabbard ticket would be very much like the 1864 Lincoln-Johnson National Union Party ticket. Especially if the developing crises do in fact occur. History rhyming ?

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"DeSantis does not trigger moderates the way Trump does. If anything he’s the governor most people want, even if they tell their friends they don’t."

If DeSantis runs and is nominated he will be the new Hitler, I assure you. I hope he does not run. If the last six years should have taught us anything, it is that the American President is now a figurehead. Biden is clearly not in control of the government on a day to day basis. Neither was trump, though for different reasons. DeSantis has done far more good as Governor of Florida than he ever could in the White House.

"The real question comes down to, Is Gabbard willing to subsume her obvious ambition to a bigger cause, or does she see herself as the only possible leader of such a cause? If the latter, then it’s Third Party all the way. "

Gabbard was clearly the most qualified candidate in 2020, if judged by character and competence. Her voting record is unknown to me. Given her military service, I doubt she could be taken in or intimidated by the Pentagon brass or the intelligence chiefs. For this reason, I suspect they fear her more than anyone else, ads should she run, she should fear them.

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No such thing as Biden derangement syndrome. As Cord said, people are repulsed at the fact the president is only a figurehead.

The cure will be strong states and local governments. The SC is leaning into states rights. We need strong governors to lead. Cord is right on point.

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the notion that anyone but Trump can win and do the necessary in 24 is risible. 25 MILLION more people voted for him than any other Republican ever. That populist chunk won't trust DeSantis until he proves he can stand up vs the WEF and CCP nationally. Right now, he operates under Trump's protection, being "less" scary and with better grammar. Tulsi is pretty but bland. She drones on and on stating the obvious. She's mealy-mouthed. Another careerist until she does something other than play Tucker for a fool - that pretty face.

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The notion that the same Trump who got rolled repeatedly by the Depp state, hired a terrible AG (twice!) among other terrible hiring's, shut down the country, Warp Sped pfizer et al and refuses to admit it was bad - will be better the second time round is folly.

Fool me once shame on you, you can't teach an old dog new tricks and all that jazz.

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I love how people consume politicians like they are tv series, giving them reviews. Would you have done better? All that was revealed by Trump. He was a novice who drew back the curtain and revealed the reptilian jungle. Everyone gets rolled by the swamp. Usually they don’t stand up and shout stop loud enough to get the whole world to listen.

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Trump did his best, but I see no evidence that he has learnt from his mistakes. He STILL hasn't repudiated his support for the clot shots.

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He is hardly perfect. Most people believe in the vaccine, cognitive dissonance. And he green lit it. At least he says mandating it is dead wrong. Still 20 million dead, two billion injured -new numbers just in - reckoning will come.

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Trump won in 2016 not because of total votes but because he won the Rust Belt, specifically a large number of white former Obama voters. He'll never win again because he'll never win the Rust Belt again. Jared was 100% in charge of 2020 campaign and cancelled tv ads in Rust Belt weeks before Nov. 2020 election, also was 100% charge of White House during "Trump's" 4 yrs, and is today 100% in charge of Trump PACs and groups which are staffed with his open borders globalist cronies. Jared accepted a $250 million credit line from Soros in 2015.

As to "standing up to WEF," please provide link. It's the opposite. In Jan. 2020 Trump was in Davos/WEF with Ivanka, assigned her to run several important meetings w. global leaders. In speech before a WEF leaders group Trump praised some project and said it was all due the hard work of Ivanka. World leaders were said to look at her in new light since she's been given so much authority. Trump "stood up" to absolutely no one. In April 2017 he surrendered all military decisions to the Pentagon. In Aug. 2017, House and Senate removed all Russia decisions from him. In Aug. 2017 Trump went on tv to announce he changed his mind about "forever wars" in Mid East, now thinks they're necessary. DeSantis is the exact opposite of Trump and certainly doesn't operate under his "protection." In spring 2020 during Trump's lockdown, Trump called DeSantis and said, "Ron, these pictures of your people on the beach look terrible." DeSantis said he's not changing anything, people can go to the beach. Bye. MAGA and Am. First ceased to exist after Trump was elected, have been totally co-opted and filled w. Jared's open borders globalist cronies. In Covid meetings Jared cut off Dr. Scott Atlas, wouldn't allow him to speak, defended Birx and called her "MAGA." See Time mag Jan 2020 article, "Inside Jared Kushner’s Unusual White House Role."

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Further, with Trump taking all that massive unprecedented heat, DeSantis is largely left to float. Take out Trump and the weight of attack will fall on DeSantis. Will he fold? We don’t know. We know Trump won’t, not now. I have watched several politicians in Canada- smart, strong, conservative, just…..fold. They break in the face of the attacks. May I ask, have either of you been a focus of the attacks of the left? Because until you have experienced that….you almost can’t criticize fairly.

