Gov is only supposed to do enumerated powers spelled out in article 1 section 8 - they listed them for a reason.. Rest is left to people and states see 10th amendment. 99% of what gov does today is unconstitutional yet SC doesnt strike it down relying on invented interpretations of general welfare/commerce clause since the 1930s. Wouldnt be surprised if SC side with their district court buddies that congress and courts run the executive branch After all all their friends and family are immersed in rip off deep state too getting some constitutionally illegal grant of decresion
What's hilarious is some enumerated powers ie what govt is directed to do like regulate value coin and print money they gave up that authority to private bankers. Also unconstitutional. Constitution is just a piece of toilet paper rotting away in a septic tank these days
I wonder if the IRS is going to get a good, solid dose of DOGE. And while the fresh air of common sense is blowing through Washington, might we hear something about term limits?
The Danish Prime Minister lacks critical thinking skills. Probably true of all Danes by reflection of the graph shown. (sorry if any Danes present).
Margot Cleveland's article is spot on but won't see the light of day outside of the Federalist unfortunately. She describes what Senator Schumer meant by "six ways from Sunday" being the Administrative state. Good job Margo.
Further, how does someone designated as "special counsel" and a law degree find themselves in an articulate circular reference as described by Ship? Oh, I see now. Yale Law School. Isn't that where Hunter Biden went? That explains it.
Terrific comment! The Dems seem to be reeling after 4 years of a controllable somnolent (on a good day), passive-agressive senile creep as CE, and their failure in the courts to bring Trump down. Did they think Trump 2.0 would be another snooze-fest? The Unitary Executive! Hey, what a novelty! That must be where the voters actually have a say in the presidential election! SCOTUS, all hands on deck!
Thanks Mark, for the whole Cleveland excerpt, especially
Because the president cannot alone manage the executive branch, he “select[s] those who [are] to act for him under his direction in the execution of the laws.” However, as the Supreme Court has stressed, such unelected officials hold “legitimacy and accountability” only “through ‘a clear and effective chain of command’ down from the President, on whom all the people vote.”
Would be interesting to read about how the military handles an interruption in the chain of command by a soldier who questions the order he is given by his superior.
Very true. The use of Democracy has become ubiquitous amongst practically all politicians right or left and especially the Democrats. It's an attempt to dismiss the constitution of which they abhor, like vampires to a crucifix.
Well, I for one can’t wait for the SCOTUS to drop the hammer on these clowns. I’m sick and tired of these people trying to “force” their will on the voters and the President that WE elected. It’s way past time for them to be told once and for all who the hell is in charge!
I believe these two were very shaken by their experience during their confirmation phase. The amount of venom poured their way and the malicious lies unnerved them and may explain their tendency to be swayed to embrace the arguments put forth by democrats.
As long as the court finally drives a stake through the heart of undying judicial activism and makes these petty little tyrants know that they’re not empowered to tell the Chief Executive of the country what he can and can’t do when exercising his constitutional authority! And it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if, “so sit down, shut up and get over yourselves”, was added for emphasis!I know, I know, but I can still dream.
Gov is only supposed to do enumerated powers spelled out in article 1 section 8 - they listed them for a reason.. Rest is left to people and states see 10th amendment. 99% of what gov does today is unconstitutional yet SC doesnt strike it down relying on invented interpretations of general welfare/commerce clause since the 1930s. Wouldnt be surprised if SC side with their district court buddies that congress and courts run the executive branch After all all their friends and family are immersed in rip off deep state too getting some constitutionally illegal grant of decresion
What's hilarious is some enumerated powers ie what govt is directed to do like regulate value coin and print money they gave up that authority to private bankers. Also unconstitutional. Constitution is just a piece of toilet paper rotting away in a septic tank these days
Little does she know that we’re bringing Russia into NATO.
Johnathan we DO NIT have an independent judiciary; we’ll impeach who we want to. Get out of the way.
I wonder if the IRS is going to get a good, solid dose of DOGE. And while the fresh air of common sense is blowing through Washington, might we hear something about term limits?
Mette Frederiksen shows why women should not be allowed to lead nations.
Make Patriarchy Great Again Worldwide
This is the only way.
The Danish Prime Minister lacks critical thinking skills. Probably true of all Danes by reflection of the graph shown. (sorry if any Danes present).
Margot Cleveland's article is spot on but won't see the light of day outside of the Federalist unfortunately. She describes what Senator Schumer meant by "six ways from Sunday" being the Administrative state. Good job Margo.
Further, how does someone designated as "special counsel" and a law degree find themselves in an articulate circular reference as described by Ship? Oh, I see now. Yale Law School. Isn't that where Hunter Biden went? That explains it.
Terrific comment! The Dems seem to be reeling after 4 years of a controllable somnolent (on a good day), passive-agressive senile creep as CE, and their failure in the courts to bring Trump down. Did they think Trump 2.0 would be another snooze-fest? The Unitary Executive! Hey, what a novelty! That must be where the voters actually have a say in the presidential election! SCOTUS, all hands on deck!
Thanks Mark, for the whole Cleveland excerpt, especially
Because the president cannot alone manage the executive branch, he “select[s] those who [are] to act for him under his direction in the execution of the laws.” However, as the Supreme Court has stressed, such unelected officials hold “legitimacy and accountability” only “through ‘a clear and effective chain of command’ down from the President, on whom all the people vote.”
Would be interesting to read about how the military handles an interruption in the chain of command by a soldier who questions the order he is given by his superior.
Apparently gets their portrait removed from the halls of the Pentagon.
Best comment of the day.
I'm sick of all the un-self-aware midwits who think they know it all, lording over us. Good if they get their comeuppance.
Unto the “Republic”
Not. “Our Democracy”
Why is MAGA still referring to our Republic as, Our Democracy?
Language matters
Young people need to hear “Our Republic”
Because in a republic representatives are fiduciaries while in a democracy they are not
Very true. The use of Democracy has become ubiquitous amongst practically all politicians right or left and especially the Democrats. It's an attempt to dismiss the constitution of which they abhor, like vampires to a crucifix.
Well, I for one can’t wait for the SCOTUS to drop the hammer on these clowns. I’m sick and tired of these people trying to “force” their will on the voters and the President that WE elected. It’s way past time for them to be told once and for all who the hell is in charge!
I see 4 of the 6 conservative judges dropping the hammer. Coney Barrett and Kavanaugh IMO are wild cards.
Both have solid records re the Admin State, Kavanaugh in particular.
I believe these two were very shaken by their experience during their confirmation phase. The amount of venom poured their way and the malicious lies unnerved them and may explain their tendency to be swayed to embrace the arguments put forth by democrats.
As long as the court finally drives a stake through the heart of undying judicial activism and makes these petty little tyrants know that they’re not empowered to tell the Chief Executive of the country what he can and can’t do when exercising his constitutional authority! And it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if, “so sit down, shut up and get over yourselves”, was added for emphasis!I know, I know, but I can still dream.