Tucker, Malone, Russel Brand….deep state operatives gone awol? Why do I have feeling my pockets are being picked….

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Odd because all of those links do work on X so why you couldn't post it, is weird.... there are actually now several posts...

Can't wait for the interview......!

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Musk disabled ability to embed X videos on Substack specifically.

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Interesting. Did not know that. So how "free speech" is Musk then? Apparently not full throttle? This keeps up, we'll have to start using carrier pigeons..!!

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do this search: what is musk's dispute with substack

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ok, I just pulled up the search and the articles I see are that Musk claims massive theft of Twitter data, accuses Tabibi of lying. I am new to substack so can you point to actual journalists under a Duck Duck search who are writing what the truth IS? I am on the fence about X/Musk. I basically follow the economy and I think I found you via Luongo's feed. Can't remember but I like you're writing so I subscribed...:))

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Obviously the Neocon's don't want Putin's side of the story shared pervasively in the U.S. That might cause unrest, chaos, and loss of control. Tee hee.

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One has to wonder how much of a democracy we are when a journalist of one country can't visit another country that we are not at war with (at least officially) to interview its leader.

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

Bill Kristol has lost his frickin mind!!

Steg is right in his questioning just how much of a democracy we have left. Anyone who doesn’t see mounting danger as we approach the 2024 election just simply isn’t paying attention. Incredible, absolutely incredible.

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I suspect that the DoJ will try to find something with which to charge Carlson on his return to the U.S.

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Didn't he try to goose Jean Carroll back in '64?

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What do you expect from Kristol: a conversation between Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin is a threat to "Our Democracy."

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Hope he does not end up like Tom Hanks stuck in a terminal somewhere. He could be the next Odysseus on a long and strange journey home. With the Cyclops played by CNN and its many sheep. The Siren song of Kamala’s Kakkle. Hillary plays all three witches. Wait, that was Perseus. Or Macbeth. Maybe just pick something with at least one witch.

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or how about Tom Hanks in Cast Away.

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Bill Kristol is as useless as the Waterford crystal I received as wedding gifts, although not nearly as aesthetically pleasing.

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Haha! Married an Italian-American girl decades ago, who adamantly registered against any kind of heavy cut glass. My (newly “lace curtain”😉) Irisher side festooned us with nearly 200 pounds of the stuff😂😂

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well played!

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Lucky Tucky !

This is more fun than Eloise goes to Paris.

Maybe Liza Minelli could join him.

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RemovedFeb 5
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Can't Tucker just cross the southern border like everyone else?

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