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I tend to see things thru an economic lens, rather than the grander geopolitical. Most of my work has been in the economic effects of the environmental iron triangle, including energy the deregulation of which Trump initiated, leading to his economic boom. This was and remains the principal way to stand up to the WEF/UN2030 agenda. It is where all their suffocation of innovation and activity is focused. Bad regulation is 90% of the economic ball game. Deregulation will lead to a massive economic boom. To me, without the growth Trump’s regulatory cuts created, and that he continues it in 24, we are in a world of trouble you cannot imagine. I know enough people who make/have made a living within the FP and political establishment as major newspaper editors etc., to know they have a flimsy grasp, at best, of what creates a vibrant economy. I am not insulted by your criticism of my thinking, because the only people who understand this have worked in it. I am just a messenger from the deeply unfashionable side of things. Further, we did not know the extent of the evil of the WEF in the late teens. I knew because I can see it operating where I am. Almost every politician fell for the Covid ruse. I lay big odds 99% of us would have. Getting people to understand regulation is almost impossible. May I point you both to this: https://www.amazon.com/Eco-Fascists-Radical-Conservationists-Destroying-Heritage-ebook/dp/B007EDCU0O. Published by Adam Bellow, Harper Collins NY. This junta is in every corner of the world, it suffocates Africa, South and Central America, it is the reason for the migrants from the south, etc etc.

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Despite Obama's best efforts to quash why yes much of that took place during his tenure. Could the price of oil coming down q leading cause for these bankruptcies which include efforts to kill the industry by withholding banks loans to oil companies for exploration? With oil once again at profitable price points the current hucksters in our financial system are strangulating renewed efforts of the fracking industry due to their oppressive tactics of ESG. I would rethink your comment on who is responsible for our current energy issues.

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Keystone pipeline. Again, deregulation.

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Expensive compared to what? You keep blaming Trump for the policies of Obama/Biden and the obstacles they put forth to harm the fossil fuel industry. That bankruptcies occurred under Trump does not suggest it was his policies at fault. We were not energy independent under Trump?

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Thanks for all that.

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In fairness to DeSantis, in the big scheme he has dealt with the Covid Hoax better than Trump did. He has also challenged Wokesters. As I understand it, when he was in Congress he was also one of the first to speak out against the Russia Hoax and to defend Trump. As for Tulsi, in these times it can be very refreshing to see a politician state the obvious. Some of her statements under the 8 points are far more specific than I've seen Trump be.

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This is a helluva conservative platform, as far as it goes. That's the question.


1. War on Rule of Law

2. War on Free Speech

3. War on Faith

4. War on the Second Amendment

5. War on Civil Liberties

6. War on Racial Harmony

7. War on Women

8. War on Family

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She gave a very nice speech.

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The Jab Side Effects are another game changer that will have a huge impact.

How long till there is an avalanche that sweeps everything before it? The Florida Surgeon Generals actions are just the start, and he can’t be censored.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022

Just got a call tonight from a couple of friends we've known for thirty years. His cancer--in remission for years--has reappeared and metastasized with a vengeance. He'll be 78 soon and is not going to do chemo or radiation again. He's the second old friend whose cancer has come out of remission after being jabbed. I don't have THAT many old friends. This is f**king bullsh*t.

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I think/hope you're right. Everyone sees the stories, day after day, every day, of people dropping dead or developing serious effects that everybody knows are injection related. We all know people, and have heard of others. There's a reason why the boosts and child injections are flopping. And now other countries are starting to outright ban the injections for younger people.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022
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No-one who has had any contact with the WEF, let alone is a member of S and B, should be anywhere near a candidate list. Simple as that.

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We've discussed Maria Bartiromo's involvement in the WEF Young Leaders group. It seems like more of a recruitment tool than an obvious indication of an individual's values and allegiances.

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Exactly. They look for people they think are up and comers who might fit their profile and then try to recruit them. Sometimes it works, sometimes they change their minds, sometimes the target backs out.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 11, 2022
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I will defend Trump against many of the attacks below, but I think you are imputing to him insight that he has given no evidence of possessing.

Trump stood up to the Deep State. Not perfectly, but enough to reveal to millions of voters that the situation with our government is far worse than we imagined.

But Trump has given no evidence of understanding the nature of the Covid / vaccine hoax. And I've never heard him express any insight into WEF. I don't believe he understands the nature of the threat posed by the DoJ/FBI beyond the fact that they did him wrong. Trump's value is largely spent, IMO. He obviously gets the vote if he's on the ticket, but I wouldn't expect much from a second term.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 12, 2022
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I don't disagree with that, and we do need a brawler.

But if he's not aimed in the right direction, then it's so much national energy wasted.

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Steve Bannon's a brawler. I would definitely support him, but he couldn't get elected. Too many people think he's a wingnut, when even a casual watching of Warroom shows he's not. It's too easy to have opinions without going out to educate yourself first.

Don't know if Tulsi is up for the game - she seems more willing to go along to get along. Look how long it took her to drop the D-party. I quit being a moderate when it became obvious Obama corrupted the IRS back in 2011-12. Even Nixon couldn't get that done. A go-along-to-get-along moderate may not do what's necessary to collapse our 4th branch of government, which now seems to have their fingers in about every election around the world. Not even sure that Desantis or Trump would be able to accomplish that. It may take a world war.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 11, 2022
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Does the WEF issue membership cards?

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It was a figure of speech. She has WEF form and therefore needs watching. Trust but verify.

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I can definitely agree with that.

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Maybe they have a secret handshake like the Freemasons, or wear funny undergarments like the Mormons :) I'm sure they recognise each other!

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Removed (Banned)Oct 11, 2022
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That's not a membership list. Those are people who attended the Young Global Leaders forum or whatever it's called. Most of them would have been on any conservative's watch list anyway, and now should be presumed to be WEF operatives. However, Luongo's point is that it is possible to step back, and some appear to have done so. Pasting in this stuff--which I've long been aware of and have previously linked--does not address that issue.

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